I have been speaking about God's traffic signs on the Highway of Life. Last time I spoke about detours.
But yesterday, I spoke about God's stop signs. Herewith some thoughts that you may find beneficial....
When God places a stop sign, it does not mean "slow down." It means stop. If He wanted you to just slow down, He'd have put up a sign that said "slow down."
Stop signs make traffic go faster. It seems counter-intuitive, but consider how much longer it would take you to get to work or what have you if there were NO stop signs or traffic signals. You'd have to stop at EVERY intersection to be sure you didn't get rammed by someone who didn't stop at the intersection. But with stop signs, you stop at the ones with a stop sign, and proceed on through intersections where you do not have a stop sign.
Observing a stop sign can not only save you from being rammed by the cross-traffic, but it can save you for hurting someone else.
Observing a stop sign may be the thing that saves your from an accident miles down the road. That few extra seconds of delay might not only ensure that you miss having an accident, but it might even mean that there would be no accident at all.
Sometimes, towns use traffic signs as a way to justify giving tickets and collecting fines. In Florida, if you go down 301 toward Lawtey, there used to be a sign (it may still be there) that said "Lawtey: Speed Trap." In fact, AAA included it in their brochures. But God's stop signs are always for our benefit, blessing, and safety.
Just some thoughts. |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 8/31/20 7:42 am