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Can you imagine a day when we have technology to disrupt a hurricane? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Can you imagine a day when we have technology to disrupt a hurricane? bonnie knox
Sometimes I like to think that someday we will develop some technology to disrupt or at least lessen the severity of a hurricane. Maybe it will be a sonic device that penetrates the hurricane and causes a disruption to the circulation. (Did you hear about the sonic attacks on our ambassadors in Cuba?) Maybe there would be a chemical that could be sprayed in alternating strips along the ocean surface that would change the temperature of the ocean surface (which would cause a political uproar because of the damage to the sea creatures) that would lessen the strength of the storm. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/8/17 7:36 am

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Post Re: Can you imagine a day when we have technology to disrupt a hurricane? Old Time Country Preacher
bonnie knox wrote:
Sometimes I like to think that someday we will develop some technology to disrupt or at least lessen the severity of a hurricane. Maybe it will be a sonic device that penetrates the hurricane and causes a disruption to the circulation. (Did you hear about the sonic attacks on our ambassadors in Cuba?) Maybe there would be a chemical that could be sprayed in alternating strips along the ocean surface that would change the temperature of the ocean surface (which would cause a political uproar because of the damage to the sea creatures) that would lessen the strength of the storm.

One a two things, Miss Bonnie. You either been watchin Sci-Fi channel or you done gone to believin Gloria Copeland. She said on one a her tv programs a few months ago at Christians oughtta set weather patterns by rebuking storms.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/8/17 9:23 am

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Post 21stcenturyministry
Jesus spoke to the storm what's wrong with a little faith otcp. I happen to love Gloria Copeland. Pat Robertson prayed a few storms away 😃 there is a device the military has that can manipulate weather it is called HAARP but I don't think it is really safe and we use it other countries could as well.

Here is a video
Posts: 45
9/8/17 9:48 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
21stcenturyministry wrote:
Jesus spoke to the storm what's wrong with a little faith otcp. I happen to love Gloria Copeland.

I love Gloria's soul as well, an I hope she repents of her heresy an makes it to heaven.

Nope, if her an Kenny could stop storms by merely rebukin em an commandin em to dissipate, hey, imagine the pain/suffering/loss of life they coulda saved Houston, an now in Florida if they woulda just commanded the storm to go back over the sea an burn itself out?

They didn't do it cause they can't do it.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/8/17 9:57 am

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Post 21stcenturyministry
Hersey? Is she telling folks of another way to go to heaven? I think the every time I hear Kenneth and gloria speak they spoke of Jesus being the only way to heaven. What's wrong with seed time and harvest. Can't we still be christian brothers and agree to disagree. It is surely not a heaven or hell issue Member
Posts: 45
9/8/17 10:07 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
21stcenturyministry wrote:
Hersey? Is she telling folks of another way to go to heaven? I think the every time I hear Kenneth and gloria speak they spoke of Jesus being the only way to heaven. What's wrong with seed time and harvest. Can't we still be christian brothers and agree to disagree. It is surely not a heaven or hell issue

Nothin wrong with seedtime/harvest the way God designed it.

Everthing is wrong with seedtime/harvest the way Copelandism presents it.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/8/17 11:03 am

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Post bonnie knox
One a two things, Miss Bonnie. You either been watchin Sci-Fi channel or you done gone to believin Gloria Copeland.

Actually, neither one.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/8/17 1:51 pm

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Post Otcp JimmieDavis
It's you that we hope gets in. White washed tombs. Friendly Face
Posts: 219
9/8/17 3:48 pm

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