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Peyton Manning getting Cosbyed
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Post Peyton Manning getting Cosbyed Nature Boy Florida
Why now?

Why did everyone assume it was someone out to get money from him...and not take it seriously until now,?

Maybe he will need even more Budweiser now..
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2/14/16 1:41 pm

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Post diakoneo
I don't get it?

Cosby had a history, Peyton had an incident. Where is the comparison?
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2/14/16 3:04 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Are you referring to this article?

I looked it up on Snopes but it seems unclear who they believe.
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Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/14/16 10:43 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
diakoneo wrote:
I don't get it?

Cosby had a history, Peyton had an incident. Where is the comparison?

Being trashed in the media - that's the comparison.

The biggest problem is they had it covered up - then the Mannings had to trash the lady in their book. Why didn't they let it go?

Did they expect the lady not to be mad about it?
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2/15/16 5:32 am

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Post bonnie knox
Why didn't they let it go?

Did they expect the lady not to be mad about it?

Maybe the question should be why did they treat a woman/women like that in the first place.

As to why some folks think they can get away with stuff, many folks apparently do. I think the advent of the internet and social media is having a big impact on bringing things to light that perhaps in former times might have stayed in the dark.
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2/15/16 7:41 am

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Post I don't know why ... Mat
I don't know why any college or professional male sports person would want to have any female in the locker or training room. I feel it is forced harassment of men in the name of gender equity. Just as invasive are news cameras and female reporters in the locker room.

Do players lose their right to privacy? In a nation that is providing restrooms for kids who are gender "uncertain" for the sake of privacy, how can this practice of subjecting males to the evasive eyes of both females and cameras to continue?

Will be allow cameras and male reporters into the WNBA's locker room? Can male trainers and reports now claim sexual harassment if a female exposes themselves or touches them in an "unwanted" manner?

As our gender "wars" continue the escalate in this nation, women should not be surprised that men will respond with demands of equal treatment. Just as the Joint Chief's Marine and Army generals called for women to be registered for the draft since they were being forced to allow women in all combat roles, so now let there be open locker rooms for all sexes, one restroom for all sex and not double standards for jobs such as law enforcement and firefighters. Either you can do the job or not, and if the standard is lowered for women, so it should be for men.

As a matter of fact, leagues like the WMBA or women's soccer is an affront and men should sue be be able to compete for those jobs. Gender based college sports should be outlawed and every team should be open to the best player no matter what the sex.

One of the articles referred to the "victim" of the "Manning Mooning" (I like the alliteration of that) as a "lady". Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the "Lady Vols" in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?

Men, its time for the women to play "hardball" with us on based on ability not gender!


PS It's time for women in the military to get their haircut "high and tight" or allow the men to grow long hair and beards (for any man or women who can grow one). Military women who wear uniform skirts are insulting the military and should wear the same uniform as men, or men should be able to wear skirts. Many will find that gender equality has an unexpected price!
Acts Enthusiast
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2/15/16 8:24 am

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Post bonnie knox
Oh, good grief! It was not a mooning. You don't have to call Jamie Naughright a lady if you don't want to, but apart from Manning, the athletes said she was very professional in her job and never vulgar in speech as he claimed she was.

One of the articles referred to the "victim" of the "Manning Mooning" (I like the alliteration of that) as a "lady". Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the "Lady Vols" in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?
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2/15/16 8:30 am

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Post Mat
bonnie knox wrote:
Oh, good grief! It was not a mooning. You don't have to call Jamie Naughright a lady if you don't want to, but apart from Manning, the athletes said she was very professional in her job and never vulgar in speech as he claimed she was.

One of the articles referred to the "victim" of the "Manning Mooning" (I like the alliteration of that) as a "lady". Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the "Lady Vols" in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?

That's what it comes down to - "he said, she said", but I am not going to give her any brakes because she is a women. She touched him first when he was forced to be examined by her.

Acts Enthusiast
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2/15/16 9:27 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Mat wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
Oh, good grief! It was not a mooning. You don't have to call Jamie Naughright a lady if you don't want to, but apart from Manning, the athletes said she was very professional in her job and never vulgar in speech as he claimed she was.

One of the articles referred to the "victim" of the "Manning Mooning" (I like the alliteration of that) as a "lady". Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the "Lady Vols" in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?

That's what it comes down to - "he said, she said", but I am not going to give her any brakes because she is a women. She touched him first when he was forced to be examined by her.


Not so fast.

it is not he said, she said. There were other folks in the room - and they agree with HER - not Peyton.
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2/15/16 9:31 am

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Post bonnie knox
Totally bizarre to say that examining a person to see if his foot is broken is a reason to be sexually assaulted.
I didn't assault the male doctor who did a gynecological exam on me, nor the male doctor who assisted the midwives at my son's birth.
Where did you get the idea that he was forced to have her examine him???

Mat wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
Oh, good grief! It was not a mooning. You don't have to call Jamie Naughright a lady if you don't want to, but apart from Manning, the athletes said she was very professional in her job and never vulgar in speech as he claimed she was.

One of the articles referred to the "victim" of the "Manning Mooning" (I like the alliteration of that) as a "lady". Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the "Lady Vols" in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?

That's what it comes down to - "he said, she said", but I am not going to give her any brakes because she is a women. She touched him first when he was forced to be examined by her.

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2/15/16 11:46 am

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Post georgiapath
She should have sued when she lost her Tn job. I hope she wins and he loses everything. Acts-dicted
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2/15/16 1:16 pm

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Post Mat
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Mat wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
Oh, good grief! It was not a mooning. You don't have to call Jamie Naughright a lady if you don't want to, but apart from Manning, the athletes said she was very professional in her job and never vulgar in speech as he claimed she was.

One of the articles referred to the "victim" of the "Manning Mooning" (I like the alliteration of that) as a "lady". Such gender privilege titles are sexiest and have no place in sports. I include the "Lady Vols" in this rant! After all, you may be born a woman or a man (or something in between nowadays), but few women should women be allowed to use a title that requires special treatment from men?

That's what it comes down to - "he said, she said", but I am not going to give her any brakes because she is a women. She touched him first when he was forced to be examined by her.


Not so fast.

it is not he said, she said. There were other folks in the room - and they agree with HER - not Peyton.

Wait, you mean that in a public place (a college football training room), full of "upstanding" witnesses, that Manning was able to turn an exam being medical exam being performed by a woman (who was not a doctor by the way) into a full-on sexual assault, and no one called the police? What kind of people were they to stand and watch, or were they not only complacent to the assault, but co-conspirators in the event?

This whole thing seems as if they were waiting until Manning had more for them to "extort" or that someone, or some motive, is behind this on-slot.

Men, I'm telling you, do business with women at your own risk. What you think was just treating them like one of the guys will come back as you having engaged in a sexual assault.

Acts Enthusiast
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2/15/16 1:42 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Mat, did you read what he was alleged to have done? It was not okay behavior regardless of the gender of the recipient. It seems you are trying to make this about your personal opinion about whether there should be female trainers (or reporters, which has nothing to do with the issue at hand) for male athletes when this is really about a University covering up the vile behavior of one of their very good players. It is about covering up vile behavior because the behavior was perpetrated by a player who had power and prestige because his skills brought the prestige that would bring the money to the university. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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2/15/16 1:51 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
The only thing we have to go on is a "statement of facts" written by her attorneys.

I do not understand how in the United States of America there are people who take allegations as evidence of guilt. To be honest, I kind of wish someone would accuse you folks of sexual assault so you can see what it's like to be guilty of something solely because someone else alleged it.

Did Peyton Manning commit this crime? I have no idea. Is she trying to cash in? I have no idea. And neither does anyone here. All anyone here knows is what was included in a "statement of facts" written by the attorneys of the accuser.

Without any further information, only a fool (that's the Bible's word, not mine) would form any kind of opinion about the case one way or another.

The woman's allegstions deserve to be heard and she deserves a full and thorough examination of what she alleges to have occurred. Manning deserves the presumption of innocence until he is demonstrated to be guilty by a reasonable standard (not necessarily found guilty in a court of law, as wealth can and does protect people).

As for anyone who would deny someone the presumption of innocence, I can't help but desire you find yourself accused of something you didn't do. I hope the Lord helps me develop a more loving and merciful heart.
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2/15/16 2:00 pm

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Post Mat
bonnie knox wrote:
Mat, did you read what he was alleged to have done? It was not okay behavior regardless of the gender of the recipient. It seems you are trying to make this about your personal opinion about whether there should be female trainers (or reporters, which has nothing to do with the issue at hand) for male athletes when this is really about a University covering up the vile behavior of one of their very good players. It is about covering up vile behavior because the behavior was perpetrated by a player who had power and prestige because his skills brought the prestige that would bring the money to the university.

Tis true, I'm casting a wide net of inflammatory statements related to gender roles and relationships. What is also true is that just because someone writes a story in a newspaper or attest to a event before "their" lawyer, does not make it fact. Let's just say I am not ready to believe the accuser(s) without knowing more about their character and possible motives. Accusing, rather false accusing, is closely associated with Satan in the Bible, and often occurs in relationship to money in our current culture. I do believe that men today need to be very careful when they interact with women in a business/classroom/sports/etc setting. What a man may think was just a joke or funny, a women can turn into a career ending event.

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2/15/16 2:24 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I never said he was guilty or not...although there have been two settlements out of court regarding the incident.

I just wanted to know why they are on the offensive now.
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2/15/16 2:45 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I never said he was guilty or not...although there have been two settlements out of court regarding the incident.

I just wanted to know why they are on the offensive now.

And, I should note that I wasn't accusing anyone in this thread of having done that. It is an epidemic in America, though, and it's very disheartening.

On one side we have people who want to believe every allegation is absolute truth ("listen and believe", as one feminist put it) and on the other side we have folks who want to believe every accuser is a whore trying to get a pay day. I realize there are a lot of decent folks in the middle, likely including most if not everyone in this thread. I just wish there were a lot more of us.
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2/15/16 2:52 pm

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Post Mat
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I never said he was guilty or not...although there have been two settlements out of court regarding the incident.

I just wanted to know why they are on the offensive now.

Perhaps the writer did not like the way Cam Newton was treated.

Acts Enthusiast
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2/15/16 2:58 pm

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Post bonnie knox
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2/15/16 3:18 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Wait, you mean that in a public place (a college football training room), full of "upstanding" witnesses, that Manning was able to turn an exam being medical exam being performed by a woman (who was not a doctor by the way) into a full-on sexual assault, and no one called the police? What kind of people were they to stand and watch, or were they not only complacent to the assault, but co-conspirators in the event?

This whole thing seems as if they were waiting until Manning had more for them to "extort" or that someone, or some motive, is behind this on-slot.

According to his affidavit, Malcolm Saxon, who was present at the incident said that he told associate trainer Mike Rolo the next day and Coach Fulmar a week or two afterwards.

"First, I have stuck to my same story throughout this drama. I told Mike Rollo the next day and Coach Fulmer a week or two afterwards. I had nothing to hide at that point and I have nothing to hide today. I have never been on Jamie's side or on your side (contrary to what the athletic department was telling you and telling her). I stuck to the truth and I lost my eligibility for it. My redshirt request sat on Mike Rollo's desk for months as the process was going forward. I'm not angry about it anymore, just getting a little tired of it!!

"Peyton, you messed up. I still don't know why you dropped your drawers. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe not. But it was definitely inappropriate. Please take some personal responsibility here and own up to what you did. I never understood why you didn't admit to it...."
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2/15/16 3:28 pm

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