After almost a thousand years of working with his creation man, it was time for God to give an account of His success. The Heavenly Host gathered in excited anticipation of the report.
What dynamic number will God place on Heaven's attendance board? When He placed the number on the board, a sudden hush swept over the formerly excited Heavenly Beings. There is not supposed to be any sadness in Heaven but their reaction came close to it.
All eyes turned toward God but instead of sadness, He was beaming with joy. Turning to one of the Heavenly Scribes He joyously proclaimed, "WRITE THIS for the Ages to see." The Scribe wrote, "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." (Genesis 6:8).
God's crowd was UP TO ONE! Seeing His radiant response, Heaven began to rejoice with Him. Their rejoicing set a precedent that lasts even to this day
"I tell you that there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous who do not need to repent."
God had one. Noah preached over a hundred years and increased that number to eight. Jesus had 12. One of them betrayed Him. Of the eleven left, only one showed up at the Cross. 1+8+11=20. If you have one, eleven or twenty, REJOICE!. Your crowd is as large as God's, Noah's and Jesus' combined at that time.
404-933-1373 _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 10/23/19 8:30 am