When I attended Lee, I was introduced to the term "messianic consciousness", meaning: When did the baby Jesus realize he was the promised messiah?
It is an interesting study.
We do know he began his ministry by performing a miracle at about age 30, but it was clear he had been well aware of it long before that. His mother would have told Him the story of His creation from the earliest days, even though she, herself, did not comprehend its true meaning.
So if the anti-christ is alive right now, (and I hope he is), at what point in his life will he know this? And what will his behavior be like before he 'comes out'?
If I were him, I would be licking my lips at what I am seeing in America, and world-wide today.
Rejection of every fundamental that created this country and made it the most blessed nation since the Babylon of 700 BC, is increasing at a rapid pace.
Are we setting the stage for this guy or not? And I don't mean to say he will come from America, prophesy seems to refute that, but I am saying that America will love him, and would love him right now.
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Golf Cart Mafia Underboss Posts: 3944 3/16/20 10:30 am