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Post Jimmy Carter Cojak
I have been a supporter of Jimmy for many years. As a Republican I voted for him the first time. After all he was a good Sailor, southerner and a Christian. But his latest statements that Trump is an Illegitimate president and torturing children at the border are far out.
I don't think he is senile, but something is wrong.

I have a problem with the millions of $ and time spent investigating and still someone can state 'Russia put their man in'.

Anyway I am finally through defending the old guy.. I have always said the military let him down on the hostage crisis and he was a failure as a president because his own congress would not back him, etc.

But I have now joined the ranks of 'Jimmy was the worst president ever.'

BUT as a qualifier I am not sold on Trump for re-election. It is according who Russia supports next time and who runs against him.......

I still have hopes of his just stepping aside even after he has announced....

But most of all I am very disappointed in the good old boy,Jimmy from Plains..
Embarassed Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/29/19 11:18 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
He doesn't necessarily have to be senile, but he is 94. That is really, really old and folks of that age have usually suffered significant cognitive decline even if they're otherwise healthy and independent.

Maybe he's 100% in command of his faculties and knows exactly what he's saying, I don't know.

It's unfortunate to hear him say these things, at any rate.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/29/19 11:25 am

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Jimmy Carter was the last Democrat that we voted for. I don't how he can still remain in the Democrat party that believes in abortion and a homosexual lifestyle + much more. Friendly Face
Posts: 387
6/29/19 1:22 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Jimmy Carter was the last Democrat that we voted for. I don't how he can still remain in the Democrat party that believes in abortion and a homosexual lifestyle + much more.

Same in our family.
Jimmy has gone off the reservation because he is like so many older dems.
They see the goal & success of the past dem party & they want that to be the future of their party even if they have to ignore the AOC's of their peers.
It's too bad that their thinking isn't somewhat independent of thought to the point that they could separate their thoughts, morals & ideals to come in line with their personal convictions.
It truly reminds me of people who will not vote for Mr. Trump (pro-life POTUS) but they'll vote for somebody who hasn't a chance to become POTUS & then claim they voted their conscience.
More like they voted in such a way to avoid uncomfortable convo when they might have to admit that they voted for the guy who had the best chance of actually winning so that we wouldn't be strapped down with 4 years of misery under someone like Clinton, Carter or Biden.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/30/19 2:13 pm

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Post Cojak
Jimmy's problem is that even many Dems still don't like him. It just hit me today, this may be a year for a great independent...... Nah... WHO anyway? Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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6/30/19 8:51 pm

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Post diakoneo
The time of Carter was not nearly as polarizing. There were a lot of southern democrats in those days. There were some conservatives in the democrat party. Some pro-life folks. This is not your grandma's democrat party. Those days are LONG gone!

Seems now everyone wears their politics on their sleeve. How did we get to this point? I will blame social media for much of it. The 24 hour news cycle deserves partial blame. I think the bigger issue, though is the evolution of both parties. The democrat party has evolved into a socialist party. The republican party has become more conservative, but I believe the AWARD for extreme goes to the democrat party.

Whatever the cause is, I don't think we can go back but I do feel that a third party made up of moderates from both parties MIGHT go a long way to help ease some of the tension on these two sides. Both sides need the wind pulled out of their sails because they are BOTH too powerful! As mamma said, "they have gotten too big for their britches"
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/30/19 9:33 pm

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Post The current issues with Iran ... Mat
The current issues with Iran lead directly to Jimmy Carter - he forced the Shah out and paved the way for the Ayatollah to return and take power. Carter's weakness and fear started the downward spiral we find the Middle East in today. Like many liberals, he would trade American wealth, freedoms and lives to please the liberal elite globalist. If we are ever hit by an Iranian nuke, Jimmy Carter will be its father.

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7/1/19 6:57 am

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Post skinnybishop
If you keep repeating a lie long enough.....

These politicians will stick to the script, no matter how ridiculous.
Eddie Wiggins
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7/1/19 7:26 am

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Post Some thoughts.... Aaron Scott
It is MY opinion that Jimmy Carter wants very much to continue playing a role in diplomacy. He does this through the Carter Foundation (who, I understand, often supervise elections in other countries to ensure fairness). But while he has offered multiple time--to Clinton (I think), Obama, and now Trump--he never gets called upon.

He probably has thought about diplomacy more than any two of them combined. For all the bad that might be said about Carter, he did two things for which I am thankful:

1) Like Trump, who felt that bombing Iran would not be proportionate to them taking out a drone, so, too, Carter refused to go to war with Iran when they illegally held those hostages. In MY mind, he had to realize that thousands dead (perhaps many more than that--on our side and theirs) was disproportionate.

2). He is the ONLY president who has made significant headway toward peace in the Middle East, by facilitating peace talks between Israel and Egypt. Nothing's perfect, but it's still far better than anything else anyone has done. (At the same time, I liked the fact that Trump didn't care what anyone else thought about moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Now if we can just get him to do that with Taiwan!).

Jimmy Carter is influential in parts of the world. Just a few weeks ago, he spoke kindly of Trump because of the phone call he received from the president when Carter was in the hospital. But politics always finds its way back--and now he is playing that game.

It might be he hopes to be seen as relevant to a Democrat Party that has largely left behind the Democrats of a former time--and all for the worst.

Personally, I liked Carter. I thought the strategic oil reserve and his reducing the speed limit to 55mph were the right way to handle the oil crisis. But feeling that is "cramped our style," we went back to our gas guzzlers and 70mph--and more lethal accidents.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/1/19 8:10 am

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Post Not that I think Jimmy Carter was ever relevant... FLRon
But the single fact that he has continued to support a political party that advocates murdering unborn children tells me he is an apostate. Forget the country bumpkin, good ol southern boy charm. One can not produce both sweet and bitter water from the very same fountain.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
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7/2/19 4:29 pm

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Post Cojak I finally disagree with you on something JLarry
Carter is not the worst President in my lifetime. Unfortunately I also voted for Carter. I have repented in satcloth and ashes.

We have now had a President much worse than Carter. His name or the name he now goes by is Barack Obama.
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Acts Mod
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7/23/19 5:29 pm

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Post FLRon... Aaron Scott
FLRon wrote:
But the single fact that he has continued to support a political party that advocates murdering unborn children tells me he is an apostate. Forget the country bumpkin, good ol southern boy charm. One can not produce both sweet and bitter water from the very same fountain.

Do you not suppose, my friend, that the other side wonders how WE can support a party that has cost of THOUSANDS of men, perhaps hundreds of thousands of foreign deaths (many non-combatants), placed us significantly further in debt doing so, and has largely won us...nothing?

I'm no your side politically, but let's not act like only one side is busy killing babies (even if they are collateral damage). Both sides have things to recommend them...and things that should horrify that mind of decent folks.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/23/19 6:42 pm

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Post Re: Cojak I finally disagree with you on something Cojak
JLarry wrote:
Carter is not the worst President in my lifetime. Unfortunately I also voted for Carter. I have repented in satcloth and ashes.

We have now had a President much worse than Carter. His name or the name he now goes by is Barack Obama.

Shocked Smile Wink

Tis possible! Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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7/23/19 8:34 pm

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Post Re: FLRon... UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
FLRon wrote:
But the single fact that he has continued to support a political party that advocates murdering unborn children tells me he is an apostate. Forget the country bumpkin, good ol southern boy charm. One can not produce both sweet and bitter water from the very same fountain.

Do you not suppose, my friend, that the other side wonders how WE can support a party that has cost of THOUSANDS of men, perhaps hundreds of thousands of foreign deaths (many non-combatants), placed us significantly further in debt doing so, and has largely won us...nothing?

I'm no your side politically, but let's not act like only one side is busy killing babies (even if they are collateral damage). Both sides have things to recommend them...and things that should horrify that mind of decent folks.

care to elaborate on your claims that the Republican party has caused so many more deaths than the Democratic party? I seem to recall a certain demo potus that won the Nobel peace prize for promising to pull our troops out of Iraq, then took 7 years to do it. I also recall his predecessor dem sending troops all over Africa and Europe, not to mention the fact that nearly every major war (real wars mind you) of the 19th and 20th Century were started by democrats.

I think you're suffering from over exposure to fake-news.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/24/19 8:18 am

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