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Charges filed for PA fraud / evidence of dead person voting (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Charges filed for PA fraud / evidence of dead person voting (L) Dave Dorsey
I have consistently said that if actual evidence of fraud emerged, I would acknowledge it. In this case the evidence is strong enough that criminal charges have been filed. The accused is of course innocent until proven guilty, but this is enough for me to concede that a dead person likely voted.

To my knowledge this is the first criminal charge filed in relation to fraudulent voting in the 2020 presidential election.

And that dead person, the mother of the accused, voted for President Trump.
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Posts: 13654
12/23/20 12:14 pm

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Post Cojak
Shucks that ain't no reason to charge the man. That is only a couple bad ones for Trump. There were millions the other way I hear!........ Wink

I have often wondered If my absentee ballot came in I filled it out, but did not mail it . Then later I had the audacity to die. Would it be wrong for my wife to mail my ballot in after my death?

Yeah off the subject of course. But I was expecting something like that before I read the article.
After all She knew how I wanted to vote, even if she filled out the ballot. Shocked Smile

I was telling my son that the only election related prosecution in NC was against the GOP. Against a man who has picking up Absentee ballots. "No dad he was only harvesting them!"
I guess that was different. Confused Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
12/23/20 8:00 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
You're a riot Cojak, I love you. Laughing

As I understand it, your wife mailing it postmortem would be a crime. However, depending on your state, if it was postmarked prior to death it could still count.

Of course, I'm being a little silly here. I fully expect charges to come for folks who did this for Biden, too. They come for both sides every election cycle, just usually in small amounts.
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Posts: 13654
12/23/20 8:35 pm

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Post Cojak
I have no doubt that this type of thing has happened especially since absentee ballots have become so popular. WE have voted absentee for many years now. It is easy to see how someone could register or help anyone register then get their ballots and vote, that would be fairly simple and hard (Impossible) to catch on a count.
BUT using that method a number to reach enough to sway an election would be very hard if not impossible to do. IMO. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/23/20 9:49 pm

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