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Trump...not so bad Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Trump...not so bad Aaron Scott
Let's all agree that Donald Trump, if he's a Christian at all, is not a mature one, not a good one, and may even not be one.


Let's also agree that even for a sinner, he doesn't exactly top the list in terms of being a "good person." He obviously relishes playing hardball. He burnishes his ego by using his prestige to bed women. He is a serial adulterer. On and on.

And yet....

When it comes to his actions as PRESIDENT, I have to admit that I cannot help but feel that much of his actions are justified.

For instance, he is angry at the press, etc.? Consider that on the campaign trail and from the day after the election, it has been a non-stop I-HATE-TRUMP-fest on most media outlets. Now, some of it, he deserved. But he didn't even get the courtesy of people seeing what sort of president he would be. Instead, we had speeches and marches and weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from the NIGHT he was elected!

There was no "I didn't vote for Trump, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and try to be supportive." Instead, there was nothing but an perpetual attempt to landmine and sabotage his every endeavor.

The GOP, of course, needs to be exiled or drawn-and-quartered (let them choose), since they COULD have gotten so many things done in two years, but were the Democrat's greatest ally in slowing down the Trump train.

As for some of Trump's policy actions, what other president would have the audacity to verbally mock North Korea...until North Korea suddenly made an unprecedented step forward in our relations??? No one but Trump. Every other person would have done the same thing that has been done since the close of the Korean War--which is make sober-sounding statements that accomplish pretty much nothing.

What other president--many of which have had the opportunity to do so--would move the American embassy to Jerusalem, and do so in the face of the wailing and whining of our adversaries and the Democrats (sorry to be redundant).

Policy is like theology: You can make a good case for pretty much ANYTHING.

Do you know why we can sit and smugly look down on our Jehovah's Witnesses friends? Because we have read the books about why they are wrong. But if we ever had to actually hold our own with a skilled JW theologian, it's not as easy as one would think. Same goes with virtually any take on scripture: eternal security/free will; cessation/continualist; pre-trip/post-trip, instantaneous sanctification/progressive, etc.

I'm not saying that neither side is right. I'm simply pointing out that it's not so clear-cut as we might thing from reading brochures. Likewise, Democrats and Republicans can BOTH make a good case for their side. And since it seems that, ultimately, it is a matter of personal preference, Trump goes with HIS preference.

I'm not happy with some of his words, but I'm liking his policies. With Hillary, you would have gotten a milquetoast presidency...AND bad policies.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/10/19 12:31 pm

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Post If the demoncrats and CNN hate him roughridercog
He must be doing a lot of things right.

I didn't vote for him to be my pastor. I voted for him to be my President.

The last thing we needed was another politician. We needed business acumen.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/10/19 1:14 pm

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Post Cojak
I agree with most you said, But didn't you know He is a......... ........... ... And did you hear what he did........

But really he has done some good things but he is not given credit. Even Obama is given credit for the best economy in years.

JERUSALEM Embassy has been planned for years, but no other president would take the heat, he did.

I wish he would throw the funding for the wall up as a bargaining chip, I will not run again if you fund the wall. That should close the deal. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/10/19 6:32 pm

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