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Planned Parenthood filmmakers indicted (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Planned Parenthood filmmakers indicted (L) Dave Dorsey
Don't mess with Molech.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/25/16 9:24 pm

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Post I saw that earlier.....I had to rewind the DVR and listen again caseyleejones
I thought I misheard shock.... Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
1/25/16 10:09 pm

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Post Cojak
This must be one of those: Yeah we are wrong, but you were wronger which makes us right, sorta thingees! Shocked Twisted Evil
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!

Last edited by Cojak on 1/26/16 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/25/16 11:08 pm

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Post Will the government apply ... Mat
Will the government apply the same standards to Clinton, or are only the "little people" the ones who have to fear the justice system? What does this say for undercover reports from the news networks (or are they to "big" to be indited), or sting operations in which the police entice someone to engage in illegal activity?

You may remember, it was an undercover ATF agent who forced Ruby Ridge by trying again and again to buy a "sawed-off shotgun" (It someone wants to buy a sawed-off shotgun from you, just point them to the nearest Home Depot to buy a hacksaw. There is always a reason some keeps trying to get you to do something illegal.

The guy who made the video about Islam and was blamed for the Benghazi attack was arrested. The government found away to put him in jail and Clinton found a way to the White House.

There are countless examples of subordinates in the military taking the fall for the top ranks and of elected officials not being prosecuted while their staff goes to jail.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
1/26/16 9:34 am

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Post Re: Will the government apply ... Cojak
Mat wrote:
Will the government apply the same standards to Clinton, or are only the "little people" the ones who have to fear the justice system? What does this say for undercover reports from the news networks (or are they to "big" to be indited), or sting operations in which the police entice someone to engage in illegal activity?

You may remember, it was an undercover ATF agent who forced Ruby Ridge by trying again and again to buy a "sawed-off shotgun" (It someone wants to buy a sawed-off shotgun from you, just point them to the nearest Home Depot to buy a hacksaw. There is always a reason some keeps trying to get you to do something illegal.

The guy who made the video about Islam and was blamed for the Benghazi attack was arrested. The government found away to put him in jail and Clinton found a way to the White House.

There are countless examples of subordinates in the military taking the fall for the top ranks and of elected officials not being prosecuted while their staff goes to jail.


Mat, Thanks, this is one well worded and logically stated comment. There are lots of facts and stories to back this up over the years. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/26/16 1:24 pm

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