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What is the "permissive will of God?" Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post What is the "permissive will of God?" roughridercog
Verses the perfect will of God?
Can you cite Scriptures for it? I thought this might make interesting discussion.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/13/20 10:58 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
My thought has always been, if God permits it (gives a permit to it, in other words), it’s in His will, and cannot be sin. I get the impression from some that ‘the permissive will of God’ is really just an out for doing what we want to do, kind of like the ‘carnal Christian’ designation. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
1/13/20 11:46 am

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Post Brandon Bowers
it's an unbiblical concept someone came up with to justify going against the will of God in their lives.
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1/13/20 11:54 am

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Post This.... caseyleejones
Brandon Bowers wrote:
it's an unbiblical concept someone came up with to justify going against the will of God in their lives.
Acts-perienced Poster
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1/13/20 2:57 pm

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Post Cojak
Brandon Bowers wrote:
it's an unbiblical concept someone came up with to justify going against the will of God in their lives.

Very possible my friend, very possible. Good thought! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/13/20 10:41 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
So for the various decisions that we make or that God may present to us each day there is only one decision we can make that will ultimately be Gods Perfect will.

It’s easy to say that there is only one perfect will of God but it sounds a little harder once you think about it, unless some decisions are not important enough and do not violate the perfect will of God if we make our own choice. Talking strictly about decisions that do not result in sin.
Acts Enthusiast
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1/13/20 11:46 pm

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Post Link
Sounds like one of those doctrines from the book of First Opinions.
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1/14/20 1:21 am

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Post Cojak
Link wrote:
Sounds like one of those doctrines from the book of First Opinions.

Smile Smile Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/14/20 10:01 am

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Post I'm not sure it's Biblical...BUT.... Aaron Scott
Consider that sometimes God clearly lets us know what He wants us to do. At other times, He doesn't. In those cases, I believe we are free to choose, so long as we do not go against the scriptures or the Spirit.

This latter option is often called "the permissive will of God," but in truth, I think that IF God is allowing you to choose, then that, too, is the perfect will of God.

You can get out of God's will, even though your heart is right. You simply can miss it. Consider that the Apostle Paul was warned to NOT go to Jerusalem. He went anyway. But because his heart was in the right place, God still found a way to work it for the good of the Body.

Put it this way: If I am a rancher and I want all my cows to be inside the fence, then AS LONG AS THEY ARE INSIDE THE FENCE, they are doing what I want in that instance. They may have 40 acres to roam about in, but they are still doing what I wish in that regard. I heard one preacher speak about the will of God and point out that we think of it as a tightrope, when it can be a pasture.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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1/14/20 11:06 am

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Post Re: I'm not sure it's Biblical...BUT.... Patrick Harris
Aaron Scott wrote:
Consider that sometimes God clearly lets us know what He wants us to do. At other times, He doesn't. In those cases, I believe we are free to choose, so long as we do not go against the scriptures or the Spirit.

This latter option is often called "the permissive will of God," but in truth, I think that IF God is allowing you to choose, then that, too, is the perfect will of God.

You can get out of God's will, even though your heart is right. You simply can miss it. Consider that the Apostle Paul was warned to NOT go to Jerusalem. He went anyway. But because his heart was in the right place, God still found a way to work it for the good of the Body.

Put it this way: If I am a rancher and I want all my cows to be inside the fence, then AS LONG AS THEY ARE INSIDE THE FENCE, they are doing what I want in that instance. They may have 40 acres to roam about in, but they are still doing what I wish in that regard. I heard one preacher speak about the will of God and point out that we think of it as a tightrope, when it can be a pasture.

Agreed. Kind of what I meant to say but probably didn't come out that way.

I heard the same example about the fence before and it has stayed with me.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
1/14/20 11:29 am

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