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Any of you acknowledging halloween by having alternatives like Trunk or treat or fall fest? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Any of you acknowledging halloween by having alternatives like Trunk or treat or fall fest? caseyleejones
I know, it is a baited lead post. It seems like the longer I am on this spiritual journey that I fall in the "consciously incompetent" which is stage 2 in the 4 stages of competence. It is better than 1 where I have spent the better part of my life....anyway...

The church has taken a hard view on halloween. Many of the same people who hold crucifixes up when someone mentions the word end up doing trunk or treat or even a fall festival as alternates. At least they are honest in admitting they're doing an alternate.

I do not really acknowledge halloween. I just don't care. But honestly love a good church fall fest.

I have had people go hard core on me saying it is demonic. I can understand that. When I ask about alternatives. The reply is it is still honoring the devil.

Admittedly, there is an answer in here somewhere.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
10/29/22 8:09 am

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We usually do the Hallelujah Nites and Fall Fest type of thing and this year we are holding it down to our church family and we have set up booths and tables in the fellowship hall with games. 12 families have decorated fall and Christian type of booths and for those that oppose Halloween this is their outing for the children and they still get blessed with candy etc. Then the rest can do what they want to do Monday night since our fest is tonight. We have snacks and drinks available to all. This works for us.
Posts: 714
10/29/22 8:54 am

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Post FLRon
Our church does nothing for this particular “season”, for which I am grateful. Several members participate on their own, at least that’s what I’ve heard. I’ve never understood why the church must offer alternatives to the things of the world. It would seem “be ye separate” is no longer in vogue in the church of today.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
10/29/22 1:49 pm

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Post Cojak
I'm not positive, but I think you have to openly acknowledge you are worshipping or lifting satan. Growing up I never ONCE considered the devil was a good guy or by dressing crazy and turning over trash barrels I was helping his eternal fight with our God.

99 9/10 of kids are just having fun dressing like Superman or a witch. I did. I never felt any terrible effect on me. My folks also never said there was a Santa Claus but at an early age they said Santa Claus was coming to town. etc. WE always had a manger and KNEW it was His birth day.

I think it can be blown out of proportion. I was grown before the practice of trick or treat hit the towns I lived in. It was just a fun time.
I don't see a problem with trunks treats etc if your church agrees. Cool

BTW that is only an opinion, I respect you right to have a differing view.

I ain't crazy about 'Showey Praise Teams' but I have been blessed in services where they were used. There is some reason and room for differing opinions. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/29/22 8:26 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
This strikes me as asking whether the tribulation saints will imitate the Antichrist’s followers because both receive a mark.

We don’t usually condemn the observance of Christmas or Easter, even though these holidays have the exact same pagan background as All Saints Day, and were redeemed by early Christians from pagan holidays and made to be Christian holidays.

That said, it wouldn’t be a good thing for Christians to dress up in any obviously demonic or witchcraft-type outfits. Having kids dress up like Superman or Batman and Robin can hardly be considered evil.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
10/29/22 9:27 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
You go around saying how dangerous dressing up as a fireman or princess is on October 31 - you will never have any affect on your community.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
10/31/22 6:55 am

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Post Cojak
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
You go around saying how dangerous dressing up as a fireman or princess is on October 31 - you will never have any affect on your community.

A lot to consider in this post my friend. good point to consider.... Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/31/22 6:06 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
No observance of any kind at SPWC this year. Shocked
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
11/2/22 4:43 pm

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Post Re: Any of you acknowledging halloween by having alternatives like Trunk or treat or fall fest? Isa 58:12
caseyleejones wrote:
I know, it is a baited lead post. It seems like the longer I am on this spiritual journey that I fall in the "consciously incompetent" which is stage 2 in the 4 stages of competence. It is better than 1 where I have spent the better part of my life....anyway...

The church has taken a hard view on halloween. Many of the same people who hold crucifixes up when someone mentions the word end up doing trunk or treat or even a fall festival as alternates. At least they are honest in admitting they're doing an alternate.

I do not really acknowledge halloween. I just don't care. But honestly love a good church fall fest.

I have had people go hard core on me saying it is demonic. I can understand that. When I ask about alternatives. The reply is it is still honoring the devil.

Admittedly, there is an answer in here somewhere.

Shalom caseyleejones, it’s been awhile, G-d in His Word calls us 2b not conformed 2 the world Rom 12:2, He says b Holy 4 I Am Holy Lev 11:44, 1Peter 1:16. We do different things than the world, start picking up & learning & doing G-ds Feasts which r Appointed times 2 b with Him….
Wink fall festival, halloween, trunk or treat, fill in the blank is worldly
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
11/6/22 10:39 pm

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Post It is harmless fun...unless it is contrary to YOUR conscience Aaron Scott
I went trick or treating DURING revivals (before church, of course). As you can see, I did not burst into flames.

As someone pointed out, yes, I think that demonic dress-up is not cool at any time of year...but then again, the closest I've ever come to knowing what a demon looks like it NBF, and he's probably FAR WORSE than an actual demon.

Moreover, the Bible says that the devil can appear as an angel of light. So should we do away with angels for the Christmas play?

Just as an idol is nothing in this world, and just as eating meat offered to idols won't harm you...BUT TO AVOID DOING IT TO PREVENT FROM OFFENDING SOMEONE WITH A MORE SENSITIVE, too, is Halloween nothing. As NBF (the one who looks demonic) pointed out, preventing kids from dressing up in innocuous costumes isn't exactly sending the right message.

I trick or treated until I was 15--and would likely have never stopped until they started coming out with those bite-sized Snickers instead of full-sized one--oh, and someone pointed out I was kind of big to be trick or treating--and I don't know of a single person it sent to hell.

That day doesn't belong to Satan anymore than Sunday does. Every day is the Lord's. And if it offends you to trick or treat, then by all means don't do it. But take care that you don't become some sour, to be avoided at all costs, Christian who things that the more miserable you are, the more holy you are.

Should we stop saying SUNday because it honors the Sun god? Of course not.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/7/22 4:38 pm

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Post Re: It is harmless fun...unless it is contrary to YOUR conscience Nature Boy Florida
Aaron Scott wrote:
I went trick or treating DURING revivals (before church, of course). As you can see, I did not burst into flames.

As someone pointed out, yes, I think that demonic dress-up is not cool at any time of year...but then again, the closest I've ever come to knowing what a demon looks like it NBF, and he's probably FAR WORSE than an actual demon.

Moreover, the Bible says that the devil can appear as an angel of light. So should we do away with angels for the Christmas play?

Just as an idol is nothing in this world, and just as eating meat offered to idols won't harm you...BUT TO AVOID DOING IT TO PREVENT FROM OFFENDING SOMEONE WITH A MORE SENSITIVE, too, is Halloween nothing. As NBF (the one who looks demonic) pointed out, preventing kids from dressing up in innocuous costumes isn't exactly sending the right message.

I trick or treated until I was 15--and would likely have never stopped until they started coming out with those bite-sized Snickers instead of full-sized one--oh, and someone pointed out I was kind of big to be trick or treating--and I don't know of a single person it sent to hell.

That day doesn't belong to Satan anymore than Sunday does. Every day is the Lord's. And if it offends you to trick or treat, then by all means don't do it. But take care that you don't become some sour, to be avoided at all costs, Christian who things that the more miserable you are, the more holy you are.

Should we stop saying SUNday because it honors the Sun god? Of course not.

That's hurtful, man.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
11/7/22 6:18 pm

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Post Cojak
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/7/22 10:37 pm

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