When Actscelerate began more than 20 years ago, there was no registration requirement. Hot Diggity! It was a wild and woolly time and I LOVED IT. It was the WILD WEST of news, views, faith and FIRE.
There were some dramatic verbal shootouts but nobody died. Even then, most viewers knew how to share their thoughts and or disagreements without resorting to vicious personal attacks.
Honestly, I miss some of the fire and still wish it was not mandatory that people register. The reason we had to go to having viewers register to participate, is not because we were afraid of what somebody would say. It has more to do with trying to stop "Automated Bots" from pouring in by the thousands.
When I see someone's pen name on the board, unless they have told me who they are, I don't know who it is. I want you to have that kind of anonymity, as much as we can provide.
ALSO, it has to do with trying to keep the board mostly open to COG ministers and members. That does limit our viewership at times but thus far, the board continues to be mostly for COG and other Pentecostal ministers.
ALWAYS OPEN to your wise counsel in keeping the board available to you.
404-933-1373 _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Last edited by doyle on 4/28/20 2:13 am; edited 3 times in total |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 2/17/20 3:55 pm