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Transgender 1st grader Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Transgender 1st grader Dean Steenburgh
This is a real event happening to a very sweet, dedicated woman in our fellowship who teaches 1st graders.
This year they have an issue in her class, a young boy says he's a girl & is having identity issues.
The parents are all about the young lad making his own gender choice so they're 100% behind him.
Principal says everyone has to comply with his personal identity & if he's a girl then he has to be treated as one, except for the bathroom.
If he has to go then the kid has to be excused to go to the nurse where he uses the 'neutral zone' bathroom.
When the parents heard this they about uncorked - "why isn't the school accommodating their "little boy ...err err err we mean little girl err err know what we mean!!!"
The principal explained that the only way this can work is that the child has to use the nurse's bathroom for "privacy purposes" for the protection of all the kids.
So far he's 50/50 on whether he's a boy or a girl & sometimes in the middle of the day he switches when it's convenient.
California state law & all the goobers in charge of this land of ill repute have dug themselves into the most grievous issues anywhere in America.
Oh Lord come quickly!!!
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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8/17/19 10:10 pm

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Post Cojak
This must be the WORST thing (morally) faced by common sense people so far, in this world. Ignorant parents astound me who think a juvenile can 'decide' what the gender of 'ME' is!!!

I am having a tough time being old, can I decide to be young???? Confused

The pitiful thing about this Dean, is that YOU know now that it is real, we will learn it I guess. Confused Confused Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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8/17/19 10:46 pm

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Post Chromosomes determine gender roughridercog
I on dear if I can identify as a billionaire. Razz
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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8/18/19 7:19 am

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Post Re: Transgender 1st grader diakoneo
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
This is a real event happening to a very sweet, dedicated woman in our fellowship who teaches 1st graders.
This year they have an issue in her class, a young boy says he's a girl & is having identity issues.
The parents are all about the young lad making his own gender choice so they're 100% behind him.
Principal says everyone has to comply with his personal identity & if he's a girl then he has to be treated as one, except for the bathroom.
If he has to go then the kid has to be excused to go to the nurse where he uses the 'neutral zone' bathroom.
When the parents heard this they about uncorked - "why isn't the school accommodating their "little boy ...err err err we mean little girl err err know what we mean!!!"
The principal explained that the only way this can work is that the child has to use the nurse's bathroom for "privacy purposes" for the protection of all the kids.
So far he's 50/50 on whether he's a boy or a girl & sometimes in the middle of the day he switches when it's convenient.
California state law & all the goobers in charge of this land of ill repute have dug themselves into the most grievous issues anywhere in America.
Oh Lord come quickly!!!

This is the saddest thing I have read in a while.

Where has wisdom gone? Aren't parents, teachers and adults supposed to be wiser than children?

It reminds me of that scripture, Romans 1:22 professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

It is sad because, who will be left to care for the children with parents, teachers and all the adults behaving like fools?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
8/18/19 9:17 pm

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Post Re: Transgender 1st grader Cojak
diakoneo wrote:
This is the saddest thing I have read in a while.

It reminds me of that scripture, Romans 1:22 professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

It is sad because, who will be left to care for the children with parents, teachers and all the adults behaving like fools?

Ain't that the truth! Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/18/19 11:13 pm

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Post skinnybishop
What's also pitiful is that the school has comply with this charade.

They have to ignore reality to accommodate a first graders fantasy.
Eddie Wiggins
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8/19/19 7:28 am

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