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Why do we not use clerical collars?
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Post Why do we not use clerical collars? mytimewillcome

Why do we not use clerical collars? If you do, tell us when, where, why.

If not, why?

Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3658
9/19/15 9:37 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I see no reason, scripturally or logically, to wear something like that. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
9/19/15 9:43 pm

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Post Cojak
For those who have a quick temper, it might be the thing that makes one think twice before berating a cook or a clerk who is at least working for a living instead of drawing welfare. Knowing that you are BRANDED!

I have known preachers make a fool of themselves in sports clothes 'chewing out a fast food guy for being slow, and most folk did not know he was a preacher." Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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9/19/15 10:04 pm

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? mytimewillcome
Tom Sterbens wrote:
mytimewillcome wrote:

Why do we not use clerical collars? If you do, tell us when, where, why.

If not, why?


Dude! I was so going to get one after attending my first Earl Paulk conference back in the 80's. But it was all a bit weird.

You know, if a clerical collar is associated with celibacy, Earl Paul sure cleared that up. Smile

The 80's? This is a new season!! Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3658
9/19/15 10:35 pm

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? Cojak
Tom Sterbens wrote:
mytimewillcome wrote:

Why do we not use clerical collars? If you do, tell us when, where, why.

If not, why?


Dude! I was so going to get one after attending my first Earl Paulk conference back in the 80's. But it was all a bit weird.

You know, if a clerical collar is associated with celibacy, Earl Paul sure cleared that up. Smile

OUCH Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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9/19/15 10:36 pm

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? Old Time Country Preacher
Tom Sterbens wrote:
I was so going to get one after attending my first Earl Paulk conference back in the 80's. But it was all a bit weird.

You know, if a clerical collar is associated with celibacy, Earl Paulk sure cleared that up. Smile

Wow, what a revelatory moment indeed in the 80's when you became keenly aware that the existence of commonality was zilch between Archbishop Pearly Paulk and the collar of celibacy.
Acts-pert Poster
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9/19/15 11:01 pm

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? bonnie knox
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Tom Sterbens wrote:
I was so going to get one after attending my first Earl Paulk conference back in the 80's. But it was all a bit weird.

You know, if a clerical collar is associated with celibacy, Earl Paulk sure cleared that up. Smile

Wow, what a revelatory moment indeed in the 80's when you became keenly aware that the existence of commonality was zilch between Archbishop Pearly Paulk and the collar of celibacy.

Ole Timer, you skeer me when ya talk like at. Ya sound kindly like Preacher Sterbens himself with all them endins on ya nouns and adjectives.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/19/15 11:20 pm

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Post mytimewillcome
Why is the collar associated with celibacy? This is a Protestant invention and tradition, not Catholic. Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3658
9/20/15 1:29 am

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Post I have/wear the "tab" collar ... Mat
I have/wear the "tab" collar from time to time - like at weddings where the wedding party is all dressed up (tux, etc), I think the minister should represent the church well and not look like a wedding guest in just a suit and tie.

The collar is great for civic events when the clergy needs to be recognized, and in emergency situations it gets you into places (hospitals, accidents, crime scenes, etc) with a lot less explaining of who you are. The collar is respected on the streets by gang members and police alike.

The collar has its place and for people from more formal church backgrounds it is very much a part of their "religious identity".

It is not a sign of authority, that would be the sash worn when in full regalia.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
9/20/15 6:08 am

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Post Re: I have/wear the "tab" collar ... Cojak
Mat wrote:
I have/wear the "tab" collar from time to time - like at weddings where the wedding party is all dressed up (tux, etc), I think the minister should represent the church well and not look like a wedding guest in just a suit and tie.

The collar is great for civic events when the clergy needs to be recognized, and in emergency situations it gets you into places (hospitals, accidents, crime scenes, etc) with a lot less explaining of who you are. The collar is respected on the streets by gang members and police alike.

The collar has its place and for people from more formal church backgrounds it is very much a part of their "religious identity".

It is not a sign of authority, that would be the sash worn when in full regalia.


Thumb Up What he said. True, having learned it in a military environment. Lot of respect to the chaplain.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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9/20/15 1:45 pm

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? Link
Cojak wrote:
Tom Sterbens wrote:
mytimewillcome wrote:

Why do we not use clerical collars? If you do, tell us when, where, why.

If not, why?


Dude! I was so going to get one after attending my first Earl Paulk conference back in the 80's. But it was all a bit weird.

You know, if a clerical collar is associated with celibacy, Earl Paul sure cleared that up. Smile

OUCH Shocked

That's funny. That's exactly what I said outloud after reading his comment and before reading yours.
Acts-perienced Poster
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9/20/15 1:52 pm

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Post Link
The clerical collar in my mind promotes the whole clergy-laity distinction, where you see the ordained as special holy 'men of the cloth' who levitate two inches above the ground, and the rest of the folks as poor mere regular folk.

The whole model doesn't fit well with the perspective we see in I Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 and other passages where every believer has a role to play in the body and gifts and ministries are scattered throughout the body. The ministry of prophet is important even though he may not be 'ordained' and may not wear a collar. And would apostles wear collars or just elders? Think about a first century context. Who would you put the collars on?

I suppose we could have all Christian wear collars.

But it is just clothing, and I'm reading my own thoughts and perceptions into what it symbolizes.

Since the Protestant Reformation, different Protestants have also been against all kinds of clerical garb at certain times in history because they see it as promoting papist thought or culture.

Something I found strange was to see a young woman in Indonesia in her 20's come out of a hospital wearing a blouse that looked like a Roman Catholic priests black outfit with the little white collar thing in front, but she was wearing a black skirt. There are Reformed Protestants over there, and even at least one group of Charismatics who had their own denomination (but had a lot of COG guest speakers) had a pastor who wore a collar. Some of these groups ordain women. It was weird for me to see a feminized version of the RCC outfit, though.
Acts-perienced Poster
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9/20/15 1:58 pm

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Post I feel there is a time and place ... Mat
I feel there is a time and place for a clerical collar, but each has to make the choice for themselves. It seems no more a "uniform" then a tee-shirt (maybe with the Apple logo to be really cool), Jeans, sandals and a large cross handing from the neck. One style is no more spiritual than the other, but there is a time and a place for both.

Now what I find sad is the acceptance of a minister of the Gospel carrying a concealed pistol (just in case he needs to defend himself by taking someone's life) while at the same time condemning those who find a collar helpful.

Acts Enthusiast
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9/20/15 2:38 pm

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Post Christopher Stephenson
I sometimes wear a clergy shirt when I teach for these two reasons:

1. It is a way for me to practice the spiritual discipline of simplicity by taking minimal concern for my appearance—solid black clothing with no accessories except a pectoral crucifix, and a lack of “What will I wear today?/Does this match?”/etc.

2. I want to remind my students that some of their teachers are both Ph.D.s and ordained ministers. Our academic teaching is the primary form of our ministry to the one church catholic in general and (in some of our cases) to the Church of God in particular. There is nothing wrong with being either one or the other (or neither), but I want to remind my students that some of their teachers are both.
Friendly Face
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9/20/15 3:33 pm

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? Old Time Country Preacher
Tom Sterbens wrote:

However, at the end of the second day I said to my wife, "We need to get out of here, there is this incredibly sensual vibe here that really bugs me." True story. In fact I felt guilty for feeling that way. Everyone was extremely kind and caring.

I understand!
Acts-pert Poster
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9/20/15 3:57 pm

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Post Re: I feel there is a time and place ... Link
Mat wrote:
I feel there is a time and place for a clerical collar, but each has to make the choice for themselves. It seems no more a "uniform" then a tee-shirt (maybe with the Apple logo to be really cool), Jeans, sandals and a large cross handing from the neck. One style is no more spiritual than the other, but there is a time and a place for both.

Now what I find sad is the acceptance of a minister of the Gospel carrying a concealed pistol (just in case he needs to defend himself by taking someone's life) while at the same time condemning those who find a collar helpful.


This gives me an idea-- A T-Shirt with a clerical collar drawn on it, a kind of clergy T-shirt so a preacher can be kind of traditional, but still be hip and wear a T-shirt.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/21/15 2:41 am

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Post Re: I feel there is a time and place ... Mat
Link wrote:
Mat wrote:
I feel there is a time and place for a clerical collar, but each has to make the choice for themselves. It seems no more a "uniform" then a tee-shirt (maybe with the Apple logo to be really cool), Jeans, sandals and a large cross handing from the neck. One style is no more spiritual than the other, but there is a time and a place for both.

Now what I find sad is the acceptance of a minister of the Gospel carrying a concealed pistol (just in case he needs to defend himself by taking someone's life) while at the same time condemning those who find a collar helpful.


This gives me an idea-- A T-Shirt with a clerical collar drawn on it, a kind of clergy T-shirt so a preacher can be kind of traditional, but still be hip and wear a T-shirt.

You mean like those "tuxedo shirts" or those "naked body on a t-shirt shirts". I think for the most part the effort of the "dressed-down" minister is to look like a guy who is so secure and anti-cultural normal (as in, "we don't do church at our church"). The very semblance of an expression of the "higher-calling of ministry" would be anathema and counter to his counter-culture expression of Christianity. In his community the collar if worn would be a statement of irony. To them, better a Apple logo or Harley shirt than a collar or even a coat and tie.

Acts Enthusiast
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9/21/15 7:11 am

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Post Nick Park
For me, the clerical collar clearly reinforces the unbiblical distinction between clergy and laity.

The priesthood of all believers is a fundamental Gospel truth, and essential to the operation of a healthy church. Having a uniform, or special dress, for one section of believers undermines that truth.
Senior Pastor, Solid Rock Church, Drogheda
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Executive Director, Evangelical Alliance Ireland
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9/21/15 8:58 am

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Post diakoneo
Nick Park wrote:
For me, the clerical collar clearly reinforces the unbiblical distinction between clergy and laity.

The priesthood of all believers is a fundamental Gospel truth, and essential to the operation of a healthy church. Having a uniform, or special dress, for one section of believers undermines that truth.

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Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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9/21/15 9:01 am

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Post Re: Why do we not use clerical collars? Nature Boy Florida
Tom Sterbens wrote:
mytimewillcome wrote:

Why do we not use clerical collars? If you do, tell us when, where, why.

If not, why?


Dude! I was so going to get one after attending my first Earl Paulk conference back in the 80's. But it was all a bit weird.

You know, if a clerical collar is associated with celibacy, Earl Paulk sure cleared that up. Smile

Yeah - I wonder what it does mean then - if Paulk is the arbiter of collars?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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9/21/15 9:02 am

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