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Is nepotism alive and well in the church Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Is nepotism alive and well in the church Hill-billy
Nepotism- the name has its origins in with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops.

I was told by a person a while back that nepotism is alive and well in the church today.

Can people give examples

As leaders say

“Let’s talk about it”
“Well, I'm the General Overseer, I can do whatever I want..." Alabama campmeeting 2018
Posts: 27
7/4/18 11:56 am

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Post Chicago27
God, the Father sent His son to be the savior of the world. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
7/4/18 8:12 pm

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Post Hill-billy
Chicago27 wrote:
God, the Father sent His son to be the savior of the world.

Absolutely correct God SACRIFICED his son Jesus. What God did was a SACRIFICE. In some situations it is more than appropriate. But what I see is not in that manner. Also before one says Matthew 18 saying I am out of line REMEMBER Paul brought up issue with Peter when he was trying to place Jewish regulations on the Gentiles Galatians 2. Also remember Paul’s and Jesus dealings with the Jewish high councils.[/b]

SACRIFICE according to the Dictionary.

an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering as a price for sin.

Please don’t put this on the same level as what my Jesus did for the world.
“Well, I'm the General Overseer, I can do whatever I want..." Alabama campmeeting 2018

Last edited by Hill-billy on 7/4/18 10:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posts: 27
7/4/18 8:17 pm

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Post Cojak
Since I have out lived names in the COG, I have no idea. HOWEVER, years ago it was obvious the same back names ( and their kin) appeared on the council lists and overseers appointments. Was this because they out shined their peers or was it favors I could never tell.

There was a time when some pastors of large churches saw their sons names show up as YDs.

It worked for me in 1962. My dad knew Bro Paul Stallings (state overseer) and asked if he had a church open. Hallelujah he did and I did get appointed to a church running 20 in attendance and 10 members. Now that might seem a silly example, but Paul trusted my dad and I did not kill the church. I did not help it much, but I did not kill it. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/4/18 10:18 pm

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Post Hill-billy
Cojak wrote:
Since I have out lived names in the COG, I have no idea. HOWEVER, years ago it was obvious the same back names ( and their kin) appeared on the council lists and overseers appointments. Was this because they out shined their peers or was it favors I could never tell.

There was a time when some pastors of large churches saw their sons names show up as YDs.

It worked for me in 1962. My dad knew Bro Paul Stallings (state overseer) and asked if he had a church open. Hallelujah he did and I did get appointed to a church running 20 in attendance and 10 members. Now that might seem a silly example, but Paul trusted my dad and I did not kill the church. I did not help it much, but I did not kill it. Smile

Understood cojak.... I get it in some applications there is nothing wrong with those with the same last names serving. But the issue I have is the lack of accountability in the selection process. The selection process is very closed door. The best man for the job is the best man reguardless. I am just tired of the US=pastors vs THEM=officials. Equal opportunities for all is all I am asking. The playing field is not level and fair.
“Well, I'm the General Overseer, I can do whatever I want..." Alabama campmeeting 2018
Posts: 27
7/4/18 10:53 pm

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Post Cojak
Hill-billy wrote:
...... The playing field is not level and fair.

That part is absolutely true, and not fair in Religion.

But it is true in the secular world. As a contractor I submitted a subdivision plan to the city council and was told, "We will never allow more cul-de-sacs in town." BUT when Mr. SOMEBODY's son proposed one not 1/10 mile away it was allowed. The playing field is definitely not level in business and politics, but it should be in God's work. IT REALLY SHOULD BE! This is Kingdom work, we are supposed to be interested in souls, not friend or family having an advantage. Confused

But you must admit, it is tough to make a FAIR decision when family is involved.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
7/4/18 11:11 pm

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Post Aw, the only ones who complain about nepotism... roughridercog
Are those who ain't related. Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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7/5/18 5:45 am

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Post Just a minute... Aaron Scott
If you were the overseer and had to choose who to place in a key position, then, all things being equal, you are almost certainly going to choose someone that you know and have confidence in OVER someone that you do not know, but NOT necessarily to do someone a favor or what have you.

I would think that nepotism is not just that you HAPPEN to place a "nephew" (nephewism?) in a position, but when it is done when other candidates are clearly more qualified.

Now, I don't LIKE it, especially if I am the one who got passed over, but the thing is that, even if the person is not related to the boss, the boss is almost always going to given preferential treatment to those he knows. We might fuss over nepotism, but if we do, we really ought to fuss over ALL favoritism...except that most of us practice it a little bit ourselves, in that we want people in place that we know, can depend on, etc.

Just my thoughts.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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7/5/18 10:54 am

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Post what are you so upset about Hill-Billy? aprilmay2.0
you didn't really want to go yup north any ways. And if you got one of those YD jobs, you'd just trade it in after 12 years for an AB job until you retire. And once you're in the system guess what- you wouldn't change the system to make it more fair because you'd start using and appointing all the backs you want to scratch to keep your paycheck safe.

Plenty of guys for plenty of years have voiced your concerns over coffee or after camp meeting service. And while they speak in tongues in camp meeting altars they slander with those tongues at 10pm at Beef o Bradys. Then if they get a little bit of power- they don't change anything. They just use the existing system to benefit themselves.

You're just a clanging cymbal
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7/5/18 11:05 am

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Post Re: what are you so upset about Hill-Billy? Ernie Long
aprilmay2.0 wrote:
Plenty of guys for plenty of years have voiced your concerns over coffee or after camp meeting service. And while they speak in tongues in camp meeting altars they slander with those tongues at 10pm at Beef o Bradys. Then if they get a little bit of power- they don't change anything. They just use the existing system to benefit themselves.

You've been around for a while, haven't you 2.0? Cool

I've sat at those tables with pastors and as they move up, so do their buds.
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7/5/18 4:26 pm

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Post Bullseye77
Nepotism does exist in the Church of God, but is hardly noticeable because of all the politics. Politics. Big time.
On Target!!
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7/14/18 10:03 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Nepotism thrives in the UPCI.

An AG sectional presbyter told me it is a real problem in the AG as well.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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7/15/18 2:15 pm

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Post Redneck
Nepotism is alive and well in all facets of life. That is what politics is all about. How else could you explain Chelsea Clinton's assessed net value of 15 million?

We see it in church so much, because that is what we are closest to (most associated with). It is horrific within the COG. I have seen it all my life. I am pleased with my current church, but in a few years when my son graduates high school and I move, I will not even visit a COG where I'm going.

I sincerely wonder if ministers feel any remorse or conviction for some of the lying and back stabbing I have seen first hand from the pulpit. I'm always reminded of

Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity
That haircut of yorn may be citified, but your heart was shaped in a bowl.....................Briscoe Darling
Posts: 664
7/15/18 3:53 pm

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Post georgiapath
Bullseye77 wrote:
Nepotism does exist in the Church of God, but is hardly noticeable because of all the politics. Politics. Big time.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Posts: 7604
7/16/18 6:07 pm

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Post Re: what are you so upset about Hill-Billy? Hill-billy
aprilmay2.0 wrote:
you didn't really want to go yup north any ways. And if you got one of those YD jobs, you'd just trade it in after 12 years for an AB job until you retire. And once you're in the system guess what- you wouldn't change the system to make it more fair because you'd start using and appointing all the backs you want to scratch to keep your paycheck safe.

Plenty of guys for plenty of years have voiced your concerns over coffee or after camp meeting service. And while they speak in tongues in camp meeting altars they slander with those tongues at 10pm at Beef o Bradys. Then if they get a little bit of power- they don't change anything. They just use the existing system to benefit themselves.

You're just a clanging cymbal

Was that a prediction of someone trading there Job for a state. Seems like the upward progression plan lol...😀😂😀😂.

But when you have ministers that work hard and then you have officials who made a pathways with giving there are concerns
Posts: 27
7/18/18 11:10 am

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