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...Trump will be re-elected..easily...change my mind! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post ...Trump will be re-elected..easily...change my mind! caseyleejones
It will be more by default than anything...

Trump's policies are sound....he just needs to shut up at times...

But, the left is imploding. While it is a few very extreme ones in the party, the whole party looks extreme left. Even Pelosi has lost control...

"The Squad" is the best thing for Trump.

Whether you like him or hate him.....he will be around 4 more years....
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
7/21/19 11:39 am

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Post Cojak
I will say that the Liberals do have time to 'get it together' before election time. It is according to Pelosi's ability to calm the storm they now have. I had just as soon the press still think AOC is worthy of coverage.

The only trouble is, the press practically elected Trump without realizing it. He got ten times the exposure of any GOP candidate.

Anyway I do hope the GOP stays in the BIG CHAIR unless the knight in shining armor, as a independent, shows up. This is probably the best chance for an independent or Libertarian EVER had, but still unlikely. Idea
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/21/19 12:28 pm

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Post He already has my vote roughridercog
Unless things change
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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7/21/19 6:00 pm

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Post I hope you're rigtht... Aaron Scott
Frankly, I don't see any Republican who will be the sort of president Trump has been. Yes, pretty much EVERY Republican would be more "presidential" and nicer and such.

But I didn't elect him to be nice (although that would be...nice). I voted for him for mainly two reasons:

1) He wasn't Hillary; and

2) He had policies I agree with.

I didn't elect him because I thought he would build a wall. I figured that would be a stretch even if everything went according to plan--it's just too extensive an undertaking for four years.

At the same time, no president since Nixon has been as BOLD as Trump. Nixon went to China; Trump opened to North Korea. Neither bore fruit immediately. But it is likely that we didn't go to war with China at some earlier date because of communication.

Moreover, Trump had the audacity to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. EVERY PRESIDENT before him that could have also done this, didn't. Trump DID. He is utterly unafraid to be bold.

He did what he said he would do in nominating conservative justices to the Supreme Court. That's bigger than just about anything else, I guess.

If he wins four more years, it is entirely likely that he will have the opportunity to seat two, three, or even four more justices.

I don't care for Trump's tone, attitude, and so forth. But would I rather have a Sunday School teacher who is spineless...or a "heathen" who is bold? I'll go with Nebuchadnezzar for $1000, Alex.

Yes, some will smugly vote for a no-starter candidate so they can look down condescending upon us, the great unwashed, every time Trump says something petty or hateful.

HOWEVER, if enough people vote for a no-starter, they won't have to worry about Trump. They can worry about Biden, Bernie, Buttigieg, or Kamala....

The truth is that Trump is perhaps the last great POLITICAL hope for conservatives.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/22/19 3:13 pm

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Post The truth is that Trump is perhaps the last great POLITICAL hope for conservatives. Aaron Scott
He is not the last, great hope for mankind. That's Jesus.

And he is not the last, great hope for earth. That's Jesus, too.

But on the POLITICAL level, in my lifetime, we have NEVER had a president who has acted so boldly. He has moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He has opened to North Korea, which, in time, can create wonderful benefits. He has done what he said he would by nominating conservative Supreme Court justices.

Since 1967, when Jerusalem was taken by Israel, for over FIFTY YEARS, the USA didn't have the audacity to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Trump shows up and--boom!--it's done.

Everyone played the SAME GAME with North Korea. It got us nowhere. Trump shows up and--boom!--he begins building a friendly, but hard-nosed relationship with North Korea.

If I wanted someone who acted presidential, I'd vote for Romney or the such. But if I want someone to do what I think America needs, I'm going with Trump. Others will act in a way that might lessen the tension, but at what cost? They will have to try to find a middle ground that the other side will NEVER give us in return.

Further, if Trump is re-elected, we might get several more Supreme Court justices. While we still have a Republican Senate, it seems to me we should use it for all it's worth. The current Senate is a safeguard against false impeachment AND a support for Supreme Court nominees. That won't last forever.

So, we all agree Trump needs his mouth washed out with soap, needs someone to perhaps slap him around a bit when he starts being hateful...but I have to admit that NO ONE has done as much for conservatives since I don't know when. GWB didn't. GB didn't. MAYBE Reagan (to some degree). MAYBE Nixon. But you'd have go back to Teddy Roosevelt to get anyone more bold.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/22/19 3:24 pm

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