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A question about many of the ministry who are suffering now Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post A question about many of the ministry who are suffering now Preacher777
Are you seeing an all out attack on some of the most committed, true pastors and their wives? Is it just a coincidence that many of the most giving, caring ministers and families I know are dealing with sickness, disease, death and other attacks on their families? Are you also noticing these types of situations? We know the devil has an all out attack against families. I am questioning if the most dedicated pastors who gave so much to the ministry without much in return are the biggest targets now.

Many I know who pour their hearts out for decades are facing serious financial defficulties. I am not referring to spending on frivolous things on credit but sacrificing career and work pursuits for ministry, smaller chuches losing finances and medical bills. I know of many who finally left the pastorate and are now hurting through that transition process as they question themselves.

I want to encourage you to reach out to some of these miniistry brothers and sisters who hurt so much after giving their lives to the Gospel. My wife and I try to get together as much as possible (I am bi-vocational) with ministry people in these situations. We know some who try not to be bitter but need to share disappointments when other fellow pastors and friends disappear when they are hurting and in the world's eyes unsuccessful.

We also see many widows who not only go throught the natural grieving process but also lose their life which was mixed with the church. The outpuring of love is often great at the funeral but then it seems the communication stops afterwards.

If you or somebody you know is in this situation comfort yourself or them with Paul's words in II Corinthians 4:16-18 (NAS): "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. 17 For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, 18 while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."

Although we don't want to minimize the suffering people go through we can encoourage others with this scripture. Paul compared his whippings, stonings and other sufferings to a light affliction is relation to the eternal weights of glory waiting for him. We can rejoice and encourage others with the fact that our suffering here on earth is nothing compared to God's eternal rewards.
Friendly Face
Posts: 434
1/15/18 7:56 am

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Post Hard to find pastors and leaders Ernie Long
who want to be around pastors who are hurting. I sought out a very well known independent pastor in Florence KY a few years ago just to get some advice from him, he was very short and aggravated with me and made me feel as if I was imposing on his time, it was a very short meeting. About a year later, I was speaking to another pastor that used to attend his church and told him how this man acted toward me. This pastor told me that if a pastor is doing "good" and doesn't have any problems that the pastor in Florence will spend time with you, but if you give him the slightest hint that you have problems, he won't waste his time an you.

There are many pastors who aren't looking for nothing more than someone's ear.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1050
1/15/18 6:54 pm

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Post Cojak
I did not pastor long enough to even count, but at that early time pastors were more close knit, or seemed so. We would get together at least once a month.

Our pastor in Florida spoke very highly of his 'Covenant Group', I had never heard of it. A new program to me. But they met once a month, pastors and their wives just to fellowship and share with each other.

I don't know if that is COG wide or just in Florida, but it sounded like a great tool for stress related church problems. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/15/18 10:33 pm

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