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Over half of Republican voters don't trust him (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Over half of Republican voters don't trust him (L) UncleJD

How do you get past that? It looks like Trump will win the nomination, but lose (BIG) in the general election. I see no way around it. The ONLY hope that they are holding on to is that maybe all of the people that can't stand Clinton in the Democratic party will vote for Trump. Fat chance. Get ready for President Clinton. I wish Bill had some control over her, I would rather have him for 8 years than her for 1.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/8/16 7:05 pm

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Post Good ovservations doyle
You make some good questions. I don't see how Trump can get the nomination with most of the so-called Establishment pulling and planning against him. However the majority of Republicans trusted McCain and Romney but neither of them won.

Most of us trusted the Establishment when they said if we would give them the House, and then later the Senate, that they would put a stop to some of Obama's actions on immigration and Obama-Care. And then, they did exactly the opposite by passing Obama's complete budget without a fight.

At this point, I trust Trump more than them. Their terror of him, may be even more reason to vote for him.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
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3/8/16 7:49 pm

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Post Link
What is 'the establishment' really? Is there some core unified group? I'm sure there are some major powerbrokers, the type of folks who might have wanted to see Jeb Bush win the nomination or some other more typical candidate.

I do see how Republicans could do some unusual things to keep a man from winning who insults people left and right, who suggested going after terrorists' families and taking oil as tribute from countries that we invade.

I don't know the rules, but if there is some way the candidates who didn't get the most votes can give them all to someone besides Trump, maybe it will turn out for the best. They might alienate the radical pro-Trump segment. But if the math works out so that there are more swing voters and non-Trump Republicans in the electorate and Cruz or Kasich or whoever they settle on can beat Hillary (or Sanders if that worked out), then it makes sense to go for it.

It reminds me of Andrew Jackson. Jackson was the type of man that a lot of people in positions of influence thought absolutely should not be president of the United States. He campaigned the next time complaining about the 'corrupt bargain' and won it. Trump's getting kind of old for the next go round, IMO, if it doesn't work out this way.
Acts-perienced Poster
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3/8/16 8:32 pm

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Post UncleJD
Link wrote:
What is 'the establishment' really? Is there some core unified group? .


It gets defined however the talking-point works best. I can't stand McConnell, Boehner, Ryan and the rest, but if I say anything against the Messiah Trump, I'm called "establishment".
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/8/16 9:04 pm

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Post Re: Good ovservations UncleJD
doyle wrote:
You make some good questions. I don't see how Trump can get the nomination with most of the so-called Establishment pulling and planning against him. However the majority of Republicans trusted McCain and Romney but neither of them won.

They didn't excite anyone. Trump does, but seemingly mostly non-voters and cross-over Democrats (which I wonder how many of them just do it because they know Hillary already won their party, so they are just hedging their bets by voting for the fringe candidate with no chance in the popular election). Lets do the math though, if Trump is getting nearly double the turnout of a normal primary election, yet only amassing 35% of that vote, doesn't that tell us something?

doyle wrote:
Most of us trusted the Establishment when they said if we would give them the House, and then later the Senate, that they would put a stop to some of Obama's actions on immigration and Obama-Care. And then, they did exactly the opposite by passing Obama's complete budget without a fight.
I agree, but that doesn't explain why anyone would believe a guy who has proven to say one thing one day and something else the next while giving the hint that "flexibility" is everything to him. Sorry, I think you're all being duped. There is a PROVEN anti-establishment candidate, but heaven forbid we vote for someone who has some actual experience. After all, we ridiculed the other side for voting for someone without any the last time... oh wait

doyle wrote:
At this point, I trust Trump more than them. Their terror of him, may be even more reason to vote for him.

Them?? I don't. I trust Ted Cruz alone of the whole lot that's left. Besides Ben Carson, there really wasn't anyone else in the group to trust. people don't trust Trump, that is what the polls show. They are voting their rage, and I don't think its going to do anything but get Hillary Clinton and a Democratic majority in the Senate. But hey, at least "things will get done".. Lots of "things" I'm sure. But that's good right?, that's what Trump keeps saying, "let get things done" Well as a laissez faire conservative, I don't believe anything good can come of government "getting things done". Like Reagan said, the most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. Trump's votes are coming from people who are mad about the congress not shutting down the government to stop Obamacare right? But its Trump that's preaching that you shouldn't tie up the government like Cruz tried to do. I just don't think anyone is thinking this through.

But I do blame Romney and the rest for pushing this. I think Cruz could have won on his own had Romney and the others kept their traps shut. They are a bunch of idiots who either can't read the will of the people (at best), or flagrantly believe they are in charge of the people. For that reason I don't believe I will vote for a brokered nominee. Either way, I think the GOP is about to split.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/8/16 9:18 pm

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Post Trump leads every poll but the one that matters UncleJD
He loves to quote every single poll out there, except the ones that matter the most

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton ABC News/Wash Post Clinton 50, Trump 41 Clinton +9

Madame President would like to thank the Republicans for running the only candidate that she could beat. She says "we owe you one, or is it three now?"
Evil or Very Mad
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/9/16 10:10 am

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Post Cojak
Unless the GOP decides they want to win, mark Clinton as in.

It is a shew in only if the GOP stays broken. You are wrong (IMO) if you think Hillary is better than TRUMP (assuming he is the nominee). Hillary would be tough to impeach, because she will follow the same plans as Obama. TRUMP will be impeachable, he knows that. I am not afraid of a Trump presidency but I am afraid of Hillary. Twisted Evil
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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3/9/16 10:14 am

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Post Cojak
I am thinking Cruz cannot beat Hillary. He would not carry the important states he needs. (IMO) Plus TRump supporters will swear or KNow that the establishment killed Trump and will not vote for Cruz. Wrong attitude, but I think it will be so. Embarassed

I will personally vote for the one most likely to have the backing to beat Hillary. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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3/9/16 10:17 am

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Post UncleJD
Cojak wrote:
You are wrong (IMO) if you think Hillary is better than TRUMP (assuming he is the nominee).

You lost me here Cojak, Hillary isn't better than anyone other than a few of the fallen angels as far as I'm concerned ,just because I wouldn't vote for him doesn't mean I think she is better at all. As far as impeachable, I think you are right, he would be the most likely to be impeached President in history because his own party would be the one waiting to do it. Doesn't matter though, he can't beat Hillary.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/9/16 10:21 am

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Post c6thplayer1
Cojak wrote:
Unless the GOP decides they want to win, mark Clinton as in.

It is a shew in only if the GOP stays broken. You are wrong (IMO) if you think Hillary is better than TRUMP (assuming he is the nominee). Hillary would be tough to impeach, because she will follow the same plans as Obama. TRUMP will be impeachable, he knows that. I am not afraid of a Trump presidency but I am afraid of Hillary. Twisted Evil

The days of impeachment are over. When we the people put up with a candidate thats close to being indicted for a felony , When we the people put up with a candidate that has bankrupted business's , lied , cheated , uses language like drunken sailor in public , and cannot act like a presidential candidate then impeachment looks like a chewing gum event in the third grade.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6385
3/9/16 12:09 pm

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