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Why are we not more engaged? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Why are we not more engaged? chestnut ridge
The more that has come out about the shooter in Texas, why didn't more people show concern. Why didn't more people alert authorities

Obviously the guy wasn't right

Do we know anyone like this now? We have got to be more engaged
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Posts: 1722
11/11/17 12:11 pm

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Post Re: Why are we not more engaged? UncleJD
chestnut ridge wrote:
The more that has come out about the shooter in Texas, why didn't more people show concern. Why didn't more people alert authorities

Obviously the guy wasn't right

Do we know anyone like this now? We have got to be more engaged

Hindsight is always 20/20. The people with the best insight on this guy were the Air Force and his family. It seems like the Air Force messed up some things but I don't think that would have prevented this guy from doing this or something similar. His family obviously did report his behavior but what can the authorities do that they didn't do already? The left blames the NRA and offer solutions that would have prevented the good-guy from having the means to chase this guy down and put 2 holes in him which in turn caused the guy to give up and end his own life. I don't think anyone could have prevented this other than the people in the pews having guns themselves. That's not what anyone wants to hear, but I think in the end, that is the only thing that could have limited his destruction. If someone is deranged enough to commit murder, I think they will get to the point where they will at least attempt it before being caught. Its always going to be an "after the fact" kind of thing unless we can predict "pre-crime" like that Tom Cruise movie. If I had to point at anyone who "possibly" could have done more, it would be the legal system that allowed him to walk after several incidents.
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11/11/17 12:28 pm

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Post Cojak
That is a hard one CR. Yes we should BUT we also know we can be wrong, so we hope, and we pray.

Personally I don't know what I would do If I felt someone was 'capable' of such an act. But so far in life I haven't met/known ANYONE with this demeanor. Now if I received (OR KNEW of) death threats, that MIGHT key some positive movement.

Still a tough call.............. BUT you are still right! Confused Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/11/17 12:33 pm

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Post bradfreeman
Being engaged with people may alleviate some of the stresses that cause this kind of activity. Loving people is never wrong.

Most states have laws that will mandate commitment to mental health facilities under certain circumstances where a person poses a danger to himself or others. One can report concerns to law enforcement, but there will need to be some proof before someone's liberty will be taken a way.
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11/13/17 4:34 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
We are presently putting together a security team in our church. While it is legal to open carry a firearm in our state, even inside a house of worship, our plan here is to have a coordinated security team, some of which will have their concealed carry license and firearm training, so as to optimize our potential response to a horrific incident such as occurred last week in Texas. We also plan to lock our doors soon after services begin, with security cameras installed so we can see who may be trying to get in. It’s a sad day when churches must enact such measures. It is an even sadder day when a monstrous mass murderer is able to just slaughter innocent unarmed men, women and children. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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11/13/17 5:14 pm

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