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How much do you charge to preach? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post How much do you charge to preach? JLarry
A church nearby is having a three day conference. One speaker is a well known TV preacher, not Jentezen. The other is a well known singer/preacher. She was a CoG girl, not sure if she still is CoG.

The church is charging $50.00 per seat for the three days.

I need help here. I cannot find how much the greatest of all preachers charged when He preached. The Bible nor Google gives me an answer.
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Posts: 3346
9/25/18 9:30 am

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Post Call Ray H. Hughes' son Aaron Scott
He might know how much the greatest of all preachers charged. (SMILE) Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
9/25/18 10:45 am

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Post Hmmmm if you're talking about me... roughridercog
I preached most of my life for free or even paid for the privilege. Very Happy
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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9/25/18 11:30 am

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Post In Uganda FG Minister
I was in Uganda a few years ago and Benny Hinn was coming to town. The host pastor wanted preachers to pay $50 per person for the three-night event and he would then allow them to sit on the stage with Mr. Hinn. Thankfully, I was going to be back in the USA by the time Benny arrived. (I wouldn't have gone anyway). I have preached all over Africa and have never received one cent and I have preached to as many as 4000 at a time.

But in Uganda, $50 is about five weeks pay. Can you imagine that? It would be the same as if an average salary in the US was $30,000 and you were asked to give five weeks worth or $3462.00 to get to sit on the stage with Benny Hinn. Not interested.
Posts: 875
9/25/18 2:53 pm

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Post Chicago27
Name names. What’s the big secret? Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/25/18 3:52 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
A lot.

But I suspect Jesse Duplantis charges more since he comes in on more expensive planes than I do.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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9/25/18 4:57 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
A lot.

But I suspect Jesse Duplantis charges more since he comes in on more expensive planes than I do.

I used to attend a church that had Jesse Duplantis come speak twice, and as far as I know, he did not charge anything to come. I could be mistaken about that, and I know the church volunteered to take care of transportation and let him receive an offering, etc. But as far as I know he did not ask for any payment to come speak.
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9/25/18 5:10 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
He came to speak nearby me - and did not charge.

But was allowed to receive a love offering...which was probably more than my love offerrings. Then again - he is a lot more entertaining than me.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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9/25/18 5:41 pm

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Post Cojak
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
... Then again - he is a lot more entertaining than me.

It is a shame, but a lot of truth in that statement. Crying or Very sad

There have been true 'orators' who could speak with conviction and convince a multitude it was God. Or they could be motivational speakers somewhere else and get the same results.

Hage(?) is a very entertaining speaker. I visited his church a couple times at my wife's insistence, but for meat, I enjoyed the small COG close by when we attended..

I try to explain to friends, 'That is what 'confidence men' are all about'. It works in religion and construction. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/25/18 10:12 pm

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Post Reply JLarry
Name names. What’s the big secret?

I wanted to talk about what is happening not signal someone out. I am quite sure there are those here who love and respect these people and their ministry.
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9/26/18 8:37 am

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Post Preacher777
I spent many years going overseas to poor countries as a missionary -evangelist. I never wanted an honorarium from them. Instead I would raise funds here to help the Nationals do ministry there along with financing programs to feed the poor overseas.

I do not share this to build myself up but believe I was just following the Biblical pattern of the richer churches helping the poor ones. I never considered an honorarium. Instead, again following the biblical pattern I tried to help the national pastors financially as much as possible.

Last edited by Preacher777 on 9/26/18 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Friendly Face
Posts: 434
9/26/18 8:53 am

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Post Da Sheik
This is why we don’t host “big name” preachers or singing groups. IMHO it’s a terrible waste of resources and poor stewardship. Those types of events seldom yield lasting growth either. Once the circus leaves town, the crowds follow. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/26/18 10:08 am

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Post I'm actually doing as preacher777 said he has done. Dunamis007
I'm in the Uk encouraging some smaller works who cannot afford to have "big name" evangelists/revivalists come to their churches. I'm not a big name but have a semi large following in some circles. My home church paid for me and my wife to do this. I never charge, i take whatever honorarium they give and use it to offset expenses. I have preached to tens of thousands at a time and to ten at a time. Seldom have we gotten offerings that pay our costs. If they can pay then they probably dont need our help.

My church has brought in big evangelists and paid them very well from the offerings. A workman is worthy of his wages. I have no issue with paying well or not charging. I do encourage the churches to give though as it helps them to feel like they are sowing i to a ministry.

And one more thing. Those of you who decry those evangelists who have access to private planes dont understand how trying air travel is these days. I have used charters and i wish i could more often.
Posts: 29
9/26/18 1:47 pm

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