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IF ...I say "IF Lee is compromising ..." Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post IF ...I say "IF Lee is compromising ..." Dean Steenburgh
First of all I love the CoG & I love Lee U. so I don't want this post to come across as slighted towards Lee.
In my opinion there are growing issues & potential problems happening all around us, all around the Lee campus & I am more than concerned.

Years ago we stopped supporting Lee when some things came to light that caused us to ask questions only to get slammed doors in our faces in place of answers.
We're not from a large church, don't carry an influential name, don't know the right people who would sound a bigger alarm.
But IF Lee is compromising the fundamental goal of raising up traditional christian leaders, scholars & Pentecostal influencers ...then the ship needs to be righted.

Friends of ours who are doctors and whose family has attended BYU are proud of their school & the generational instructions that lead to developing stronger Mormons. I don't agree with any of their teachings but I admire their commitment to staying the course.
You can't hardly find a parochial school, Catholic high school/University that doesn't provide the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. They make no apology about their teachings & their odd practices/beliefs.
My younger brother lives in St. Paul & he says they have schools up there that cater only to the Muslim school kids & they will not admit a non-Muslim student to the school where doctrine is taught.

We have to be better than Mormons, Catholics or Muslims & we should never, ever apologize for our beliefs.
The day should never come where we agree to meet with a LGBTQ group for the purpose of inclusion. No human begs a doctor to insert cancer tissue inside their own healthy body.
For our schools to not teach & practice the fundamental doctrine of Pentecost is absurd, if it's true.

Where have we lost our compass if we are not in the business of teaching & instructing the next generation how to carry on the beliefs of Pentecostal distinctives?

I for one would feel much better about a smaller Lee University that has as it's focus & goals to raise up numbers of pastors & leaders who are Christian first & Pentecostal in their soul.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
8/5/19 2:45 pm

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Post Re: IF ...I say "IF Lee is compromising ..." Cojak
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
First of all I love the CoG & I love Lee U. so I don't want this post to come across as slighted towards Lee.... we should never, ever apologize for our beliefs.
The day should never come where we agree to meet with a LGBTQ group for the purpose of inclusion. No human begs a doctor to insert cancer tissue inside their own healthy body.
For our schools to not teach & practice the fundamental doctrine of Pentecost is absurd, if it's true.

Where have we lost our compass if we are not in the business of teaching & instructing the next generation
how to carry on the beliefs of Pentecostal distinctives?


Good post, and a very well made point my friend. I and I think that many others can appreciate the wording used. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/5/19 4:54 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Dean, Paul Conn will never slam the door. He is always willing to listen and discuss with you. I just spoke to him. Did you call or email him with your questions? Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
8/5/19 5:44 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Dean, Paul Conn will never slam the door. He is always willing to listen and discuss with you. I just spoke to him. Did you call or email him with your questions?

No, I didn't address my questions to him at that time, the issues we had were more along the line of issues with profs & their teachings.
Due to some private issues I'm not at liberty to mention it here in a post but I can reach out to Dr. Conn if I need to.
It's been a few years since our issue came up but it didn't seem to bother too many folks so we let it go.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

Email me at:

Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
8/5/19 7:13 pm

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Post I remember Paul Conn saying... doyle
If I remember correctly, Paul was speaking at a COG Florida Campmeeting.
He said that at times he and the school receive criticism from local churches for things they did or did not do. Sometimes, the criticism is about what a student or small group of them have supposedly done.

He shared that the school takes responsibility for decisions made at Lee, but then calmly and without rancor stated, "However, it could be remembered that we did not raise the students who come to Lee."

They were raised in their local home town and local churches.

Yes, it is in order to share how one feels about Lee, the COG, it's policies and actions and decisions of officials. It is in order to discuss how much Lee is a "COG Institution" now or if and how far you feel it is drifting away from the organization.

However, to be fair, we may also need to consider how much our local churches are COG. Who decides now what "being Church of God" is? It is not my role to make any accusation against anyone, but is it wrong to raise the question, has there been some "drifting" and even some "compromising" going on in our local churches?

Actually, these days that could be a topic of discussion for any local church or denomination. Not if, not maybe, but HOW FAR has our changing secular society infiltrated each of us.

from me. I'm a struggler; would be lost and screaming my way to hell without the blood and grace of Jesus, but yes,
it is always in order to care about the policies of the COG and it's schools.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
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8/9/19 11:01 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
Let me throw a monkey wrench in this thing. If what I have been told is true, the Church of God contributes less than 4% of the Lee University budget. IF those numbers are accurate, then my question is, "is Lee still a Church of God school?" Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
8/9/19 11:31 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
You have to factor in all the years the COG supported it monetarily - not just the yearly income of 2019.

The scholarship[s sponsored by COG folks over the year,


A lot of Lee's income today is the students taking out govt sponsored loans or govt grants to cover the costs.
If the amount contributed determined if it was a ___ institution.
Then would it actually be a Bank of America school?
A U. S. govt school?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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8/9/19 1:41 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Darrell Garrett wrote:
Let me throw a monkey wrench in this thing. If what I have been told is true, the Church of God contributes less than 4% of the Lee University budget. IF those numbers are accurate, then my question is, "is Lee still a Church of God school?"

Yes! Church of God students make up much more than 4%. The money you’re referring to is outside of tuition. Paul Conn is Church of God. Lee is a Church of God institution. Are all students COG? Are all faculty COG? Nope. But, the school is COG.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
8/9/19 1:59 pm

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Post skinnybishop
I was a Division of Adult Learning student at Lee, from 2011 until 2016. I completed my undergraduate work in 2014, and my M.A. in 2016.

In my experience, I didn't find any compromise of our Declaration of Faith, Doctrinal or Practical Commitments. My professors didn't try to exert their political or social beliefs on me. They challenged me and pushed me. Sometimes they frustrated me. But I NEVER got the sense that they were diluting the Gospel, compromising our faith, or trying to mislead people in any way.
Eddie Wiggins
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8/9/19 4:35 pm

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Post UncleJD
And another one of my friends' daughter who went to Lee, her parents are as conservative as I am, has now moved in with her boyfriend and posted some diatribe about how that if you don't support illegals, you shouldn't go to their countries on mission trips. That makes as much sense as saying if you don't support murder, you shouldn't have prison ministries. Stupid AND liberal now. Probably not Lee's fault, but WOW, that's like a .010 batting avg. Just venting on this existing post, I know its likely not Lee's fault, but I'm just so saddened for my friends, both of whom have been diagnosed with cancer and now they have to deal with this Sad Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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8/10/19 9:31 pm

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