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Alternate Views on the Proper Use of the Law Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Alternate Views on the Proper Use of the Law Isa 58:12
Edit: I've created this thread as a place to discuss any and all disputations of the premise that Law and Gospel should be preached today. -DDD

All His Laws/Commandments are moral 😉
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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3/2/18 7:54 pm

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Post bradfreeman
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3/3/18 7:34 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Hi Brad, thanks for your post. Please note that this thread is intended for discussion of the purpose of the Law for the New Testament church, working from the presumption that there is such a thing. It is not about whether the Law has any positive purpose for the church, though that too is a valid question and debate.

I'll likely split any posts about whether the Law has a purpose (and any posts about whether the Law must be kept in full) into a different thread in order to keep this one on topic.
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3/3/18 7:41 am

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Post bradfreeman
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3/3/18 7:48 am

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Post Dave Dorsey

To help avoid confusion, let's focus on the concept of moral law, rather than the law of Moses. If it's your position that there is today no moral law which Christians are expected to obey, then your position (without making any comment on its validity or value) is outside the bounds of this thread, and I'll be splitting off posts like that to help this one stay focused on the topic of how to properly handle and teach the Christian obligation to moral law.

If you do hold that Christians are required to obey a moral law and intend to advocate that requirement as being distinct from the Law of Moses (e.g. Matt 22:37-40, 1 John 5:3, etc.) then I think that would be within the bounds of this thread, and would welcome that discussion.
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3/3/18 8:18 am

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Post bradfreeman
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3/3/18 9:33 am

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Post Isa 58:12
Dave Dorsey wrote:

To help avoid confusion, let's focus on the concept of moral law, rather than the law of Moses. If it's your position that there is today no moral law which Christians are expected to obey, then your position (without making any comment on its validity or value) is outside the bounds of this thread, and I'll be splitting off posts like that to help this one stay focused on the topic of how to properly handle and teach the Christian obligation to moral law.

If you do hold that Christians are required to obey a moral law and intend to advocate that requirement as being distinct from the Law of Moses (e.g. Matt 22:37-40, 1 John 5:3, etc.) then I think that would be within the bounds of this thread, and would welcome that discussion.

Shalom dave, I have been waiting for this to take off, I'm more interested in what u think. Like I said all of the Law is moral, & it's all the Law of Moshe, Law of G-d, Luke 2:39. I just want to say, this could be a good discussion, it gets people to dig into the Bible deeper, at least we are discussing it.

As I read in the start looks like u want to have a discussion through ur denominational stance, my friend it won't work. If I'm wrong forgive me, I just have done these conversations awhile now. It would be more beneficial for us to put aside something's we have learned & think it's right & test the Scriptures
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
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3/3/18 10:18 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
bradfreeman wrote:
What do you mean by the moral law being "required" or a "requirement?"

Exactly that. That there is a moral law to which God requires obedience from all people, including those in Christ. That, separate from our justification and salvation (that is, neither causative nor retentive of such), God requires repentance and obedience. We are saved by faith alone, but Christ's work in fulfilling the law does not eliminate the moral law or put it away; it remains a requirement upon God's people, and this thread is intended to be a somewhat moderated discussion on how to communicate that requirement to people correctly, and how to teach Christ and His grace as the means by which that requirement can be fulfilled, confession of and repentance from sin can be worked, and forgiveness can be received. Again, to reiterate, we are talking about the moral law as it concerns relational sin, relational obedience, and relational confession and forgiveness -- not a believer's positional reality in Christ.

I'm sure there will be some deviation from the above in this thread (that's the idea) but I don't want this thread to get bogged down with page-long posts advocating neonomianism or antinomianism, so that discussion on the above topic is choked out. But it would be perfectly appropriate to start a commentary thread focused on advocating that position, and to engage willing parties there.
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3/4/18 3:45 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Isa 58:12 wrote:
As I read in the start looks like u want to have a discussion through ur denominational stance, my friend it won't work.

Nevertheless, that is the focus of this thread. Please respect that.
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3/4/18 3:45 am

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Post Isa 58:12
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Isa 58:12 wrote:
As I read in the start looks like u want to have a discussion through ur denominational stance, my friend it won't work.

Nevertheless, that is the focus of this thread. Please respect that.

I'm all for that, but as I read ur response to brad above, ur gonna have a hard time with this, G-d doesn't have ur denominational stance on things.. U believe there is a section called the moral laws which G-d requires from all. G-d wants to be saved 1 Tim 2:4, but not all will. & my friend, they are all moral, He only requires His people to keep them.

U talked to Brad about repentance & forgiveness, u can start right there & ask the question, what are we repenting from? Or pick some if the things ur denomination believes about the Law & talk about it that way, c if it's kosher 😏😉

I wrote out the 13 Attributes of G-d in another thread, everyone should read it, I have never heard that in a church service before. Very important to know G-ds mind on things.

Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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3/4/18 6:54 am

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Post bradfreeman
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Last edited by bradfreeman on 3/4/18 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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3/4/18 7:42 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
bradfreeman wrote:
Doesn't that truth run contrary to your assertion that God requires us to do something that Christ is doing in us?

Nope. Phil 2:12-13, 1 Cor 15:10.
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3/4/18 7:58 am

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Post bradfreeman
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3/4/18 8:08 am

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Post Isa 58:12
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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3/4/18 12:34 pm

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Post bradfreeman
Isa 58:12 wrote:

You've been run off! Laughing

So was I. Apparently, the discussion board (Dave) doesn't want to actually discuss what the scripture says about the ways Dave or others suggest that the law might have value for the NT church. Dave apparently just wants an "amen" or additional ways the law is of benefit. Typical preacher attitude..."Amen me or get out."
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3/4/18 4:10 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
bradfreeman wrote:
Isa 58:12 wrote:

You've been run off! Laughing

So was I. Apparently, the discussion board (Dave) doesn't want to actually discuss what the scripture says about the ways Dave or others suggest that the law might have value for the NT church. Dave apparently just wants an "amen" or additional ways the law is of benefit. Typical preacher attitude..."Amen me or get out."

😶 Huh
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
3/4/18 9:11 pm

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