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I've heard that Zello is an app that can turn your phone into a "walkie talkie" Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I've heard that Zello is an app that can turn your phone into a "walkie talkie" bonnie knox
I'm certainly not advertising, and I haven't used it myself, but I'm hearing it mentioned as a hurricane preparedness tool. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/9/17 7:57 pm

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I just heard about that on a hurricane preparation piece from a Miami news station on YouTube. The announcer said they found people during Hurricane Harvey using that app.
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9/9/17 9:22 pm

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Post revuriah
It works. My daughters have it on their tablets and I've got it on my iPhone. But you still need cell service apparently.
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9/10/17 3:17 pm

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Post bonnie knox
revuriah wrote:
It works. My daughters have it on their tablets and I've got it on my iPhone. But you still need cell service apparently.

Thanks, for that info. Yes, you still have to have network or Wi-Fi connection.
By the way, I hope you and your family are safe, too.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/10/17 5:37 pm

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Post Tom Sterbens
bonnie knox wrote:
revuriah wrote:
It works. My daughters have it on their tablets and I've got it on my iPhone. But you still need cell service apparently.

Thanks, for that info. Yes, you still have to have network or Wi-Fi connection.
By the way, I hope you and your family are safe, too.

When I was first contacted by several people about the app - it became clear they do/did not understand how a mobile phone functions.

There is also a new water hose coming available that can provide water without being connected to a water faucet. Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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9/10/17 8:34 pm

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bonnie knox wrote:
revuriah wrote:
It works. My daughters have it on their tablets and I've got it on my iPhone. But you still need cell service apparently.

Thanks, for that info. Yes, you still have to have network or Wi-Fi connection.
By the way, I hope you and your family are safe, too.

Still sounds like a cool toy, but it doesn't sound like it would be helpul if the power went off and towers went down. I think 911 works on phones that do not have service on them, but they still need to get a signal.

Can you broadcast to anyone else using Zello like a walkee talkee? If so, that's pretty good if you get stuck in the rubble underneath a collapsed building and rescue workers are using Zello.
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Posts: 11849
9/11/17 2:17 am

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Post Cojak
Tom Sterbens wrote:
There is also a new water hose coming available that can provide water without being connected to a water faucet. Laughing


I want one of 'em. Is it one of those things "As advertised on TV"?
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/11/17 9:26 pm

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