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We keep our churches small, I tell what Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post We keep our churches small, I tell what Judge Roy Bean
We get a building and organize with 50 members and the church moves along slowly just a trying to keep a building open. We well meaning preachers do everything, mow the lawn, shovel the snow, clean the church, and do everything else.
Why we train the church to stay small. We poor old preachers work a job so the church won't need to pay us no salary. Cause of that, the church never grows up and takes on its responsibilities.
Our churches feel they get all they need from the preacher.
And when a church comes open, the overseer will put in whoever he wants, I tell you what. If the church is going good, he will put in a buddy to either pay back or create a favor no matter what the church what's. If the church tries to have some backbone and tell the overseer what they want, he will push the new guy on them. Pardners, that does a but disservice to the church and the new cowpoke coming in to pastor. Then when the new sheriff comes in, he finds out a big chunk of the herd has moved on. So the poor old cowpoke who has come to the church has to scramble and try to herd in a bunch of wild Mavericks that ain't never gonna stay in the corral.
Then in a few years, when the herd is dying off with fescue foot, the overseer comes in and sells the ranch out from under them.
Fellas, I've seen so many cases like this come before my bench that Imquit being surprised by it. Some of these owl hoots need to be put in the bear cage I tell you what.
We keep the churches small cause we organize them to small, don't put expectations on them, and get them used to thinking the pastor and the overseer will solve all their problems Imtell you what.
Fellas, I don't want to see any more of those cases comin before my bench. Here is what I'm a tellin you to do.
Stop buying buildings and start in a renting them. If there ain't no building for the trail boss the get hold of, then he can't come in and be telling the church what they're gonna do.
Get your people to do what's needed. If they can't pay their bills and a living wage for the pastor, move on cowboy. I love my herd of cattle, but if one don't produce, it gets shipped, I tell you what.
Now when the church gets some size to it and it's time for the pastor to mosey on and an overseer comes a bullin in a tryin to put in some desperado that he owes something, the church kin have some backbone and tell him to mosey down the trail.
If he gits his bowels in an uproar, well that's just too bad. Out here west of the Pecos, that's how we handling things.
If things git escalated, declare him to be in contempt of court and put him in the bear cage.

Next case!
Never ask a man where he's from. If he's from Texas, he'll tell you. If he's not, don't embarrass him.
Get a rope
Posts: 181
2/14/19 8:25 am

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Post I think I JRB is kin to OTCP...and I kind of like it! Aaron Scott
yep. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/14/19 4:56 pm

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Post Re: I think I JRB is kin to OTCP...and I kind of like it! Judge Roy Bean
Aaron Scott wrote:

I just dispense justice without the legal mambo jumbo I tell you what. You seem like a good enough fella. I don't think you've ever been before my bench.
Never ask a man where he's from. If he's from Texas, he'll tell you. If he's not, don't embarrass him.
Get a rope
Posts: 181
2/15/19 1:10 pm

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