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Thoughts from Tim Hill on the GA (Copied) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Thoughts from Tim Hill on the GA (Copied) Carolyn Smith
The following is from Bishop Tim Hill regarding the upcoming General Assembly

Just my thoughts on the importance of the 77th International General Council Agenda:
Tim Hill

I promise – This isn’t a “sales pitch.” And it is certainly not a disclaimer. I’ll own it and won’t put it on anybody else.

In some way since 1996 when I was first elected to the Council of 18 as a 36-year-old pastor, I’ve had at least some small role to play in the General Council/Assembly agenda preparation. Yes, that’s 22 years.

I’ve watched former General Overseers and Executive Committees wrestle with agendas during all that time. I really believe that every former Church of God Executive Committee sincerely wanted to bring the most cutting edge and forward-thinking proposals to the General Assembly as possible. I know that is certainly true of the current Executive Committee, the Council of 18, and those of you who have proposed various motions for consideration.

Nobody wants to waste time or money coming to a gathering only to go away feeling as if nothing significant was accomplished. We’ve all driven away from host cities with mixed emotions after sitting through what seemed to be endless hours of motions, debates, amendments, and “points of order.”

There’s really nothing that can be compared to it. Think about it. Two thousand or so people representing a global movement of 7.4 million others. With a bicameral structure of the General Council passing recommendations on to the General Assembly, we try to weigh and balance the issues to determine the best interest of the church and what will most effectively enlarge the Kingdom of God.

This year’s agenda is not unlike many others in that it will contain visionary resolutions and motions, some house-keeping and structural items, and a few “Special Orders of the Day.” What is different about the 2018 agenda is that there is only one election process that will take place and that will be for the Council of 18. Some three to four hours may be spared from the typical voting process. These “extra” few hours must be used with great care and prayerful intent.

The Executive Committee has determined to get the agenda to you earlier than in previous years. It is scheduled to be available on June 19. Once it is available, I hope you will see the intentional focus on the Great Commission. While there are numerous house-keeping and administrative items, they are surrounded by motions and resolutions that speak specifically to our role as a church in fulfilling and finishing the Great Commission.

All motions in the agenda flow under six unique and meaningful resolutions stemming from the book I sent to you last November – entitled “The Essential Alignment of Priorities, Paradigms and Purpose.” You will see that each motion or resolution will be categorized under one of these headings,
Visional Actualization
Doctrinal Affirmation
Structural Acclimation
Ministerial Activation
Generational Assimilation
Spiritual Acceleration

Another thing to take careful note of are the Special Orders of the Day. These orders of the day fall under the heading of “FINISH Commitment Contextualization.” They will be brief but informative, insightful, and helpful to our mission as a church. Special presenters, including Sammy Rodriguez, Bruce Deel and Mark Rutland, will address how the FINISH Commitment can be applied not only personally, but nationally, globally, as well as in an urban setting.

Of course, the motions committee will be operational throughout the meeting until 2:00 pm on Thursday in order to receive and process any motions originating from the floor of the General Council.

There is also another extremely important item that must be brought to your attention – and that is the mandated “Further Study” report on the “Meaning and Usage of the Term Bishop.” The previous Assembly directed the Executive Council to prepare this “Further Study” for review in 2018. It is also important to remember that the mandate directed that two other very important subjects be studied and addressed in the same document. Along with studying titles of all ranks of ministry, the measure called for a study on the qualifications of ministry and on the very important subject of women in ministry.

The exact measure from the 2016 General Assembly reads as follows:

76th International General Council/Assembly, 2016
After a detailed review by the International Executive Council of the meaning and usage of the term “bishop,” further study needs to be done that will better address whether it is necessary to change the current nomenclature in order to clarify and fulfill the intent of the International General Council with respect to the designation of the ministerial rank in the Church of God. We also recommend that the study include a detailed look at the title of “Ordained Bishop” and any effect it has on the legal and cultural issues of the International Church and on the IRS rulings concerning the national church. Further, that the following issues and relatedness of these issues be part of this report:

1. Titles for all Ranks of Ministry
2. Qualifications of Ministry
3. Women in Ministry

That this study be brought back to the 2018 International General Council.

A comprehensive, 35-page report on these topics comes with a recommendation for you to consider. While I encourage you to read the entire report so that we may have an informed discussion on the topics addressed, the “Further Study” does contain a brief synopsis of the entire report.

Finally, you will notice on the schedule that we have set aside three sessions of special prayer prior to the beginning of each day on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These special times of prayer will begin at 8:00 a.m. in the main venue where the General Council sessions will take place. We have made these prayer sessions part of the official schedule and I hope you will give them priority and participate with us daily.

I won’t take the time to elaborate on the evening services. You can get more information on the nightly speakers and guest artists by going to You do not want to miss a service!!

The bottom line is that God is bringing us together in the Spirit and Power of Pentecost. Together, we will focus on the Great Commission FINISH – and I believe when we leave Orlando, we will depart united with the Lord providing us divine direction.

Finally, I would ask that you pray for me and the Executive Committee as we work through a very busy Camp Meeting season and summer.

I look forward to seeing you in Orlando.

Tim H.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/2/18 10:17 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Seriously, no comments?
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/5/18 6:51 pm

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Post skinnybishop
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Seriously, no comments?

I expect a proposal to

A. change the name of our highest rank of ministry, to something besides " Ordained Bishop"

B. Allow women to hold that newly named third rank.

Basically, "Let's change the name from bishop to something else, so we can include women".
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
6/5/18 9:55 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I’m just not seeing how changing our designation of ‘ordained bishop’ back to ‘ordained minister’ would ever pass.

Last edited by Quiet Wyatt on 6/5/18 10:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
6/5/18 10:03 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
The ironic thing to me is that in the New Testament a bishop is an elder and is a pastor. The terms describe the exact same thing, so it is ironic that the CoG allows women pastors but not women ‘bishops.’ [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
6/5/18 10:05 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
The ironic thing to me is that in the New Testament a bishop is an elder and is a pastor. The terms describe the exact same thing, so it is ironic that the CoG allows women pastors but not women ‘bishops.’

I’m not in favor of female pastors for reasons I have stated in many other discussions. But you are correct in that the inconsistencies are ludicrous. If you’re going to be unbiblical and ordain female pastors, why not go ahead and give them full privileges? The COG drives me crazy with this stuff.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/5/18 10:19 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I think the study will propose to change the titles again if it doesn't interfere with international ministers (which was supposed to be the reason it changed, to my understanding.) I think it will be something other than bishop and women will be allowed to have it. Is it possible to make that change without voting on it?
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/5/18 10:24 pm

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