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If frustrations build until you want to opt out of ACTS, that would make me sad. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post If frustrations build until you want to opt out of ACTS, that would make me sad. doyle
If you come to the point that you don't want to be here anymore, that would sadden me and our Moderators. Together, we work hard to provide a place where you can share your heart, your ideas and perspective. The goal is that you can do that in a respectful manner AND expect respect in return.

If I have done something that caused anxiety to build until you want to opt out, fell free to share your heart about that right here, or contact me personally. Knowing what has happened to bring you to that point, is important for the Mods and I to see. Your feelings are important to us.

Share your feelings here or call the Executive Offices in Cleveland. They probably live a complaint free life. Just kidding about calling them. However, there are some fantastic people in Cleveland who do care about you too.

If we are the ones who hurt you, contact us.

Over 20 years ago Actscelerate was started for several reasons.

One, at the time, the COG ministers and members had no other place to share their feelings without fear of retribution. It was heavy-handed centralized government.

That is not intended to be a putdown of the COG. It was just a fact of life then. With Tim Hill in leadership now, I would think there is a much improved atmosphere in the COG. Ideally, there are some positive benefits to a centralized system.

However, that can basically depend on "who" is at the top of the system. Even though there will be times they have to be firm, if the leader is a kind and benevolent person, being under their leadership can be an excellent experience.


If the leader is harsh and or tyrannical, it can make life miserable. Some people's leadership can cause one to feel so low you can play racquetball against the curb. Anyone who has been part of a centralized or non-centralized system for any length of time, have experienced both of those kinds of leadership.

At some time or another, we have all served under leaders who seemed to have the theme, "The beatings and firings will continue until morale increases." Dummies. God never called anyone to be a tyrant over His people. Get over the tiny ego and become concerned and loving in supervision of God's people.

"Not being Lord's over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock" (Ist Peter 5:3).

Two, the memories of coming in contact with the COG in Germany, are still fresh and refreshing. Though I was not a member of the COG, someone had sent a notice of my deployment to the COG Servicemen's Center in Kaiserslautern, (K-Town) Germany.

Roy and Margret Strickland, along with G.A. Swanson and his wife Treasure, had that Center on fire for the Lord. Bob Sada's preaching set my heart on fire for the Lord's work.

The Holy Ghost was welcome there and it was packed with joyous worshiping soldiers. I fell in love with the incredible people the COG had sent to lead us in worship. As a Department of Defense Military Journalist, I decided if ever there came an opportunity to cover COG news around the world, it is something I wanted to do. It was my opinion that everybody should hear about the COG.

For years,
that was done in newspaper form, and then by internet. There came the time when I felt it best to provide a place where viewers could themselves post news important to them, and to have a safe place to discuss it in a Christian manner.
I hold no position and do not seek any. I am totally an Actscelerate volunteer having served this entire time without pay or any expectation of it. However, I do receive something from it; the joy of hearing about yours and COG successes.

It also brings me joy to know there is still a place available where those like you who have invested their very breath into COG ministry and membership, have a place to share their heart about issues and situations the COG is facing.

There is another thing. This site is about you. Since I fell in love with the COG those years ago as a soldier on deployment in Germany, the interest in what's happening in your life, the good, the bad, and the sad, still touch my heart.

I have soooo much respect for the Calling God has placed on your life. Many are Called but you are chosen; "a Royal Priesthood..." You are a member of high-standing in the Household of Faith - a front-lin soldier and honorable member of the Society of the "YES" Movement. God called, and you said "Yes Lord."

Answering God's Call is about heart; a heart for God, a heart for His people, a heart to be a blessing. Individually and collectively, YOU ARE some of the most amazing people on this planet.

IT IS MY PRAYER that God will bestow upon each of you individually, and the Church of God collectively, the promise He gave to Abraham. He said, "Abraham, "I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you. I will make your name great (a name with influence), and YOU WILL BE A

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
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5/7/19 2:08 pm

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Post Cojak
I appreciate your post. I have known very little of your life but I have appreciated Acts. I lurked for a long time before joining in.

I have learned a lot on my interacting and much by just listening and saying 'Amen!'.

I started to say more, but at this time I just want to thank you for providing this medium for me to learn, laugh and interact with Godly people.

Take care and may God Richly bless you!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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5/7/19 9:29 pm

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