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Raphael Warnock takes issue with 'Hall of Faith' in Hebrews 11 Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Raphael Warnock takes issue with 'Hall of Faith' in Hebrews 11 Link
Warnock, running for Senate, preached a sermon about Hebrews 11. Now, I was just getting ready to speak on Hebrews 11 tonight, and before going over it, the idea popped into my head to see a sermon of Warnock's.

Here is the sermon I came across.

He said that Hagar _should be_ on the list.

I hope all his preaching isn't just social messages, using scripture as a spring board. Unfortunately, some preachers with a civil rights focus do that. This is some kind of event he's speaking at.

I'm not claiming any authority on this, but I just have a feeling Warnock will will beat Loefler, so I am praying for the Lord to work on his heart to 'turn' him. I haven't got any sense that I have to vote for him, which is a good thing for me.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/11/20 5:02 pm

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Post "Many will say unto Me in that day Lord...did we not.... caseyleejones
.......................... in your name" Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
12/11/20 10:19 pm

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Post What little I heard was a message using the bible for caseyleejones
social justice issues. Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
12/11/20 10:22 pm

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Post Re: What little I heard was a message using the bible for Link
caseyleejones wrote:
social justice issues.

Some of it was so-called social justice issues. But this was not a church service, either.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/11/20 11:21 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Same man-centered garbage that has infected the black churches for years. That's why I get very few invites to preach in black churches even though I'm mixed. Expository preaching is in short supply in most Aftrican-American churches. It's not uncommon for the preacher to read his "text" for his sermon and then never refer to it again.

We need more Voddie Bauchums and less "Rev. Dr." Warnocks IMHO.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
12/14/20 12:26 pm

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Post The COG Apostle
Da Sheik wrote:
Same man-centered garbage that has infected the black churches for years. That's why I get very few invites to preach in black churches even though I'm mixed. Expository preaching is in short supply in most Aftrican-American churches. It's not uncommon for the preacher to read his "text" for his sermon and then never refer to it again.

We need more Voddie Bauchums and less "Rev. Dr." Warnocks IMHO.

How many complete sermons by Dr Warnock have you heard?
Posts: 566
12/14/20 2:36 pm

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Post Da Sheik
The COG Apostle wrote:
How many complete sermons by Dr Warnock have you heard?

Since I don’t make a habit of listening to false teachers in their entirety, maybe you could enlighten us on the breadth of truth Dr Warnock has shared. In this clip, he said Hagar and Martin Luther King belong in Hebrews 11. I’m speaking to the foolishness I heard in this particular video.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
12/14/20 11:52 pm

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I really do wonder if preachers in these churches--not 'black churches per se but these political sorts of groups-- ever do preach the gospel, that Christ dies for our sins, was buried, and rose again. Or is every sermon just using a passage of scripture treated as a metaphor and springboard to talk about some social or political issue for which there no real support in the Bible. It is hard to sit through enough of this stuff to find out. One of Kamala Harris church's sermon was similar to this imo.

Sharpton was ordained COGIC. Are there any COGIC congregations that tolerate this sort of thing?

It might be worthwhile for some group to make a commercial about a baptist preacher who supports abortion. And that if you listen to his sermons they use a passage in the Bible as a springboard for left wing social commentary. Would it be wrong for a commercial to ask 'If he can't do his job of preaching the word of God right, why expect him to a good job as a senator?'

I hear one of the reasons this liberation theology took hold in some of these churches is because liberal seminaries gave put scholarships to blacks in the early 20th century. Maybe one of you posters who has lots of cash could create a fund to send woild be preachers from liberation theology preaching churches to conservative Pentecostal seminaries. But I do not know of any revivals that started that way.

I have also read that the Soviets developed and promoted liberation theology.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/15/20 9:36 am

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