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Your thoughts on this passage in Acts? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Your thoughts on this passage in Acts? Aaron Scott
(Acts 8:14 KJV) Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

(Acts 8:15 KJV) Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:

Most of us feel that no special people are needed to help people receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. But I have contemplated this for some time.

I believe some men are gifted with helping folks receive the Holy Ghost. While others might be gifted to encourage, to bring to salvation, etc., some seem to have far greater success at seeing people baptized with the Holy Ghost.

T. L. Lowery comes to mind. It's hard to fathom T. L. going anywhere for more than a day or two without someone getting the Holy Ghost.

What do you think these verses indicate? Or does it signify nothing really?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
12/22/15 10:47 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Aaron, this is just my opinion. I've read that and wondered about it but haven't "studied" it per se.
I think the apostles were going to places where the church was beginning and establishing doctrine
I don't think anyone needs anyone special to pray over them to receive the Holy Ghost.
That's my opinion.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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12/23/15 8:45 am

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Post I teach Acts at our Bible College brotherjames
Which is not to say I know much but I teach it thusly:
Phillip, one of the seven Deacons (servants) and filled with (baptized in) the Holy Ghost has now been pushed out of Jerusalem by persecution has become an evangelist. He is ministering in the Spirit with accompanying signs, wonders and miracles that confirm his gospel message and revival in Samaria is occuring. While Phillip could have prayed for the people to receive the Holy Spirit he is more consumed with souls. Consider Apollos in Acts 19 was in the same mode. In Jerusalem the disciples catch wind of the move of God in Samaria and come to investigate. When they arrive they discover Phillip has left out an essential, the baptism in the Holy Spirit so they fulfill that portion. Phillip could have done it but for some reason did not. Apollo could have but didn't so Paul did in Acts 19. There are some people who seem to have more anointing to see people baptized in the Spirit just like some people have more success in the gift of healing with certain diseases over others. And just like healing, any BELIEVER can pray for the sick, any believer can pray for others to receive the Holy Spirit. But, some seem empowered especially for that gift. Hope this helps a bit.
Posts: 935
12/23/15 9:05 am

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Post DrDuck
bonnie knox wrote:
Aaron, this is just my opinion. I've read that and wondered about it but haven't "studied" it per se.
I think the apostles were going to places where the church was beginning and establishing doctrine
I don't think anyone needs anyone special to pray over them to receive the Holy Ghost.
That's my opinion.

Seems to me it is a matter of timing. My mother always said of her friends who were not Pentecostal: "They just have not seen the light on the Holy Ghost."
They prayed for them to be filled with the Holy Ghost because they found them not yet having received that blessing. And they did it after enlightening them as to the need.
Posts: 755
12/23/15 9:19 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
One commentary I read said the reason the apostles had to do it was so the Samaritan believers would be fully accepted as legitimate by the original church in Jerusalem. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/23/15 11:20 am

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Post bradfreeman
Paul didn't receive the baptism at the hands of an Apostle.

I do believe some are especially effective at ministering the baptism.
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12/23/15 11:22 am

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Post Re: Your thoughts on this passage in Acts? roughridercog
Aaron Scott wrote:
(Acts 8:14 KJV) Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

(Acts 8:15 KJV) Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:

Most of us feel that no special people are needed to help people receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. But I have contemplated this for some time.

I believe some men are gifted with helping folks receive the Holy Ghost. While others might be gifted to encourage, to bring to salvation, etc., some seem to have far greater success at seeing people baptized with the Holy Ghost.

T. L. Lowery comes to mind. It's hard to fathom T. L. going anywhere for more than a day or two without someone getting the Holy Ghost.

What do you think these verses indicate? Or does it signify nothing really?

Pin the book of Acts, you see people receiving the Holy Ghost baptism via three methods: prayer, preaching of the Word, and the laying on of hands. That being said, I feel some have a genuine heart for working with people who are seeking God.
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12/23/15 4:40 pm

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Post JLarry
As far as one seeing more filled with the HS, to me it is simple. We all have faith, some have stronger faith for different things.

The Lord has blessed me with faith to pray for folks with back and joint problems. I have seen move victories in that are than any other physical healings.

TL apparently has much faith for various healings and for seeing others filled with the Spirit. Some see more saved.
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12/24/15 11:22 am

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Post Da Sheik
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
One commentary I read said the reason the apostles had to do it was so the Samaritan believers would be fully accepted as legitimate by the original church in Jerusalem.

This is my understanding as I read it as well. Much like the disciples of John the Baptist who received by laying on of hands.
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12/26/15 12:04 am

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Post Re: I teach Acts at our Bible College Resident Skeptic
brotherjames wrote:
Which is not to say I know much but I teach it thusly:
Phillip, one of the seven Deacons (servants) and filled with (baptized in) the Holy Ghost has now been pushed out of Jerusalem by persecution has become an evangelist. He is ministering in the Spirit with accompanying signs, wonders and miracles that confirm his gospel message and revival in Samaria is occuring. While Phillip could have prayed for the people to receive the Holy Spirit he is more consumed with souls. Consider Apollos in Acts 19 was in the same mode. In Jerusalem the disciples catch wind of the move of God in Samaria and come to investigate. When they arrive they discover Phillip has left out an essential, the baptism in the Holy Spirit so they fulfill that portion. Phillip could have done it but for some reason did not. Apollo could have but didn't so Paul did in Acts 19. There are some people who seem to have more anointing to see people baptized in the Spirit just like some people have more success in the gift of healing with certain diseases over others. And just like healing, any BELIEVER can pray for the sick, any believer can pray for others to receive the Holy Spirit. But, some seem empowered especially for that gift. Hope this helps a bit.

Phillip did not leave it out as Spirit baptism would have been one of the essential elements of the things he preached concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact it was he who sent word to the Apostles that Samaria had received the gospel. Since this was the first recorded instance of anyone who was not fully Jewish receiving the Spirit, Phillip deferred to Apostolic authority in the matter so they could confirm that these conversions were genuine and valid.
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12/26/15 7:39 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Perhaps people today do not seem to feel the same need as the apostles did in their day. The purpose of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to empower believers for service. There are many in Pentecostal churches today that have not received the baptism of the Spirit. I once had a coworker insist that a COG I'd previously attended for years was not Pentecostal. Shocked

Praying for others to receive the baptism of the Spirit is not a gift of the Spirit, but this is the understanding God gave me for the gifts of the Spirit, and it seems to apply here.

When studying/praying about the gifts of the Spirit once, I asked God why some people were used in certain giftings more than others. The thought came to me, "Which would you use to fry bacon - a frying pan or a piece of Tupperware?" Obviously, the frying pan would be the right choice...but why? Because it is the vessel most suited for the job. A piece of Tupperware would melt with that assignment, but a frying pan would work well. And so it seems with the gifts of the Spirit...God uses the vessel that is most useful for that particular need.
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Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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12/26/15 10:54 pm

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