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Minister Mike Barnes Says He & His Wife Survived COVID w/o The Vaccine Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Minister Mike Barnes Says He & His Wife Survived COVID w/o The Vaccine doyle
Linda and I have had the first and second rounds of the vaccine. For a couple of days, we had slight flu-like feelings but not enough to cause bed-rest. How effective will it be? Time will tell.

However, if you have opted out of taking the vaccine as some of my friends and extended family members have, Poster Mike Barnes shares what he and his wife did to survive having COVID. Thought maybe that would be of interest.

Mike's post is the second one in the discussion thread linked below.

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Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
3/24/21 12:43 pm

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Post Doyle et al, MikeBarnes
As of this date (Mar 25, 21) we have reached Herd immunity in our church of several hundred people. Approx 65% of us had covid, maybe more. Another 10% or so have been vaxxed. No one was especially sick except for 1 man who got pneumonia and was hospitalized and recovered. I preach faith and healing as God's will. However, I also have no problem with drs per se. All wisdom (good that is) is from God. I'm sure the devil didn't give Jonas Salk the wisdom to make the polio vaxx. That said, I researched covid from all directions possible early on (never use Google btw) and told my congregation what I found. I also have 4 pharmacists in my congregation who advised us to 1. Boost our immune systems with d3 zinc and C. 2. Use daily baby aspirin 3. Get hydroxyqloroquine and azizthromyicin. We couldn't get drs here to prescribe it our of fear of their licenses so we went abroad to legitimate eu online pharmacies. Many followed our advice and as the virus did what viruses do we all did well. When we were allowed in person services after being online and drive in. We sanitized the sanctuary and nurseries with uv light once a week and provided hand sanitizer. We were and are mask optional (99% wear none) and no social distancing. We are having church as usual and our finances last 12 months were were the best we ever had especially during the shutdown 1 yr ago. All praise to Jesus. We are blessed and not living in fear. We are having a Christ in the Passover seder meal next week with over 100 adults signed up, a bit lower than normal but not bad.

Also, our congregation is mixed by age very well. Probably 35 % over 50, 30% under 35, 35% 35 -50.
Posts: 39
3/25/21 8:36 am

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Post UncleJD
I'm not "anti-vax", but this "vaccine" (or "THESE vaccines") are on the DNA/RNA level and not the same as any previous vaccine that I know of. That said, having had COVID a few months ago, I will wait until I hear valid proof that people are getting it a second time and that its as bad the second time as the first. I know there have been a few reports of "second" infections, but I believe those are rare and most likely false positives on their first or second (those tests are ridiculously flawed). I know several people who had COVID and then got the vaccine later and all of them had bad reactions to the vaccine, being sick for several days. I will not risk that until I know more about it. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/25/21 10:50 am

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Post Not anti vaxx either MikeBarnes
But, having had the virus why in God's green earth would I need to be vaccinated for a disease I now have antibodies for? THEY will tell you the antibodies aren't in our systems after 6 months. That may be true of b cells but our God created human bodies are wonderfully made with t cells that remember these viruses and kick into gear when needed. The only evidence I have heard about second infections of covid is anecdotal and what seems to occur if reinfected ,(if that is even possible) very minor reactions, mostly gastro related.

I will inject the J &J vaxx if other countries mandate a vaxx as required in order to enter their country. You should be able to show proof of a positive test a d recovery and that should be sufficient. I do evangelistic work in Africa and already have to show a yellow fever vaxx to enter. some countries there, so I will do it if I absolutely have to but I think it's unnecessary.
Posts: 39
3/25/21 2:51 pm

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Post UncleJD
Great point about t-cells.
Its highly doubtful they did any thorough testing on patients who'd already recovered from COVID. If not, there is no telling what this RNA resequencing may do on people who have already had their natural process complete its course (imprinting on their own RNA). It may do some serious damage.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/25/21 4:07 pm

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Post Re: Minister Mike Barnes Says He & His Wife Survived COVID w/o The Vaccine FLRon
doyle wrote:
Linda and I have had the first and second rounds of the vaccine. For a couple of days, we had slight flu-like feelings but not enough to cause bed-rest. How effective will it be? Time will tell.

However, if you have opted out of taking the vaccine as some of my friends and extended family members have, Poster Mike Barnes shares what he and his wife did to survive having COVID. Thought maybe that would be of interest.

Mike's post is the second one in the discussion thread linked below.


We have not taken the vaccine. Not saying at some point we won’t, but I am not inclined to take it at this time for reasons that shall remain personal and private. My daughter and I both went through a month where we could not taste or smell, but had no other symptoms. I can only assume we did in fact have the virus. All has been well for several months and we pray it remains to be so.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
3/25/21 5:01 pm

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Post The Very LAST Thing I Will Do Is FG Minister
take medical advice from a preacher! Any preacher. I have a sister who does "research" on the internet and she has more bizarre ideas than the guy with the tin foil hat! Research is when one holds clinical trials, exhaustive studies etc. Then one takes that data and makes certain conclusions. I am not one to listen to the anecdotal remedies that some people have had success with.

I had Covid-19. It was horrible. I had people in the congregation telling me about the wonders of all kinds of unproven treatments and off-script drugs. I stayed the course with the medical community and all was well. I have had my first Moderna shot and will soon get my second dose in three weeks. When Moderna gives the third shot (booster for the South African Variant), I will get it too.

When I completed my doctorate I still remember my doctoral committee stressing the importance of true research with data, not just anecdotal stories. I did learn something, I guess.
Posts: 875
3/27/21 10:29 am

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Post I would concur about taking medical advice from some people MikeBarnes
But, that said when the peoplevin charge are pushing agendas that deny scientific fact,, I have a great deal of problems taking their nonsense as good medical advice.. here is a review paper from MIT on how long covid antibodies should last in those recovered from covid.

Additionally, as to hydroxyqloroquine, all over the third world they are using 2 drugs with great efficacy. Ivermectin and hydroxyqloroquine. Here in fact is the translated from Portuguese Brazilian health Minister ripping the medical community for their disingenuousness on the drug. You decide who's right.
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Terra Brasil News
Home2021March'To say that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin kill is a fallacy', says president of the Federal Council of Medicine
'To say that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin kill is a fallacy', says president of the Federal Council of Medicine
Terra Brasil News March 25, 2021

'To say that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin kill is a fallacy', says president of the Federal Council of Medicine

The president of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), Mauro Ribeiro, said that the claim that early treatment against covid-19 is ineffective is not true.

The statement was granted on Thursday 25, during the program Jornal da Manhã, of the radio station Jovem Pan.

According to the CFM president, 'certain issues' are being prevented.

“Unfortunately, certain subjects have been banned. This story that it is established in the literature that early treatment has no effect in the initial phase is a lie ”, he declared.

When expanding the subject about early treatment, which has been constantly attacked by the press, but defended by thousands of doctors in the country, Ribeiro said that there are studies that point out benefits of early treatment in the initial phase.

“There are studies that show the benefits [of the therapy] in the initial phase, and others, not. This is the reality. We have a list of jobs, ”added the specialist.

According to him, despite the Covid-19 outbreak spreading more than 1 year ago, there are still many doubts about the disease.

Ribeiro made strong criticisms, even, to the document of the Brazilian Medical Association, which was against the use of medicines in the fight against the coronavirus.

“Whoever has a legal assignment in order to define what can or cannot be used is the CFM”, he said.

The President of the Federal Council of Medicine made a point of defending and strengthening the autonomy of health professionals:

“What was our stance on early treatment? Letting the doctor define what is best for his patient ”, he maintained, stressing that“ CFM does not encourage early treatment or condemns it, nor does it ban ”.

Finally, Mauro Ribeiro denied the narrative adopted by most media outlets in the country, which insists on associating deaths around Covid-19 with the use of early treatment.

“To say that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin kill is a fallacy. Who wants to do the early treatment, do it. Whoever doesn't want to, don't do it ”, he declared.
March 27, 2021
Terra Brasil News

You have to get off Google and use better search engines. Don't drink all the Kool aid without some curiosity my brother.
Posts: 39
3/27/21 7:12 pm

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Post Dr. Brian Tyson's firsthand account MikeBarnes
Of his Frontline treatment of covid patients in El Centro, CA. using hydroxyqloroquine as early treatment. 0 deaths, all recovered. Interesting story.
Posts: 39
3/29/21 5:14 pm

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Post Dr. George Fareed testimony at the US Senate of his early treatment protocol MikeBarnes
Of hydroxyqloroquine, zinc, azizthromyicin
Posts: 39
3/29/21 5:17 pm

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Post Survived COVID-19 John Hughes
My wife and I went to Dollywood in November. She got horribly sick and we returned home in Florida, had her tested and she was positive for COVID 19. Our Dr. told us to take Zinc and 6,000 MG of Vitamin C daily. We added Alka Seltzer Sever Cold and Flue. On Thanksgiving Day I received a Text from our Dr saying I was Covid 19 Positive. I went on the same regimen as my wife, quarantined until December 16. We both survived but here it is April 5 and we both still have sever bouts with fatigue.
Anyone else have a Covid Story?
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Hey, DOC
Posts: 91
4/5/21 6:46 pm

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Post Re: Survived COVID-19 UncleJD
John Hughes wrote:
My wife and I went to Dollywood in November. She got horribly sick and we returned home in Florida, had her tested and she was positive for COVID 19. Our Dr. told us to take Zinc and 6,000 MG of Vitamin C daily. We added Alka Seltzer Sever Cold and Flue. On Thanksgiving Day I received a Text from our Dr saying I was Covid 19 Positive. I went on the same regimen as my wife, quarantined until December 16. We both survived but here it is April 5 and we both still have sever bouts with fatigue.
Anyone else have a Covid Story?

Everyone in my family had it in September. We all went to get tested (mouth swab type), and all tested negative. By a few days later we'd lost smell and taste and were miserable. Then talking to someone else who'd tested negative at that location, he'd went to another testing facility with the nasal swab and tested positive (hence I don't give any credence to the tests, only the symptoms). I was the sickest I'd ever been from any virus (including flu ). it lasted 2 weeks to the day. 6+ months later I still haven't got my smell back 100% (it comes and goes). I've also developed tinnitus (another post-covid issue). I get more tired easier than ever as well. Not what I'd call "extreme", but it is there. During the sickness, I was sleeping 12+ hours a day. The only outlier in our family was my mother. She has COPD, diabetes, and is 72 so we were extremely worried for her. She never had one symptom! She was loading up on zinc, vitamin D, C, and other vitamins for months before. She was exposed to my dad on a daily basis, even taking physical care of him. He was the one who spread it to the rest of us. But she never got sick! I'm not going to get the vaccine for at least another year, but I am sort of pushing her to do it, or at least consider it, since she is so vulnerable. But who knows! She should have got it but didn't. Maybe some people are just immune? I have the feeling some people got a coronavirus as a kid from an animal and their bodies t-cells have a resistance to them now (just a theory).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/6/21 10:08 am

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