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Sheets, Pierce, Jacob, Engle Declare and Decree Life Over DC Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Sheets, Pierce, Jacob, Engle Declare and Decree Life Over DC Quiet Wyatt
The following came across my Facebook newsfeed this morning:

”The Turnaround: Gather with Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle and many other leaders, as we shift America into its turnaround next February 22-24, in Washington, D.C. This could prove to be one of the most historic prayer gatherings in America's history. Together we will fill the atmosphere over Washington D.C. with intercession and biblical decrees, shifting our nation into the breakthrough Father desires to give us. And we will re-launch the next phase of the worldwide prayer movement! We will see a shift!”

Does this work? How? What is the scriptural basis for it? Sounds like a wonderful thing, if true.
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Posts: 12817
2/23/18 11:12 am

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Post Cojak
Seems positive. I haven't seen it but I don't see it as hurtful! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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2/23/18 11:30 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I’ve seen charismatics do this sort of thing for decades now. One would think the whole world would surely be saved by now if this kind of thing actually were effectual. One wonders why Paul the Apostle or even Jesus himself didn’t just declare and decree the whole world to be saved, if this is truly a biblical thing to do. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
2/23/18 1:20 pm

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Post Tom Sterbens
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I’ve seen charismatics do this sort of thing for decades now. One would think the whole world would surely be saved by now if this kind of thing actually were effectual. One wonders why Paul the Apostle or even Jesus himself didn’t just declare and decree the whole world to be saved, if this is truly a biblical thing to do.

I've discussed/debated something similar in other forums...

While I am not not particularly a fan of some listed as leading, nonetheless...

How is this decidedly different from the idea of "invoking a blessing" such as in Numbers 6? (Yes, I am aware it is the Old Testament...) And then in the New Testament to primary mission of the church in Matthew 16 where we are called to "make binding" that which "shall have been made binding in the heavens"???

How is this decidedly different that praying/declaring "thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth...?"
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
2/23/18 2:45 pm

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Post bradfreeman
Tom Sterbens wrote:
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I’ve seen charismatics do this sort of thing for decades now. One would think the whole world would surely be saved by now if this kind of thing actually were effectual. One wonders why Paul the Apostle or even Jesus himself didn’t just declare and decree the whole world to be saved, if this is truly a biblical thing to do.

I've discussed/debated something similar in other forums...

While I am not not particularly a fan of some listed as leading, nonetheless...

How is this decidedly different from the idea of "invoking a blessing" such as in Numbers 6? (Yes, I am aware it is the Old Testament...) And then in the New Testament to primary mission of the church in Matthew 16 where we are called to "make binding" that which "shall have been made binding in the heavens"???

How is this decidedly different that praying/declaring "thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth...?"

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2/23/18 4:52 pm

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Post Re: Sheets, Pierce, Jacob, Engle Declare and Decree Life Over DC Old Time Country Preacher
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
The following came across my Facebook newsfeed this morning:

”The Turnaround: Gather with Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle and many other leaders, as we shift America into its turnaround next February 22-24, in Washington, D.C. This could prove to be one of the most historic prayer gatherings in America's history. Together we will fill the atmosphere over Washington D.C. with intercession and biblical decrees, shifting our nation into the breakthrough Father desires to give us. And we will re-launch the next phase of the worldwide prayer movement! We will see a shift!”

Does this work? How? What is the scriptural basis for it? Sounds like a wonderful thing, if true.

Hey, maybe this is how the swamp is gonna git drained............
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
2/23/18 7:43 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Cojak wrote:
Seems positive. I haven't seen it but I don't see it as hurtful! Cool

Sounds like 2 Chron. 7:14 in action to me.
Don't see where prayer could hurt.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/25/18 12:52 pm

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Post FLRon
Sounds like more of the same NAR agenda to me. Like all of these types of “groups”, they mix a little bit of truth in with a whole lot of unbiblical dogma to sweep in the unsuspecting.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
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2/25/18 1:22 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Excellent article, FLRon, and I would note it is written by an AoG guy who affirms the gifts of the Spirit and the continuation of miracles. Would to God there were more within orthodox Pentecostalism willing to call this stuff out for what it is. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
2/25/18 2:49 pm

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Post bradfreeman
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Excellent article, FLRon, and I would note it is written by an AoG guy who affirms the gifts of the Spirit and the continuation of miracles. Would to God there were more within orthodox Pentecostalism willing to call this stuff out for what it is.

You seriously thought that article was "excellent?" I get it - that you don't like the weirdness that many seem obsessed by. But this article is born of a bias with no scriptural support for his points. It's, unfortunately, the typical pulpit "rah-rah" that causes folks to get excited and shout "amen" because someone other than them is finally get called out.

I could go point-by-point, but surely you believe we are no longer slaves but sons? Surely you believe we are joint-heirs with Christ, that we sit together with Him far above all rule and authority and dominion?

I'll touch on, briefly, just one point:

When he espouses his NAR theology he is in fact trying to usurp the throne of God as well. God has already decreed that only the Gospel will save people out from this world. The issue is not who will rule but rather who will submit? Who will lower themselves? Who will repent? In his pursuit of ruling the world, Sheets cannot see how he damages the true cause of Christ, which is the advancement of the Gospel -- not the advancement of conquering this world.

This passage alone clearly illustrate how Jesus fills all in all - through us, we are the fullness of Him.
This passage alone clearly illustrates the authority we have right now:

Eph 1:20 which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. 22 And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Humility comes in acknowledging our inability to save ourselves. Then God exalts us, raises us up just like Jesus promised. We don't usurp the throne, God has seated us there.

Eph 2:4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
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Posts: 9027
2/26/18 6:58 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Nothing wrong with "thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth" being prayed. In fact, it is right to pray that.

Is that what they are praying?

Is it ok if "God's will be done" makes the USA a holy nation? Would that be His will?

Or is it His will to make those with faith lots of money and possessions?

Just making sure we are only asking for His will - not our wants.
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Acts-pert Poster
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2/26/18 7:33 am

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Post bradfreeman
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Or is it His will to make those with faith lots of money and possessions?

One thing is clear, Deut 28 promised old covenant Jews that, if they kept all the commandments, they'd have lots of money and possessions. This is why the by-standers asked: "If the rich can't be saved, who can?"

Our covenant is "better" than that one. So the debate over whether a better covenant means "more" money and possessions continues.
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Posts: 9027
2/26/18 11:32 am

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Post Da Sheik
I know I will rest easier at night just knowing these guys have decreed a shift. I expect any time now that crime will cease there and the whole area will be saved. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
2/26/18 3:49 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Da Sheik wrote:
I know I will rest easier at night just knowing these guys have decreed a shift. I expect any time now that crime will cease there and the whole area will be saved.

An the first 100 converts gits a free docters degree.
Acts-pert Poster
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2/26/18 6:06 pm

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