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SPECIAL NOTE to Tim Hill. Lead us in a movement of singing Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post SPECIAL NOTE to Tim Hill. Lead us in a movement of singing doyle
WHEN OVER two million citizens of Hong Kong marched peacefully through that massive city's streets, hundreds of thousands of them were singing the chorus "Sing Hallelujah To The Lord." The singing begins at about the 1:45 min mark in the linked video below.

With Communism literally breathing down their necks, they began to sing this simple song of faith, "Sing Hallelujah."

A PROCLAMATION from your office to all our COG churches, could encourage our people to join faith with those in Hong Kong. So often, we see news but have no way of raising our voice. In this case, we ALL CAN raise our voice.

Though the marches there have up-to-this-point been completely non-violent, the Chinese government was beginning to refer to them as "riots." Police were ready to step in to crush them.

To publicly show they were non-violent, the people began to sing a song they learned in church school; "Sing Hallelujah To The Lord."

According to some attached news articles, only 10 percent of the population of Hong Kong openly claims to be Christian. With Communist China looming over them and once again persecuting people of faith, it is understandable that many Christians now meet in secret fellowships.

There are an estimated 500 or more Christian schools in the city; probably more. The Catholic Church has 300 schools there. A large percentage of Hong Kong residents have received their education from Christian schools.

Lead we COG people in joining our voice with those in Hong Kong. Maybe other denominations will follow our leadership.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
6/22/19 3:19 pm

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