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Use it or lose it Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Use it or lose it Cojak
Our home church was dying, it might still be. WE have a local infusion of about 12-16 people from another COG that was disbanded. The incoming folk fit our average congregation of mostly senior citizens.

A new younger couple has attended fairly regularly and the lady wanted to get involved in the church and volunteered to the pastor to help where needed. She was not contacted about involvement in any way.

My wife was telling me that the lady's father who is talented and now a member also sings, is discouraged at not being used.

That man attended the Four Square where he was VERY active and the preacher's right hand for funerals, etc for music. BEing available any time.

He married a member of our church and left the 4SQ coming and joining our church. He was never used. The daughter and hubby left the dying Pentecostal Holiness church to attend our church.

Neither of their talents has been tapped even once at our church.

We will lose them. If they could have been used for special singing or the sound system, they would hang around.

When a church has the talent of good people, it must be used or the church will lose them.

There are some pastors who cannot be approached, ours is one. It is obvious it is his way or the highway. I backed him 100% in becoming our pastor.

Now I am having second thoughts, but since I am a 'gypsy' member. I don't feel I have a right for a dissenting voice. The pastor and I are friends, but not close enough to have a heart to heart talk. I am sure it would backfire. Our total financial backing goes to our local church, even when we are on the road.

I will not broach the subject with our pastor, is there another or better way.

Now before I am told about the talented people who want to be up front. The ones who are a pain in the pastor's hinnie, I understand EXACTLY where you are coming from. BUT these talented people are not that personality, more inverted, but great folk.

Just sayin'....... Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
1/25/22 10:06 pm

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