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How many COG preachers with skeletons in the closet? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post How many COG preachers with skeletons in the closet? Nature Boy Florida
With all of these old allegations now coming to the surface - due to women finally being confident enough that they will be believed when they tell their story - or that someone will actually care and not accuse them of being a whore - how long before a slew of COG preachers will be accused of inappropriate touching of a minor, or rape or sodomy when they were younger?

And what will we do about it?

Will we just say: It's all under the blood and do nothing?

Or believe God has forgiven them - but they still must face any consequences?
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Acts-pert Poster
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11/10/17 7:48 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Depends on what kinda skeletons ya talkin bout, NB. Ifn its in a general sense, like a feller drank a bit, smoked cigs, an the like, probly ever one of us has got stuff we hope nobody ever finds out. But ifn you talkin bout sexual sins, porno, pedophilic behavior, rape, an all the perversion what goes along with at kinda thing, they is a heap of us what don't have them kinda skeletons in our closet. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/10/17 8:51 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Old Time Country Preacher wrote: a feller drank a bit, smoked cigs, an the like, probly ever one of us has got stuff we hope nobody ever finds out.

I thought this was acceptable behavior now so why do you hope no one finds out - it might give you preacher cred nowadays.

Jesus drank often and he didn't say you couldn't smoke cigs, right?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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11/10/17 10:27 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote: a feller drank a bit, smoked cigs, an the like, probly ever one of us has got stuff we hope nobody ever finds out.

I thought this was acceptable behavior now so why do you hope no one finds out - it might give you preacher cred nowadays.

Jesus drank often and he didn't say you couldn't smoke cigs, right?

Well, you got a point, NB. In some a these here hyper-grace churches, a little drankin, smoking an well-placed expletives durin the sermon makes a feller real cutting edge, on point, culturally relevant, an, well......just plain cool. What I couldn't deal with is em skinny jeans, a feller might as well be wearin a pair a spandex leggings an prancin round on the platform. Aint gonna happen with the ole timer.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/10/17 12:38 pm

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Post Nobody is sharing ... Mat
Nobody is sharing ... I guess its judge not, less you get outed. For the record, I was a sinner and I really needed saving. I get a little nervous around preachers who say they never smoked, drank, did drugs, gambled, swore or kissed a girl, etc. Some of those guys are the ones you better lock up your wife, wallet, car and daughter (and son too) when they come around.

Acts Enthusiast
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11/10/17 3:59 pm

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Post Cojak
BUT, but in reference to the OP, what if a man who is pastoring today was accused of something when he was 19-20 Touching or having sex with his 16 year old Girl friend, they they fell out of love and he married someone else. Doesn't God forgive?

Now I ain't justifying my life. I married at 17 and me 'n her were sexually ignorant. We wuz cherries to you who don't know what I meant. There were times in our 61 years of marriage, I wish I had' knowed' more about sex in the beginning. hahahaha. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/11/17 1:03 am

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Post Cojak
I know we have many younger evangelists and pastors who testify to illegal drugs and other illegl activity, but that is forgiven in the blink of an eye. But anything sexual is the touch of death.

I say that in all humility. Because only by the grace of God go I. But I have known young ministers billed because of their 'illegal drug' ladened past. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/11/17 1:11 am

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Post Re: Nobody is sharing ... Old Time Country Preacher
Mat wrote:
Nobody is sharing ... I guess its judge not, less you get outed. For the record, I was a sinner and I really needed saving. I get a little nervous around preachers who say they never smoked, drank, did drugs, gambled, swore or kissed a girl, etc. Some of those guys are the ones you better lock up your wife, wallet, car and daughter (and son too) when they come around.


Ole Homer would roll over in his grave ifn he knowed we was havin to deal with this stuff in the church.
Acts-pert Poster
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11/11/17 4:31 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
I'm 52 and almost every preacher my age I know had at least some sort of minor sexual stumbling in their younger years, some after they were licensed. It ranges from heavy petting with their fiancée before marriage to full blown sex with their fiancée before marriage. One guy I know who was a virgin until 31 when he got married told me he did stumble from time to time with light porn and masturbation. So he gets no credit for holding out until 31? At 59 years of age and almost 4 decades of faithful service, he needs to be outed?

I don't see it.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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11/11/17 6:42 pm

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