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Roughrider, LEAD THE WAY. Share your feelings about Heaven & eternity Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Roughrider, LEAD THE WAY. Share your feelings about Heaven & eternity doyle
THANK YOU for turning our minds Heavenward. Your question about eternity is a fantastic lead-in for a discussion about Heaven and then our "Ruling and Reigning" with Christ on Earth.

If you were teaching new ministers, or new converts about this topic, how would you organize the presentation? What would be your sequence of events and how it comes to pass?

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 12/17/19 11:09 am; edited 2 times in total
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
12/14/19 10:17 am

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Post I would challenge them to explore what the Word says... roughridercog
On the following subjects:

Rapture? When based on Scripture, not just tradition handed down in messages.

Marriage supper of the lamb?

What will we be doing during the Great Tribulation.

What will our existence be like during the Thousand year reign? What will we be doing back on earth?

While Satan is loosed for a season, what will our existence be like?

And finally, what will the new heaven and earth be like? What will our purpose be?

You see, a lot of people,think that when we die, we go to heaven for all eternity. But does the Word teach this truthfully? If not, why do we continue to foster this erroneous idea?

Okay, let's hear your thoughts and ideas.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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12/14/19 3:02 pm

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Post Eating Steak doyle
Your outline is in my opinion, excellent. I too am very interested in what you have to say about each topic.

May I suggest that you begin with the "What will our existence be like" questions. Turn it into a series. Maybe use each category of your outline to be a freestanding and separate topic. Maybe start with two of them with each one being separate and freestanding.

Since everyone can read ACTS, but a smaller number are registered, our interest is not how many respond but how many read what you are having to say about each topic.

After posting a couple items from your outline, you could wait a few days and begin posting the others one at a time. It's the "Eating Steak" process. We want to eat the entire steak ("Meat of the Word,") but it goes down better one or two bites at a time.

In my opinion, this could be one of the most important series we have ever had on the board. I'm very interested in what you have to say about each topic.

All of the above are only suggestions. However, please feel free to do it as you choose and it will be a blessing.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
12/17/19 10:34 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Rev. 20, 21 and 22, if they are taken in a straightforward manner, indicate that the New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven to rest upon the New Earth, and there will be our eternal abode.

So in the final analysis, it’s not so much about us going to Heaven as us going there temporarily after death, and all coming back to earth for the thousand-year reign described in Rev. 20, and then finally, after the last, short Satanic rebellion, the New Heaven and New Jerusalem coming down to the New Earth, the city where there will be no night, where the Lamb is the light.

My comments come from a premillenialist perspective. Amillenialists and postmillenialists will interpret these chapters differently and generally more symbolically.

Wherever Jesus is, is where I want to be in the end.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/17/19 11:54 am

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Good topic.

There are many passages that show that we are supposed to be looking forward to the resurrection of our bodies but a lot of preaching reinforces or promoted the folk Christian idea of eternal disembodied bliss in heaven.

If I were to teach on this I might focus on return of Christ and resurrection verses more than the chronology of Revelation.

In the space of about a year and a half, I visited a Roman Catholic funeral, a Pentecostal funeral, and a Baptist funeral and paid attention to references to heaven and resurrection.

After all Paul wrote not to grieve as them that have no hope He said to comfort one another with words he wrote about the resurrection and second coming.

I had never been to an RCC service before. The liturgy constantly referred to the resurrection of the dead. Those prayers for the dead I had been warned about in a tract were prayers asking God to raise the deceased from the dead. There was reference to asking Mary to interceed. And the priest made a comment about us having an angel looking down on us, referring to the deceased.

Afterward, during a time of socializing I asked the priest if the RCC taught that angels were the deceased or a different type of creation. He agreed with the latter.

My thinking on this is that those who teach the word should carefully dispell misconceptions and not enforce them, like the idea of the dead being angels or our final state being as spirits in heaven.

The Pentecostal funeral--a Filippono one with ulogies. I heard many references to dying and going to heaven and no references to the resurrection. Same with the Baptist funeral which was just a preacher talking.
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12/24/19 10:45 am

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