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Independent UPDATE..NOT really, it is associated with 'The Potter's House'!!!! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Independent UPDATE..NOT really, it is associated with 'The Potter's House'!!!! Cojak
I have been in and around the COG all my life. My dad was a very good pastor. Like many of the early pioneers of the COG he was self educated. Being the normal kid born in 1903 he had to quit school in the 3rd grade to work the farm in North Georgia. Dad fellow shipped with all denominations even the independents.
Back when I thought I was a preacher I pastored in the COG visited many churches and had good friends I swapped pulpits with who were independent. If you or your children have not searched for a church where you feel comfortable spiritually and physically, YOU ARE VERY FORTUNATE.

We are presently in mid Florida for awhile and have yet to attend a church where my soul said, "This is it!" Sunday we will try a young independent church here in Deltona. Mainly because the pastor was canvasing the area and invited us. I really do hope it is a wise move. My wife gets a little tired (I think) of visiting. She requires stability.

Stability to her is COG, and I really do agree because that has been our lives. BUT I am not WOF and feel uncomfortable in a mega church. And as I posted awhile back I do not need to go DEAFER, so I avoid MEGALOUD!

This is an experiment, but I do hope something clicks. I don't think I want to go with my friend to the Orthodox service, I am too old to stand for an hour and a half. Cool If anyone has any suggestions in the Deltona area I am open to suggestions. We attended the large AOG, very good church, but also VERY BIG. Confused

UPDATE in the comments......[/b]
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!

Last edited by Cojak on 11/11/18 11:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/10/18 12:25 am

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Post FLRon
I really feel for you Cojak. I do not consider myself to be COG even though I once held credentials in the COG. That being said, after stints in independent churches and most mainline Pentecostal denominations, I have settled back into the COG. That in itself is a testament to the fact that we are simply tired of searching for a place to call home.

We are being used here in preaching and singing, and the folks here have welcomed us with open arms. In short, it feels sort of like coming home. I do not agree with the COG on at least one key doctrinal issue, that being the timing of the Lord’s return. I do agree however with nearly everything else so we are in a good place at the moment.

I do pray you find a new church home soon.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
11/10/18 8:46 pm

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Post Cojak
FLRon wrote:
I really feel for you Cojak. I do not consider myself to be COG even though I once held credentials in the COG. That being said, after stints in independent churches and most mainline Pentecostal denominations, I have settled back into the COG. That in itself is a testament to the fact that we are simply tired of searching for a place to call home.

We are being used here in preaching and singing, and the folks here have welcomed us with open arms. In short, it feels sort of like coming home. I do not agree with the COG on at least one key doctrinal issue, that being the timing of the Lord’s return. I do agree however with nearly everything else so we are in a good place at the moment.

I do pray you find a new church home soon.

Glad you are comfortable and blessed where you are. WE have a great church as a home church back in NC.

We are in Florida 6 months but usually moving around. When we are near Lake Panosofkee we really enjoy visiting with Carl Hart. Due to coach troubles we are stuck in Deltona. When we have the chance to hear my former Pastor (now retired) Wayne CArter it is always a blessing. WE only caught Bro. Aaron's church a couple times, but that is further north than we usually get. Unless we are making a trip for a yearly supply of Pecans.

Thanks for the pick me up comment. Have a great weekend. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/10/18 9:51 pm

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Post UPDATE on visit : A good time of worship Cojak
The little store front is associated with 'The Potter's House'. I did not find out much about them but the services were a blessing. We were very happy with our Sunday choice.

The speaker is somehow in the hierarchy of the 'association?' I know nothing about the Potter's House Association, but the minister was a blessing to me and my wife. I even suggested returning for the evening service and my wife agreed. We were blessed by the sermon and service. The music was about the level I expect and I could join in.

The pastor is from Mass. The speaker was also visiting from Mass and at least one attendee was 'visiting' from Massachusetts. I do know they are Pentecostal and Trinitarian. They are in a revival, if I can muster the courage we will attend some of the revival services. (I have a TOUGH time driving at night, the lights tend to confuse me. But it is only about two miles.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ORGANIZATION? Good or negative I would like to know. I know nothing other than I have heard the name and considered it a local independent name.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/11/18 11:21 pm

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Post Cojak
HOWEVER the pastor is already suspect. He asked was I retirement age yet? LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/11/18 11:34 pm

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Post Re: UPDATE on visit : A good time of worship FLRon
Cojak wrote:
The little store front is associated with 'The Potter's House'. I did not find out much about them but the services were a blessing. We were very happy with our Sunday choice.

The speaker is somehow in the hierarchy of the 'association?' I know nothing about the Potter's House Association, but the minister was a blessing to me and my wife. I even suggested returning for the evening service and my wife agreed. We were blessed by the sermon and service. The music was about the level I expect and I could join in.

The pastor is from Mass. The speaker was also visiting from Mass and at least one attendee was 'visiting' from Massachusetts. I do know they are Pentecostal and Trinitarian. They are in a revival, if I can muster the courage we will attend some of the revival services. (I have a TOUGH time driving at night, the lights tend to confuse me. But it is only about two miles.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ORGANIZATION? Good or negative I would like to know. I know nothing other than I have heard the name and considered it a local indepe
ndent name.

T.D. Jake's Potters House in Texas has an association of some sort where they provide a "covering" for independent ministers. Maybe that's it?
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
11/12/18 4:18 pm

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Post Re: UPDATE on visit : A good time of worship Link
Cojak wrote:
The little store front is associated with 'The Potter's House'. I did not find out much about them but the services were a blessing. We were very happy with our Sunday choice.

The speaker is somehow in the hierarchy of the 'association?' I know nothing about the Potter's House Association, but the minister was a blessing to me and my wife. I even suggested returning for the evening service and my wife agreed. We were blessed by the sermon and service. The music was about the level I expect and I could join in.

The pastor is from Mass. The speaker was also visiting from Mass and at least one attendee was 'visiting' from Massachusetts. I do know they are Pentecostal and Trinitarian. They are in a revival, if I can muster the courage we will attend some of the revival services. (I have a TOUGH time driving at night, the lights tend to confuse me. But it is only about two miles.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ORGANIZATION? Good or negative I would like to know. I know nothing other than I have heard the name and considered it a local independent name.

There was a church in Athens, Georgia in the early 1990's that was affiliated with The Potter's House. I'm not sure if it's the same one. This church met in the same building Maranatha had been in, then another small Charismatic church called Living Victory full of young people. After that, this group moved in. The pastor was ex-military. The group was full of young men, lots of college-aged men, some former drug addicts. They'd pray in tongue really intensely all at the same time. They'd also go out and street witness. Some of them would get in young people's faces downtown where they hung out about a block from the arches, and say, "Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?" until the young people either stopped hanging out there or split when they saw them coming.

Some were a bit more laid back. I remember one young man named Jeffry there was a very skilled one-on-one evangelist.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/12/18 7:03 pm

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Post Re: UPDATE on visit : A good time of worship Cojak
FLRon wrote:
Cojak wrote:
The little store front is associated with 'The Potter's House'. I did not find out much about them but the services were a blessing. We were very happy with our Sunday choice.

The speaker is somehow in the hierarchy of the 'association?' I know nothing about the Potter's House Association, but the minister was a blessing to me and my wife. I even suggested returning for the evening service and my wife agreed. We were blessed by the sermon and service. The music was about the level I expect and I could join in.

The pastor is from Mass. The speaker was also visiting from Mass and at least one attendee was 'visiting' from Massachusetts. I do know they are Pentecostal and Trinitarian. They are in a revival, if I can muster the courage we will attend some of the revival services. (I have a TOUGH time driving at night, the lights tend to confuse me. But it is only about two miles.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THIS ORGANIZATION? Good or negative I would like to know. I know nothing other than I have heard the name and considered it a local indepe
ndent name.

T.D. Jake's Potters House in Texas has an association of some sort where they provide a "covering" for independent ministers. Maybe that's it?

My wife says the man sitting beside her stated emphatically that they were ot associated with T.J Jakes. I have searched the net and cannot find anything definite on them. They seem very worshipful and they are Pentecostal.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/12/18 7:49 pm

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Post Re: UPDATE on visit : A good time of worship Cojak
Link wrote:

There was a church in Athens, Georgia in the early 1990's that was affiliated with The Potter's House. I'm not sure if it's the same one. This church met in the same building Maranatha had been in, then another small Charismatic church called Living Victory full of young people. After that, this group moved in. The pastor was ex-military. The group was full of young men, lots of college-aged men, some former drug addicts. They'd pray in tongue really intensely all at the same time. They'd also go out and street witness. Some of them would get in young people's faces downtown where they hung out about a block from the arches, and say, "Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?" until the young people either stopped hanging out there or split when they saw them coming.

Some were a bit more laid back. I remember one young man named Jeffry there was a very skilled one-on-one evangelist.

That sounds more like this group. They are very loose knit I understand. the visiting evangelist said they had 2700 churches over the globe. This evangelist is also a general contractor in the Cape Cod area. He is here to preach and visit to promote the local church at his own expense. Seems very dedicated and I am sure he would be good one on one evangelizing also.

WE will go back to learn more, but to be honest I felt more of a fit at this store front than other churches I have visited in the area. WE were both blessed but the worship and sermons. There were about5 40 in attendance, average about 25.

Church in a store front that seats about 50, with 40 in attendance is better than 50 in a church that seats 400. The message is closer to you without a lot of open space.

Anyway Yes, we will go back, still testing the waters.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/12/18 7:57 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I have heard of an organization known as “Christian Fellowship Ministries“ that often names its churches “The Potter’s House.” This one came out of the Jesus Movement of the 1970s and was originally part of the Foursquare. The founder, Wayman Mitchell, pulled out several churches from the 4SQ primarily over his firm conviction that pastors should be trained/discipled in the local church instead of being trained at a Bible college, and because he was planting churches in many places outside of the 4SQ structure, causing friction within the 4SQ. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/12/18 7:58 pm

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Post georgiapath
Cojak wrote:
HOWEVER the pastor is already suspect. He asked was I retirement age yet? LOL

He is making you feel good, he will ask for a donation. Laughing Laughing
Posts: 7604
11/13/18 12:36 pm

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Post Cojak
georgiapath wrote:
Cojak wrote:
HOWEVER the pastor is already suspect. He asked was I retirement age yet? LOL

He is making you feel good, he will ask for a donation. Laughing Laughing

Smile Most likely! Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/13/18 7:29 pm

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Post Cojak
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I have heard of an organization known as “Christian Fellowship Ministries“ that often names its churches “The Potter’s House.” This one came out of the Jesus Movement of the 1970s and was originally part of the Foursquare. The founder, Wayman Mitchell, pulled out several churches from the 4SQ primarily over his firm conviction that pastors should be trained/discipled in the local church instead of being trained at a Bible college, and because he was planting churches in many places outside of the 4SQ structure, causing friction within the 4SQ.

Thanks QW, I will check some more. That actually sounds about how it looks after some thinking. The planter is like most dedicated men who WANT to do something for the Kingdom. They do honor the FAther, Son and Holy Ghost in their worship. A young couple was saved the Last night we were there.

I don't know about the other attendees. But many plants do have people like us who are looking for a place to fit in and worship. Many people feel disenfranchised in some churches. Thanks for the points. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/13/18 7:36 pm

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Post Is this the church, Cojak? Quiet Wyatt [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/13/18 9:00 pm

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Post Re: Is this the church, Cojak? Cojak
Quiet Wyatt wrote:

Yeah! THAT is it. Thanks QW. I kept searching under the Potter's house. But yes that is it.
They have Coffee Shop on the window. I wondered if they actually had coffee during the week. Hey thanks for the back ground and this site. At least now I have an idea of what the back story is. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/13/18 9:15 pm

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