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What good does praying for the lost do? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post What good does praying for the lost do? roughridercog
I thought this would make interesting discussion

What good does it do when prayer will not override free will and make someone get saved?

Is it more biblical to pray that the Lord would send laborers into the field?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
6/27/19 10:11 am

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Post Doyle... Aaron Scott
It MIGHT be that God will keep dealing with them BECAUSE of our prayers.

Or perhaps withhold judgment.

If Abraham had kept "bargaining" with God, it might be that Abraham would have said, "Lord, if there is just one person..." and, since God had been willing to spare Sodom at ever other level, perhaps it would have been spared then.

Ray H. Hughes, if I recall, spoke of how there were some parents that would pray for their child who had backslid. That child would hear his parents weeping and praying for his salvation...and it touched him, and he got saved.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/27/19 10:37 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
God chooses to work through our prayers. It is beyond comprehension that an omnipotent, all-powerful God would deign to work His will and purposes through His finite, insignificant creations.

He gives us hearts to seek the salvation of the lost, He gives us the desire to pray for them, and then He works through our prayers to do good to them and bring them to Himself.

We should pray for the lost because that is one of the primary means through which God works the circumstances of salvation. It is Him graciously allowing us to be a part of His saving work in the earth, and allowing us to share in Christ's reward for doing so.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/27/19 10:51 am

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Post Let me ask another question roughridercog
Do we use "praying for the lost" as a cop out to actually going out and winning them to the Lord. Just thinking out loud here.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
6/27/19 4:22 pm

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Post Re: Let me ask another question Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
Do we use "praying for the lost" as a cop out to actually going out and winning them to the Lord. Just thinking out loud here.

Yes At times I believe we do. But I have known folk who would have been better off praying for a lost person, rather than giving them a lecture on what they need to get rid of and serve the Lord.

If I feel 'led' to personally speak to someone (and that has seldom happened) I have made a mess of trying to witness 'off the cuff'. Not everyone is capable of expressing wht they KNOW. i.e. not every person is a 'debater'. Most of us think 30 minutes later, "Man! I should have said 'so and so'." But the few times I have actually followed the leading and spoke, it worked much better.

Some people are blessed with an ability to seemingly reach right into your soul, and you know you are special to them and God. I ain't that person, I get tongue tied. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/27/19 5:01 pm

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