by Chaplain Doyle,
IMAGINE what the "Last Supper" painting would look like if there were five or six empty seats. Or, if the Supper, was shown in a larger building sitting in front of 50 empty seats. Of course, even with empty seats showing, it would have been just as Holy.
However, artist great and small are meticulous in what they paint onto a canvas. Why, because what is on the canvas leaves a LASTING IMPRESSION; literally. Video is a visual canvas.
EMPTY SEATS are a visual that Viewers to our church websites and YouTube videos, cannot UNSEE. With only one glance, their mind immediately forms an opinion. It is subconscious and automatic. They cannot stop it and it is nearly impossible to erase from their mind.
When it comes to church attendance, people do not like to visit nearly empty buildings. Without being able speak a word, empty seats scream, "Not much happening here!" It is far better NOT TO Post a video at all than post one showing empty seats.
Seeking to provide an honest representation without showing empty seats, since COVID began, David Jeremiah's recent programs do not show the audience.
Charles Stanley, now retired, and In Touch Ministries show older programs when there was a full audience. When the crowd is down in number, Jimmy Swaggart focuses the camera on who is there (Known as a "Tight Shot) AND turns down the lights in areas of the Sanctuary were nobody is sitting.
Focusing on who is there instead of who is NOT THERE, is completely honest. At one time, over 5,000 men, not counting women and children, turned out to hear Jesus teach. Yet, the "Last Supper" artist did not show 5,000 empty seats. He did a "Tight Shot" which showed those who were in attedance.
If I remember correctly, it was Delta Airlines that coined the slogan, "You NEVER get a SECOND chance to make a FIRST impression.
If we Post images of empty seats, the Viewer may never make the effort to visit. To their surprise, though there may be some empty seats, their life would be blessed by the loving fellowship and ministry of our churches. If they would only come visit.
Here is a link to a local church that gets several important things correct in sharing their videos:
DO NOT send the Choir back to their seats in the audience and then preach in front of the empty seats they vacated. Instead, let them know in advance that their presence is needed during the sermon.
BETTER YET, instead of them staying put so we preachers will look better on camera, share in advance that the sermon is being video-taped. You want them to be seen on camera too.
Each one of those Choir members know a hundred people or more. It is extra work, but after checking how long a video can be for FB, give them a copy of the video (Or at least the portion they are in). They will share it on FB with every person they know. *Be sure to put the church name and address on each video-clip you provide.
Or, for the video-taping, START WORSHIP with a Choir song and then the sermon immediately following. While they may be wonderful to us, having the Choir wait for all those Bulletin announcements, five worship songs ("Lets sing that just one more time"), and 20 minutes of Seven-Eleven endings; seven repeats of the last eleven words, will be difficult for them.
"Seven-Eleven" music is great when people are worshiping. As far as I'm concerned, repeating the final phrase, "It Will Never Ever Loose It's Power" a bunch of times is fantastic." The reference above to "Seven-Eleven" music had to do with the time factor.
Listen, I've been going to church even before I was born. Mom was the Pastor's wife. So, I am still a fan of church. However, when video-taping a worship service that does not end up featuring empty seats, it may be necessary to be creative.
Just remember, THE MIND cannot comprehend more than THE BLADDER can endure. The last thing you want is cameras running while people are filing out of the Choir heading to the restroom; not a good look. Just sayin.
You definitely CAN have a strong Social Media and or YouTube presence WITHOUT showing empty seats. For example, gather people around a piano and sing some songs special to you and them. That is actually how the Bill and Gloria Gaither videos began.
With them gathered closely, face the camera and share a devotion. With cameras rolling, pray for each other and for Viewers. Just be yourselves when praying. If you stand quietly with one person praying, do that. If you lay hands on people when praying at church, don't stop because you are on camera.
FEATURE THE PEOPLE instead of yourself. If they are the kind of people you want to project as representatives of your church, choose key couples from your church to be on camera. Let the couples welcome people to the church.
TIP: Why feature couples? Because when you have couples at church, it is amazing that you automatically have smaller children and teens too.
If the Pastor is going to be on camera, let the couples introduce him or her. It is always far more effective for someone to say good things about you than if you say them about yourself.
TIP: Let those on camera hold a Microphone or use a Lapel-Mike (So named because it is attached to their lapel). See there, it is not nearly as complicated as I used to think it was. Using a Mike attached to the recording unit, stops the empty warehouse sound. This is also true if you are using a Cell Phone to video-tape.
Get a Mike made especially for Cell Phones. Amazon as a lot of them. Or, use an adapter to plug the Mike into the Earphone option. Some wireless Mikes work well too, but others make crackling noises. Ask around for advice from others who are using a wireless.
WHEN USING a Cell Phone to video-tape, turn it to the side so the YouTube frame will be completely filled with video. Then, as much as possible, fill the camera-frame up with people. The YouTube video default size is 320 pixels wide by 240 pixels tall.
One of the couples making a video for the church, can say, "Hello, I'm Bob. This is my wife Joan" or, Joan could open the dialogue. "With us are Jill and Brad. We are inviting you to come visit us here at Victory Church. We are blessed to be a part of this loving fellowship. We would enjoy meeting you." Or, let them write their own presentation script with your guidance.
IT DOES come as a surprise to we preachers, but most people are more interested in meeting people who attend a church, than they are the Pastor. Nothing wrong with we Pastors (and Chaplains), but most people are seeking to make friends who they feel ARE SIMILAR to themselves."
FEATURE photos of a happy church supper (Lots of smiling faces) or other fun activities. Feature them A FEW AT A TIME on your website or make a video of the photos. Most likely your church members have tons of photos on their Cell Phones. Maybe use some of them on your church website; "Featuring our families."
Why a "Few at a time?" Because what you want to feature is a "Signature Photo (Good quality and outstanding content) or two. "Outstanding content" is anything that helps you project what you are seeking to say or show. It can be a photo of a small child with a Bible, parents hugging their child, or a beautiful smile.
THE MORE PHOTOS you cram onto a page, the LESS the IMPACT. If you put 30 photos on a page, DIVIDE THE IMPACT of that page by 30. Lots of stuff does not bring the eyes or mind into more clear focus.
Go to your local Bookstore and look at the Magazine section. Video is obviously now far more prevalent, but notice how most popular Mags only feature a photo or two at a time on the cover?
Please feel free to agree or disagree by clicking "Reply." Also, Post your ideas by clicking on "New Topic" to begin your own dialogue.
God has called us to Ministry and to Christian service. Some seem to serve quietly almost as if they are Secret Agents. However, to have an IMPACT with people, we can become students of using media in OUTREACH. Hope these ideas help in YOUR QUEST to share about our precious Lord Jesus. Blessings.
Chaplain Doyle _________________ News & Views is a feature of the World News Network and the Actscelerate discussion Board.
Last edited by News & Views on 2/17/22 3:55 pm; edited 4 times in total |
Friendly Face Posts: 312 2/13/22 9:11 pm