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Masturbatory Worship and the Contemporary Church (L)
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Post Masturbatory Worship and the Contemporary Church (L) caseyleejones
My sincere apologies for the title because that is what the title is.

Anyway, this was posted in another group I am involved with. The comments seem to range both directions. I see the writers point in some aspects. At the same time, I do like good modern P/W.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
1/30/19 10:19 am

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Post Re: Masturbatory Worship and the Contemporary Church (L) Resident Skeptic
caseyleejones wrote:
My sincere apologies for the title because that is what the title is.

Anyway, this was posted in another group I am involved with. The comments seem to range both directions. I see the writers point in some aspects. At the same time, I do like good modern P/W.

I'm attending a Southern Baptist church that wants to incorporate more spontaneity into its worship without drifting into the mindset described in this article. I am very interested in seeing how this turns out.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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1/30/19 10:46 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I don't think there is a 1 to 1 correlation between this phenomenon (and I strongly agree with the article) and modern style. You can have a song with verses, a chorus, and a bridge that's played with drums and an electric guitar and not have the result that this author (IMO) correctly describes. Much of evangelical praise and worship is what he describes, because it's easy and it sells, but there are song writers (even famous/popular ones) still writing God-centered and God-focused worship songs. All that to say, I don't think one needs to trade a preference for the modern style to get away from this. They just have to be more selective and more theologically discriminating. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/30/19 11:06 am

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Post How much is worship? roughridercog
And how much is just jamming to the music?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/30/19 12:11 pm

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Post UncleJD
For the last 20+ years, when invited or inviting to church, the sales pitch has always been around "how great our p&w is!". The focus has shifted from "how great our people, pastor, teaching, love, etc... is" to "we have smoke and black ceilings!" I walked into a church recently in which I could barely see my hand in front of my face. I embarrassed my kids when I put out my hands like a blind person to make sure I didn't run into anything. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/30/19 12:36 pm

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Post Re: How much is worship? Dave Dorsey
roughridercog wrote:
And how much is just jamming to the music?

I'm sure some of it is jamming to the music, but in many cases I think it's much worse. It's indulgence in self-centered therapeutic deism, and the use of God as a vehicle for worship of self. I think what this author is describing would be much less pernicious if it was just simply a matter of jamming to the music.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/30/19 12:51 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Sorry guys.

There was no need to call it Masturbatory.

The author is looking for the same sensationalistic "with-it" experience in his writing that he decries in others worship.

I guess saying the worship music is like being in a nightclub just doesn't titillate readers enough any more.

Maybe ejaculatory is next.
Or try PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD alatory to be real hip.

Evil or Very Mad
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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1/30/19 1:17 pm

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Post I do understand your line of thought on this...but caseyleejones
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Sorry guys.

There was no need to call it Masturbatory.

The author is looking for the same sensationalistic "with-it" experience in his writing that he decries in others worship.

I guess saying the worship music is like being in a nightclub just doesn't titillate readers enough any more.

Maybe ejaculatory is next.
Or try PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD alatory to be real hip.

Evil or Very Mad

I am not sure what alternative metaphor that could be used to adequately describe what the author is attempting to convey.

By the way, I jam to "So Will I" and "Do it Again"....and even hit the repeat button. But why do I do that? Am I worshiping or gaining a fix in my current circumstances? I have done this for years with various songs and frankly, a few years ago a came to the conclusion it might very well be the latter...unfortunately.

At the same time, you found offense with the writers terminology but use the term cra* which you know is a banned word and offensive to some, but you still used it.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
1/30/19 1:33 pm

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Post Re: I do understand your line of thought on this...but Nature Boy Florida
caseyleejones wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Sorry guys.

There was no need to call it Masturbatory.

The author is looking for the same sensationalistic "with-it" experience in his writing that he decries in others worship.

I guess saying the worship music is like being in a nightclub just doesn't titillate readers enough any more.

Maybe ejaculatory is next.
Or try PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD alatory to be real hip.

Evil or Very Mad

I am not sure what alternative metaphor that could be used to adequately describe what the author is attempting to convey.

By the way, I jam to "So Will I" and "Do it Again"....and even hit the repeat button. But why do I do that? Am I worshiping or gaining a fix in my current circumstances? I have done this for years with various songs and frankly, a few years ago a came to the conclusion it might very well be the latter...unfortunately.

At the same time, you found offense with the writers terminology but use the term cra* which you know is a banned word and offensive to some, but you still used it.

I used the word because I knew it would be overlayed with "Please Select Another Word".

Again, I jam with all music - why play it if folks don't like the sound?

But - Masturbatory - c'mon.

He could have called it: "Bad Sex - Not God's Way" - worship. Then the author would have really been a cool cat.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
1/30/19 1:45 pm

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Post Re: I do understand your line of thought on this...but caseyleejones
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Sorry guys.

There was no need to call it Masturbatory.

The author is looking for the same sensationalistic "with-it" experience in his writing that he decries in others worship.

I guess saying the worship music is like being in a nightclub just doesn't titillate readers enough any more.

Maybe ejaculatory is next.
Or try PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD alatory to be real hip.

Evil or Very Mad

I am not sure what alternative metaphor that could be used to adequately describe what the author is attempting to convey.

By the way, I jam to "So Will I" and "Do it Again"....and even hit the repeat button. But why do I do that? Am I worshiping or gaining a fix in my current circumstances? I have done this for years with various songs and frankly, a few years ago a came to the conclusion it might very well be the latter...unfortunately.

At the same time, you found offense with the writers terminology but use the term cra* which you know is a banned word and offensive to some, but you still used it.

I used the word because I knew it would be overlayed with "Please Select Another Word".

Again, I jam with all music - why play it if folks don't like the sound?

But - Masturbatory - c'mon.

He could have called it: "Bad Sex - Not God's Way" - worship. Then the author would have really been a cool cat.

Your assessment is fair, no argument there.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
1/30/19 2:20 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I agree worship should be focused solely on God. I agree some folks may in fact be unintentionally worshipping their feelings/self. I also agree that we should not limit worship to a song we sing, but that everything we do, our whole life, is to be offered up as a living sacrifice to God and for others.

That said, I get the distinct feeling from reading this guy’s blog that he is a Michal not a David.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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1/30/19 3:44 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
He called it that for attention. It worked. He could have called it “a self gratification” worship style. But, it wouldn’t have made it to this board. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
1/30/19 5:09 pm

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Post I still would have posted fact... caseyleejones
Eddie Robbins wrote:
He called it that for attention. It worked. He could have called it “a self gratification” worship style. But, it wouldn’t have made it to this board.

I nearly chose not to based on his choice of words. It seems there are some valid points worth discussing if we can get by the words.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
1/30/19 5:15 pm

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Post double tap caseyleejones
sorry Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
1/30/19 5:17 pm

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Post With all due respect Brandon Bohannon
Many of our older saints are no different about their preferred style- thus the worship wars.

They too talk about how the song makes them feel. Not necessarily all bad as music is designed by its very nature to "take us to a place or time."

"I never shall forget that day..."

"While we walk the pilgrim pathway..."

"Let me hide myself in Thee..."

"I need Thee, oh I need Thee... I come to Thee."
Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8
Posts: 571
1/30/19 5:23 pm

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Post Re: With all due respect Eddie Robbins
Brandon Bohannon wrote:
Many of our older saints are no different about their preferred style- thus the worship wars.

They too talk about how the song makes them feel. Not necessarily all bad as music is designed by its very nature to "take us to a place or time."

"I never shall forget that day..."

"While we walk the pilgrim pathway..."

"Let me hide myself in Thee..."

"I need Thee, oh I need Thee... I come to Thee."

Amen! And all night signings with “famous” quartets entertaining falling under the “worship” category.
Acts-pert Poster
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1/30/19 7:03 pm

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A stink in God's nostrils I would think. My My My!!!!
Friendly Face
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1/30/19 9:49 pm

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Post I've always wondered ... Mat
I've always wondered, was the Apostle Paul a Gibson or a Fender man? The same for the Apostle Peter, but I know he was a Marshall amp man! Shocked

Acts Enthusiast
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1/31/19 8:46 am

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Post Re: With all due respect Resident Skeptic
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Brandon Bohannon wrote:
Many of our older saints are no different about their preferred style- thus the worship wars.

They too talk about how the song makes them feel. Not necessarily all bad as music is designed by its very nature to "take us to a place or time."

"I never shall forget that day..."

"While we walk the pilgrim pathway..."

"Let me hide myself in Thee..."

"I need Thee, oh I need Thee... I come to Thee."

Amen! And all night signings with “famous” quartets entertaining falling under the “worship” category.

Indeed. Sometimes there is no distinction made between congregational worship and a concert, though one can worship at a concert.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/31/19 8:47 am

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Post Re: With all due respect Mat
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Brandon Bohannon wrote:
Many of our older saints are no different about their preferred style- thus the worship wars.

They too talk about how the song makes them feel. Not necessarily all bad as music is designed by its very nature to "take us to a place or time."

"I never shall forget that day..."

"While we walk the pilgrim pathway..."

"Let me hide myself in Thee..."

"I need Thee, oh I need Thee... I come to Thee."

Amen! And all night signings with “famous” quartets entertaining falling under the “worship” category.

Over the years I have learned how "ungodly" many of those Gospel quartet members were. I guess its no difference today with the P&W Team. As long as you can hit the note you get the stage.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
1/31/19 8:49 am

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