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D.O. training w/MNM, Dr. Ramirez, Dr. Maloney & our AB, Dr. Sean O'Neal ...come West church planters! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post D.O. training w/MNM, Dr. Ramirez, Dr. Maloney & our AB, Dr. Sean O'Neal ...come West church planters! Dean Steenburgh
Spent some quality training time with 3rd Asst. P.B. Dr. David Ramirez, our A.B. Sean O'Neal along with Dr. Mitch Maloney from Thursday until this afternoon.
They have developed strategic planning with the subject of planting churches & were asked by Dr. O'Neal to address & challenge the Calif. D.O.'s to make a goal where each of our 20 districts would plant a minimum of one new church per year for the next 5 years.
The (MNM) Multiplication Network Ministry sessions with Dr. John Wagenveld were some of the most enlightening & challenging sessions for the 20 District Overseers.
Dr. Ramirez & Dr. Maloney were very transparent & made themselves available to us like they were old friends we haven't seen in awhile.
We don't get this kind of attention very often out here on the left coast but let me tell you that California's goal is going to be to lead the nation in planting churches.

The doors are open, the fields are ripe, 40 million Californians need Jesus & all we need is church planters.
We're about to plant our 1st church in San Francisco & get this, someone gave us a church & parsonage ...for FREE!
We don't have a single church in the city limits of Los Angeles yet, Nobody is in San Diego city limits, we need a church in Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Carmel, Monterey, Hollister, Santa Barbara, Sausalito or most anywhere in Marin County including Tiburon.
We don't have a church in Lake Tahoe ...yet!
Ever wanted to play golf & plant a church & live in Palm Springs? Why not do it? We don't have a church in Palm Springs ...yet
These are just samples of cities where we have 'zero' CoG representation & we need you out here in the west!

These cities are exquisite & all of them offer some of the most beautiful places a person could ever want to live.
The majority of California is year round 70 degree temps with extra mild winters with the exception of the Central Valley where Summer can be really hot but even then the humidity rarely goes past 40%.

Pray about it & ask God if this is what He meant when He told you, "I want you to plant a new church!"

If you're interested let me know by dropping me an email.
We'll make this happen & you'll be glad you got in early on these opportunities of a lifetime.

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

Email me at:

Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
3/2/19 9:22 pm

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