For the last 30 years my local church(s) and I have supported a missionary family who ministered mostly in Southern European countries. Due to health and family concerns, plus the political climate in the region of Spain they lived in for most of their ministry, they have moved to Germany to be need their children's family. They are mostly retired now, and with COVID-19 very limited in any travel, if they were able. However, my church still sends an offering each year for their support.
In our back and forth on email I wrote this to them:
As you can tell, America, and American Christianity is in transition. Just as Great Britain was at one time the "center" of Christian missionary efforts and culture before its decline, so now America is in decline. I don't know if we here will find a national identity or unity which will encourage or allow us to be the financial powerhouse we once were, both secular and church wise. I often think on the changes the early church when through when Jerusalem (and the temple) were destroyed, or the effects of the decline of the Roman Empire. The church will continue, the kingdom is unshakeable, the man-made structures found in denominations will not survive. As Americans accept the new cultural thought that we are not an "exceptional" nation, not a Christian nation, not a great nation, but just one of many nations, our willingness to support such a large military and financial commitment will fade. I guess I am one of those who wonders why the American military needs to be present in places like Europe, as it seems they are doing better than we are economically. Its not only that we feel we have done more than our share to promote and defend democracy, we now feel we are hated for doing so and our own democracy is falling apart. America is losing faith as a nation in more ways than one.
Mat |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1994 1/12/21 8:39 am