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SA Mandela communists killing, stealing, destroying - Where's the MSM (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post SA Mandela communists killing, stealing, destroying - Where's the MSM (L) UncleJD
Where's the outrage? ... Oh yeah, they can't protest because they enabled the regime and don't want egg on their face.

Can you imagine the outrage (rightfully so), if the colors were reversed?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/2/18 9:59 am

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Post Re: SA Mandela communists killing, stealing, destroying - Where's the MSM (L) Quiet Wyatt
UncleJD wrote:
Where's the outrage? ... Oh yeah, they can't protest because they enabled the regime and don't want egg on their face.

Can you imagine the outrage (rightfully so), if the colors were reversed?

Marxism, one of the most self-defeating and ultimately murderous ideologies of all time. The communists in Russia and China did similar, absolutely unjust things in the name of ‘social justice.’ Due to their inherent hatred of competence and success, Marxists, when they get power, end up ruining everything for everyone except, ironically enough, the ones at the very top of the power hierarchy in the party. All this they do, in the name of ‘equality.’

God bless these unfortunate farmers in SA. If I were them, I believe I would try to sell and move to a better country, if at all possible. That, or stay and be ready to fight to the death for their inheritance. Staying and fighting looks to be a very bleak and hopeless option though. What a shame.
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Posts: 12817
8/2/18 10:23 am

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Post Re: SA Mandela communists killing, stealing, destroying - Where's the MSM (L) Mat
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Where's the outrage? ... Oh yeah, they can't protest because they enabled the regime and don't want egg on their face.

Can you imagine the outrage (rightfully so), if the colors were reversed?

Marxism, one of the most self-defeating and ultimately murderous ideologies of all time. The communists in Russia and China did similar, absolutely unjust things in the name of ‘social justice.’ Due to their inherent hatred of competence and success, Marxists, when they get power, end up ruining everything for everyone except, ironically enough, the ones at the very top of the power hierarchy in the party. All this they do, in the name of ‘equality.’

God bless these unfortunate farmers in SA. If I were them, I believe I would try to sell and move to a better country, if at all possible. That, or stay and be ready to fight to the death for their inheritance. Staying and fighting looks to be a very bleak and hopeless option though. What a shame.

The farmers should be given refuge status and welcomes to the US before any other group in SA.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
8/3/18 7:17 am

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Post Re: SA Mandela communists killing, stealing, destroying - Where's the MSM (L) UncleJD
Mat wrote:

The farmers should be given refuge status and welcomes to the US before any other group in SA.


They should be, but they won't. I get the feeling the MSM and the rest are hoping they hurry up and get them out of the way so they can live their social-justice dream in SA. If its not working yet, its only because there is still someone keeping them down. First the government, then the businesses, now that things are 100 times worse, yeah its got to be the white farmers Once they are gone, they can turn and point at conservatives, Christians, Americans, whoever else they can think of since it can't possibly be their fault.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/3/18 8:35 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Once they run all these experienced farmers out, their agriculture industry will likely collapse. It will at least be very negatively impacted, and they will have few, if any, competent individuals left to effectively run a farm. It’s not unlike when slaves were freed in the American South, as sharecroppers, the former slaves ended up being just as poor as they had been as slaves. They had no idea or skills to successfully run a farm.

Attacking the top level of the hierarchy is typically the gut reaction due to deep-seated resentment and jealousy, but Marxism never really helps anybody rise above poverty for long. Instead, it just destroys the economy and disincentivizes the very things which bring prosperity to any economy; things like personal responsibility, personal property ownership, entrepreneurship, ingenuity, and productivity.
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Posts: 12817
8/3/18 8:52 am

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Post UncleJD
you're right. Within 2 years there will be yet another massive refugee problem in Africa, this time made entirely of constitutionally protected thieves and murderers. Europe will not survive the next decade. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/3/18 12:18 pm

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