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Continued Prayers for Tanner McGuire
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Post Continued Prayers for Tanner McGuire Carolyn Smith
I think with this week turning the corner for Tanner McGuire would be a good time to move to a different thread. PRAISE GOD for the good news & the awesome miracles God has done just in the last week.

Here is the latest:

I heard it for myself

By Mark McGuire — 3 hours ago

Yes its a miracle. Today we went to Tanners room and watched him and had small talk with Tanner this morning. We could tell that Tanner was kind of bummed out. It was not related to the brain injury but it was something, as we came to find out, someone had said. When one of the doctor's walked by this morning he asked the nurse, "Who is this"? The nurse replied this is Tanner the patient you gave up on! He replied I thought he wouldn't make it, he was in bad shape. They say the nurse who has been one who has literally fought for my son dug into the doctor pretty good. Needless to say this floored us after we had heard it and I thank God he was not our surgeon. He just needs to understand it ain't all up to him. There is a Physician more capable than him! We have had the best of the best from the Surgeons who did not give up, the nurses who came in on there days off, the respiratory therapist coming in pulling extra time to the lady who cleans his room. Even the ambassador's who sit in the ICU waiting room are wearing there PRAY FOR TANNER BRACELETS. Wow, now that is what you call God's Favor. Patti gave Tanner a little pep talk and explained that he had been really sick and I think it sunk in on Tanner today.

As the day went on we came back to visit with Tanner for the 2pm - 5pm visitation. Wow folks if you thought I was excited yesterday I am fixing to floor you today. Today is day 31, since this incident happened. We have been on one crazy un-explainable, tormented journey, our family totally disrupted. One child in the hospital, one staying with our friends and one staying with my parents, loss of income to the thoughts of possibly having to sale our house There are moments that I don't even have words to explain the emotions that we have experienced. If you have not been down this road you just can't understand, nothing personal but you just can't. Well, today the Respiratory Therapist came in to the room, Trauma room 2. In the room was God, Patrice, My Sister, My Niece Hannah and myself. Also in the room was every nurse who was not helping another patient in the TICU standing in the room or at the door. The therapist placed what is called a one way valve on Tanners trach. This allows air to be pushed into the lungs but requires the patient to exhale through the nose or mouth. At first Tanner coughed and made a sound. Wow we have a voice now. The therapist looks at Tanner and per my request, asked him to tell his mother I love you. Yeap after 31 days and all of the stress, moments on the knees, sleepless nights, doctors giving up, emotions I can't explain there that moment was. In Tanners voice, the words, I Love You Mom were spoken. Then it was I love you dad. The room erupted in cheer, tears, and happy dances. Then one of the nurses asked what year is it Tanner? Tanner replied 2015! What month is it Tanner? September, October, November, December. Wow what a moment. I can't explain to you the elation of that moment. Then what made me the proudest was Tanner. The Resp. Therapist asked him if there was anything else he wanted to tell us and in his reply was "No Sir". After all this boy has been through and for him to have the ability to reply with such a proper reply. Wow Tanner you are the man. This wore Tanner out and he has not really slept since he awoke from the induced coma.

Tonight when it was time to visit with Tanner, Lee University Pastor, J Harper and Patrice went up to see Tanner. He was resting and the nurse had given him some meds to help him sleep. He woke up looked at his mother, smiled and mouthed hi mom. When I went up after Pastor Harper, Tanner had already fallen back asleep. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. Sleep well my son you deserve it, God has something for you to do. As Patti and I walked the walk from the ICU waiting room back to the RMH, we were talking. I had not said anything but I have noticed since the beginning that it always seems peaceful in Tanners room. I had chalked it up to being so wired up myself and trying to get everything and take in everything that in his room it was just quite. Well tonight Patti brought it up. She asked me if I had noticed anything about Tanners room. Well as usual I got the first 5 answers wrong, its that husband thing. Then Patti asked do you feel how peaceful it is in there? I looked at Patti and I said yes I have noticed it for a while. Then Patti replied to me saying it is though angels are in his room. People I tell you God is all over this. With your prayers, our prayers, yours/our faith, steadfastness and determination then there are all of the prayer clothes in his room. Yes I believe that God has dispatched angels into Tanners room and I believe that God is going to do something that none of us have seen, through Tanners life. You see He is not suppose to be able to open his eyes, not suppose to be able to comprehend who everyone is, where he is at and the list goes on. "But God!" That really just sums it up. What more can I say other than "But God!" As you begin your Sunday and you enter into your church, regardless of your denomination, I challenge you to walk in with your arms raised praising God. Praise him for Tanner if you have nothing to praise for. You have seen and absolute miracle happening here. Rejoice church Rejoice! I will be watching SCCOG on Live Stream and I am asking each of you who read this who attend church with us and all over the world, Lets Praise Our God who is alive, and reigns and is still performing miracles. It's not about who, what, when, where or why! It is solely Whose we are. We are children of an Almighty God! People I know this one is long but if you could just be here and see what I have seen over the past 31 days you too would be praising God and lifting His name up. Thank you Jesus Thank You. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with Praise. Try it people Try it. I believe that God will heal you, touch you, give you that what you are needing. People God is working on me if not anyone else. Praise God. I am going to land this plane tonight because, trust me I could go on. PRAISE GOD!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/6/15 1:45 pm

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Post Cojak
It is such a sweet expression, after all the pressure and stress to express, "There is a peacefulness in the room."

Love it. Thanks again for the postings.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/6/15 2:02 pm

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Thanks again for all the updates. So refreshing. God is so good... Friendly Face
Posts: 387
9/6/15 4:15 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Late Late Update

By Mark McGuire — 12 hours ago

Yes I could not miss a day and not give an update. I am sorry that I am so late doing this and yes it is 2:44am. I am trying to complete my degree and that is the reason I am late in posting this update. I had to complete a couple of papers and I did it. I have learned a lot about myself during this time. Having the worst crisis you have faced in your life and trying to complete your courses is unthinkable. Well enough about me lets talk about the miracle sitting in TICU room 2.

Today was great. Tanner is getting bored and those of you who knew him know that he was always into something. This was a man who would get up, go to class when school was going on at Lee, finish with class work and then work a full shift and even had a social life. Well today it has started sinking in that he is still recovering. Today, this may sound small to you, but he used his own hand to scratch and itch on the side of his face, wipe his lips off and even threw a ball. Now don't think he threw it to the next room and even though it only went to the end of the bed, that was a success. From where he has been to where God has brought him is completely amazing. It was nice to meet Tanners boss at Discount Tire. Alex brought his family and even though Tanner had gone to sleep I still took him in to see Tanner. Alex and his wife are great Christian people and as we sat and talked about what a miracle Tanner was you could see the level of love for Christ in each of them. Their two children also made two pictures for Tanner and I really love to see kids making these little signs. It tells me that the parents have taught them about compassion.

Tanner is now started to get a little stir crazy sitting in his room. As with all TBI patients they go through a period of being disoriented and paranoid. This will be a difficult time but it is part of the healing process. Patti and I have been by his side every step of this journey from the beginning and will stand beside him till we get through this. The motivation that keeps me going is the thought of seeing him walk out on a stage and proclaiming that God had brought him to that point. It will happen, it will take time but God is in control and I really can't wait to here his side of the story. I would even like to see him write one of these journals. Can you imagine what he could say. Tanner the anointing of God is upon you and I can't wait to see what God has up his sleeve for you. I am tired and there is so much more I could tell you but I have got to get at least a couple of hours of sleep. God has this and I am just amazed at how He has brought Tanner to this point. He is not suppose to be able to open his eyes at this stage, move like he does, and definitely not suppose to reason like he does. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. As I have said we have a long way to go and we are going to really need your prayers over the next couple of days. We still need to pray that the pneumonia will clear up and that he will have a successful transition off of the vent. Lets also continue to pray that there will not be any setbacks from this point forward. Looking forward to what God has in store. To God be the Glory.

P.S. He also talked today again with the one way valve. Doug the RPT is great. Thanks Doug, Jill, Hillary, Josh and Josh, Emily and I know I missed about 10 of you and I will get you in here too, brain is foggy tonight.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/7/15 1:56 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Miracle at 3rd and Central Ave

By Mark McGuire — 13 minutes ago

Just as I sit and think that it can't get any better I am astounded by what God does and what I see and hear. Today started off just like any other day we have had for the past several days. Tanner is now making strides not inches. Patti is starting to smile again but folks my hair has not gown back in. Well miracles happen but ROGAINE® did not. As Tanner began to awake today Patti would start a movie on the IPad, Tanner would rest and go back to sleep. She says its because its relaxing to him but I think its the choice of movies but either way it seemed like the same type of day, you know, the best you can have when you are in Trauma ICU. Well then I started listening to people, sometimes you need to watch who you listen too, but today I was listening and paying attention to those who came by Tanners room. I'm sure I can call it his room because I am sure we will pay for it. As I listened, I heard things like: I just don't understand? Wasn't his ICP numbers really high? How is he so awake? His cognitive and reasoning skills are really elevated. But the best comment I heard all day was, "He shouldn't even know what a cow is". Ok I am going to help everyone out with this one. No it is not natural for someone to have the type of injury Tanner has had, liken to Shaken Baby Syndrome, and be able to do all of the things he is doing. No he probably should not be moving his legs and lifting them off of the bed! No he should not be moving his arms and scratching his face and scalp. Neither should he be able to differentiate between him being 19 when they rolled him in, having a birthday, and realizing he is 20. You are right he should not be able to do all of this at this stage in the game. But Tanner knows a game changer. He is above all things, in fact he created all things. As people have asked, did he not have a lobectomy? Yes he did. He had 4 surgeries correct? Yes he did. Well what do you think has happened? It is a miracle performed by God. As I walk into the TICU I can't help myself as I walk down that forever long hallway, pick up that red phone and say dad, bed 2 and give the number, the doors swing open and I walk down another hallway, turn left and walk into the room. I just can't help but think about how many trips we have made through there and all of the emotions that we have felt, all of the old, cold coffee I have drank, to now just walking through the door and saying Thank you Jesus, Thank you God for a miracle. But each time I hear Tanner, when they have the cap on the trachea, talk, folks I can't describe the feeling. I just can't. I just tear up every time I see him try and push the air across the vocal chords and makes a sound because I know who made it happen. Then out of the blue today he stretches out his right arm and grabs Patti and stretched his other arm out and hugged her. Wow just when I thought it couldn't get better! As good as the staff has been here at Erlanger, this was not possible without God. I made the statement today that if they don't hurry up and send him to Atlanta for rehab, Tanner will probably walk out of the TICU. Now! It could and may happen. I just can't explain to you what I am seeing transpire before my very own eyes. I really wish you could see this and one day you will see the pics that I have taken over the days and weeks, that we have been here. It is truly amazing.

As we end another day, and getting ready to talk with the rep from Shepherds tomorrow, I find myself in a different setting. You see it has only been a week since he was a level 2 on the rancho scale. But know they say we are a level 4. Let me help you understand the Rancho Score:

A Level 2 says a person at this level will or may begin to respond to sounds, sights, touch or movement. Respond slowly, inconsistently, or after a delay. Respond in the same way to what they hear, see or feel. Responses may include chewing, sweating, breathing faster, moaning, moving, and increasing blood pressure.

A level 4 says a person at this level will or may Be confused and frightened, not understand what they feel or what is happening around them. Plus all of the stuff from levels 2 & 3.

Well here is the good thing. Tanner is not confused, frightened and does completely understand what is happening around him. He has mentioned everyone's name who has come by to see him. Why, he now waves bye to them when they leave. Outside of being on a ventilator and having a trachea, Tanner is cognitively beyond a level 4. He knows he was in an accident, He knows how old he is, he is aware of his surroundings, he can make sentences. You can tell he is ready for the next step as he lays in the bed. As Patti and I were talking today, we know this is the longest Tanner has sat down since he was born.

Again as I said we are ending another day with Praise in our Hearts and Joy in our soul. Thanking God for a true miracle and that is why I titled this blog the Miracle at 3rd and Central Ave. Continue to pray for us as we move into a new phase of this journey and continue to see what God has planned for the remainder of this trip. I am to the point now that I am just intrigued to see what God really does with this situation and how many people will be moved by this journey. To God be the Glory. I will try and get a complete Rancho score card to post on here so you can understand what each level means. You can google it also and probably get it faster if you want. Be blessed, Take care and Good night. Now let's write a paper.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/8/15 5:59 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Thank you Lord. Thank you Church.

By Mark McGuire — 7 hours ago

I would like to start this off by saying thank you to so many people that have supported us, prayed with us, believed with us from the college students at Lee University to Family and Friends. It has been a ride through suspended animation with twists and turns and Patti and I could not have made it without God and each of you. This site now has over 69,000 visits and that says allot about the love and compassion that each of you have. Today I had a special friend, Dennis Johnson who brought men from his church, Chestuee Worship Center and they each had a testimony to share and what a blessing they were. With them was also several guys who are with the Global Wrestling Ministries who were telling me about how people had given their heart to Christ at the matches. Who knows maybe one day near you, Tanner and I will be telling his miracle at the different matches. Thank you guys for taking time out of your schedule to come by and pray with us and share each of your testimonies. From the friends at Lee, Tanner wanted us to let you know even though some of you have not been able to go up to his room he thanks you for the support and sitting with Patrice and I. Cadie, Cayden, Zech, Brittany, Matt, Spencer, Amanda and of course Ali. You all have been a real help and a true support structure.

OK lets talk about Tanners day. They worked with him on his settings on the vent and they are trying to ween him off while we are still here. Today the surgeon came by and Tanner was scratching his incisions on his head and boy the doc did not like that idea. Now Tanner has mittens that he has to wear to keep him from scratching himself. If you want to see what these look like visit Patti's FB and it is on there. As the day went on they sat Tanner up on the side of his bed today for the first time and he did amazing. They were teaching him how to position his head and working on his neck muscles. Wow who would have imagined that a week ago he was struggling to have a level 2 score. He also will throw a squeezable ball at you and play a modified version of catch. He is now playing with his phone and picking songs that he wants to listen too, picked his first movie to watch today on the IPAD. Massaged, with his right hand, Patti's neck and almost put her to sleep. He has started to tinker with all the equipment in the room, and use the remote control. Wow this kid is not suppose to know what a cow is much less all of this. Please don't misunderstand me when I tell you he does all of these things, he still has certain things that will come back but are not quite perfect yet. Not trying to take away just letting you know the exact situation, some people will add to things and then it becomes something completely different. With all of that said, God has showed up and is Showing out in the Trauma ICU. I know that the doctors and nurses that have worked with him on a daily basis now that this is a supernatural event going on. God has given us favor with the medical staff here and not to mention lined up the best team for Tanner while he is here at Erlanger. I remember one of the first things Emily, one of Tanners nurses' said to me when we first got here, "We can't fix what is already done but we can prevent any further damage from happening". Thank you Erlanger TICU nurses for the care you have given Tanner, I will never forget and if there was a way I could show you I would, but there is nothing of value that would be able to repay you for the care you have given. I look forward to returning to Erlanger after we are through here and walk my miracle through the doors that Patti and I have walked through each day and have him give you a hug and hopefully help someone who is in need. I can't wait. Well tomorrow they are going to put Tanner on a tilt table and stand him up for the first time since August 4th when this nightmare turned miracle happened. I will let you know how it goes and I know it will go well because the King of Kings has this in the palm of His hand.

Finally as we wind down, praising God for the miracle at East 3rd and Central Ave I think back to the first days of being here. I think about the feeling of being in suspended animation, the fear of not knowing and having his progress change not by the hour but by minutes. I think about calling people and asking for prayer, intercessory prayer, prayer clothes anything that would touch my boy and help him recover. I remember the heartache and tears that we have all shed during this journey, Patrice and I have not left his side. We are like any other parent out there that if you were in our shoes you would not leave your child's side either. But there was one who had too. Yes I am getting spiritual about it. Yes there was one who did, it was God. You see he had to look away when Jesus was there for us on the cross. I can't imagine how God felt when he looked at his son and had to look away. He could have sent angels to take Jesus off the cross. He could have snapped his fingers and made everyone bow that day. But it had to happen. Christ bore our sins on the cross, He was bruised for our inequities, He was wounded and by his stripes we are healed. You see Christ paid for this day over 2000 years ago and He not only bore the pain that Tanner has gone through and the anguish that Patti and I have faced. He also paid the price for Salvation. With almost 70,000 visits to this site I am, as Pastor Moody says, fishing for that soul that does not know Christ. I am not going to scare you to Christ with telling you this may be your last time but I am asking you to please give your heart to Jesus tonight. You see, for Tanner, he had already given his heart to Jesus and had a relationship with Him. Tanner was touched by God through this journey and I really believe in my heart of hearts Jesus passed by and Tanner touched the heim of His garment on August 26th. I am just asking you tonight if Christ is not the center of your world and you do not know him as you personal Lord and Savior you need to ask him into your heart. As I sit here closing this blog, the Life Force helicopter has taken off and landed 3 times in the last 30 minutes and there has been 4 sirens from ambulance's that have passed by. You never know when it will be your turn so you better know Him. It is not about being kind, nor good works it is about having your name written in His book!

Oh yea I almost forgot to mention. Today I got my Thumbs up picture from Tanner and I even got him to give me that Tanner smile like you see in his picture. I am blessed and highly favored. Thank you all for following us and I look forward to many more updates over the weeks and months to come. Keep praying and believing with me for this miracle we have right here. I love you and I pray that God will protect and Bless each of you 7 fold for what you have done for me. Amen and Good Night.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/9/15 6:03 am

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Post Carolyn Smith

By Mark McGuire — 11 hours ago

I wanted to go ahead and update you on the progress we have had today instead of midnight or later. It has been another great day with Tanner. Today was a day of first (at least since Aug. 4th), and what a day it was. To start with, this morning they sat Tanner up and put him on a tilt table and allowed him to stand on his feet, left foot only, for the first time. He did great during this. They also decided to take him outside for the first time since the accident. It had started to drizzle outside and so they kept him under an awning. Boy did he like that. They also had him sitting up in the recliner today and worked on his vent settings. After the nurses had left the room Tanner became Tanner again, you know the one we all have grown to like. That sense of humor was coming back and there it was, Tanner of old. The prankster, you know the one who would basically do anything to make someone laugh. Its really not good for the two of us to scheme together. Well it happened I made a paper airplane and we decided to try and make it fly from his room to the nurses station. Well you know the saying if you don't first succeed try, try again. Well after a few test flights there it was the paper airplane flew from his seat all the way to the nurses station. It actually went further than I thought it would. Then we started throwing the ball. I moved out into the hallway and said throw it. He did and the nurse looked at us and asked did he just throw that all the way out here. As any father would do, I swelled out my chest and said yes, that's my boy. As the day went along I asked Tanner if he was ready to move to the next step of this journey, he mouthed Absolutely. I know that God has blessed him again to do a great work and just the testimony that he has is unreal. When I say this boy has come a long way it is an understatement. Each person that walks into his room now expresses that it is a miracle of where he is cognitively and physically. He does have a few problems with short term memory but I am sure with a little work and some time, not to mention a bunch of prayers that will come together also.

As I have sat and watched his progression you just can't explain it in terms without implementing the words super natural. From staring death in the face to being able to play catch in the TICU is a blessing, one that I will cherish till my last breath on this earth. When Coleman, my 6 year old was born they also had him here at Erlanger in the NICU. I remember those days very well. I remember sitting there and only being able to see him in short stays, running back and forth from the RMH. The prayers that went up for Coleman and I also remember sitting there watching him develop in front of my eyes. Coleman was born roughly two months early and watching him develop in the NICU was astounding and a miracle itself. Now with that said, I find myself once again watching my oldest re-learn different things. At first they told us that Tanner would have to learn how to swallow, hold a spoon and so forth. Well due to God, he can swallow, and even used a pencil today to write with. I have quit trying to explain what is going on here because it is just God! Plain and simple, it is God. As I talked with my dad today briefly he explained to me that many people will go a lifetime without seeing a miracle as drastically as the one we are seeing here. From wrestling with the different emotions, not sleeping and eating here we are today playing catch.

Finally as the sun was starting to sit today while we were being driven around to put together the clothes that Tanner will need at Shepherd's (sorry Tanner your new wardrobe is a Wal-Mart special). I was sitting in the car thinking of what a gift we have in our children. You also change your perspective of life after this type of situation. You realize it is all about being centered on God and developing your children to follow him. Talking about being blessed, let me just explain. All of my children are the kids everyone wants, and wants to be around, yes I am bias. They are not conceited, they know who they are. Tanner wanted to get a job at 16 and has worked since then. Then my clone, Jocelyn found a job by telling her story of how she volunteered to for the salvation army ringing a bell outside of several stores. Several years back she had let her hair grow out and then had it cut off for Locks of Love. They both attend church at SCCOG and are involved in their perspective groups. Then what can I say about Coleman. He is actually the smartest out of all of us, Patti included. Some times he goes to church with my dad and when dad gets in the pulpit, right behind him is Coleman. He wants the microphone and then tells people about God and how God loves us. Yes it is simple but what a message after all we have done, God still loves us. As I look at each of my children I can see God working in each of their lives. With a tear in my eye, I am glad to be you guys dad, you are the best gift I could ever have and I promise you that I will do everything in my power for you. I promise to defend you, keep you and love you for no other reason than I just Love you. People keep us in your prayers because our journey has not ended nor will it. As this next phase unfolds we will be away from our other two and I hate my family being disrupted like this. I would love to go to a football game with my daughter, this being her senior year and being able to hear Coleman's feet patter on the floor as he runs up and down the hallway. And to hear Tanner just saying I am home dad. I can't wait to get back to that point. It is by your prayers along with ours that we will make it. Each night as I lay down I say a simple prayer for each person that has visited this site. I pray that God will bless you like you have blessed us. We love each of you and many of you we don't know but I would love to one day introduce Tanner and the rest of us to you. If we don't meet here we will meet in heaven. God bless and Keep you.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/10/15 6:30 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Thank you Erlanger

By Mark McGuire — 6 hours ago

Tonight I just wanted to take a moment to reflect. On August 4, 2015 we received that call that no parent wants to get. When we arrived at Erlanger we were greeted by the Chaplain that was on duty that night. Finally we were allowed to see Tanner and we were shocked by what we saw. His head was wrapped, his leg was broken and the only thing you could see was his eye brows and his closed eyes. They explained to us that the prognosis did not look good, they explained at best he would probably have problems but they were not sure. They prepared us for the worst. As our journey continued on they moved us to the TICU at Erlanger. I remember what the nurse told me, "We can't prevent what damage has already been done we can only prevent further damage from happening". Wow we were definitely in shock. Our healthy 19 year old son was laying there hanging between life and death. We called out for prayer because after the second day Patti and I realized that this was going to be more than just a simple stint in the hospital. As we called for prayer, You the church (at least that is what I call you) began to pray and seek God along with us. My Aunt Devonna flew in to help and stay with Patti when I could not. Over the days and weeks we began to see something take place. I was noticing the nurses were fighting for Tanner. Patti is a nurse and I can tell you from first hand experience, they are a special type of person. If you know a person who is a nurse give them a hug because they see a lot of stuff and it isn't just a runny nose or a cold. Each one of the nurses began to take an interest in the day to day dealings with Tanner. When one of the nurses told us the level of treatment they gave Tanner it was amazing. One day this nurse came in and they were keeping Tanner at 93 degrees and two days later they had him on a new drug to keep him in a comma. They explained to Patti and I that this was the most aggressive treatment that had been given to a patient with the type of injury Tanner had. Then they told us that it was good to have Tanner in the TICU not because of the accident but they never see people recover so quickly. This specific nurse made the comment if not for anyone else but me, I needed to see it. Then we were told today about the staff meeting they have every day at Erlanger. Tanner was mentioned and the one nurse that brought Tanners name up explained in the meeting, Tanner is why we do what we do! It was explained to me that she said there was not a dry eye in the room after she made that statement.

Well from that first day to today, here we are in Atlanta getting ready for the next leg of the journey. Patti went with Tanner in the ambulance and I have rarely seen her with such a smile on her face. Rispah had received her reward. Then there was my dad. He was so giddy it was funny to watch. As for me I was MR. Calm, cool and collective... Yea right, I was so happy that my boy that some had given upon was leaving the TICU, not with his eyes closed or even not knowing who he was. Instead Tanner left the TICU, knowing who he is, his age, who his friends are, his parents are, cognizant of his surroundings. What a God we serve. Well Patti and Tanner arrived at Shepherd in Atlanta and not far behind them was dad, he wanted to see where it was at. Patti got signed in and got things set up. Patti got the apartment room and what a room. Fifth floor, with a view of the Atlanta skyline, God thing again. Here is how God works, Tanner is recovering in the ICU at Shepherds, will probably be off the vent by Monday, pneumonia seems to be cleared up, and I have a room in a building that I can see the sun rise and sit. Now that is a God thing right there. When Jocelyn and I arrived in ATL we went in to see Tanner and there he was watching a video on Netflix and was using his own hand to start, reset and stop the video. Folks it is just a matter of time before Tanner is fully recovered. They said it probably would not happen but they did not expect God to step in, show up and show out. Thank you church for all you have done, both spiritually and blessing us, we have just absolutely been blessed beyond measure.

Finally in closing, let's pray specifically that Tanner will be able to finally get rid of the vent and physically he will benefit 100% from the training here. I also want to say Thank you to all of the nurses, respiratory therapist, cleaning crew and the doctors that helped Tanner on this journey. Erlanger TICU team YOU ARE THE BEST! I could not have asked for better treatment that what we received from you guys and I promise when we are finished here and we return, Tanner, Patti and I will be by to see you. You each have a special place in our heart and when you have one of those days just remember we love you and appreciate each of you. I will be praying for you Hillary that your hip will be healed in the name of Jesus. Take Care and I will update you tomorrow. Be blessed.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/11/15 6:35 am

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Post BromptonFalls
Thanks for the update. We are continuing to pray.
Beautiful weather we're having
Hey, DOC
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9/11/15 1:00 pm

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PRAISE GOD! What a MIRACLE!!! Thanks so muuuuuuuuuuch for these wonderful updates. I don't know Tanner or even his Dad but I do remember Bro. McGuire when he was State Overseer of NC and also General Overseer - A Wonderful man of God. God is faithful. Friendly Face
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9/11/15 2:25 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Day one Atlanta

By Mark McGuire — Sep 11, 2015 9:43pm

Settling in, here in Atlanta has offered both rewards and challenges. After spending 38 days at Erlanger we had become adjusted to a routine that we had. Seeing Tanner from 9-12 in the morning, 2-5 in the afternoon and then 8-11 at night, sitting in the ICU waiting room and the RMH. Now we are here in Atlanta and after getting used to the nursing staff at Erlanger, now we are getting used to the nursing staff here at Shepherd's. When we started our day off today the doctors and specialist came in what seemed like every 30 minutes. The respiratory therapist, Physical therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist nurses and doctors and so forth. It was like a convention of medical staff today. Impressed with each one I watched how each one would concentrate on what there specialty is and work on specific things. Well as you can imagine, Tanner stood up to the challenge. The first thing they did was start the weening process off of the vent. It was great listening to Tanner talk to us and boy did we have some questions. He did great for being off the vent for an expanded amount of time. Then the PT group came in and fitted Tanner for a temporary wheel chair. They also worked with him on things like being able to hold up his head and to lean and scoot over. Yes these are small things but to Tanner he has been in one basic position for over a month. Tanner would lift his legs and stretch them out. It was fun and disturbing to watch all at the same time, it was like watching a 160 pound baby. Then the OT came in and went through their paces with Tanner and he was still holding strong. Around noon-ish Tanner became tired and was starting to slip a little and was slowing down. This was a lot for the old boy and he began to become agitated and frustrated. When the speech therapist came in she went through her test and Tanner passed with flying colors for being able to swallow until the very end of the test. The nurse had come in and gave the poor boy a little too much sleepy medicine. They have determined that Tanner can have some food by mouth but only certain types. After the ST decided this and due to what the nurse had given him Tanner has slept from 2:30 this afternoon and would wake up for short periods of time and then go back to sleep. Due to the level of sleep he is having, deep, they did put the vent back on him for safety, really a C-pap machine on steroids. His lunch that he was wanting is sitting in the room just in case he wakes up and is hungry. Then last but not least the ENT doctor came in and examined Tanner for his white blood count. As they looked in his ears they are thinking that due to the amount of blood that had ran into his ears over time may be the cause of the WBC being high and are going to treat him accordingly.

Finally as we wind down tonight it has been an amazing journey today seeing what some had given up on and had even made comments to Tanner's future abilities, I would just like to tell you that today seeing him fight through the different test you would have been amazed. Being his dad I can assure you this boy has a level of fight in him and he also has God behind him. When God is for us who give a rip who is against us. Tanner is a little unstable in holding himself up but I guarantee you that over the next month when we get ready to come back to Cleveland you will all be surprised. I can't wait to walk him out on the stage at SCCOG and several other places that we have been asked to have him tell his story and hear how God intervened and made a way when there was no other way. Help me pray for a few things that we need for Tanner. Continue to remember the vent and keeping his O2 levels high, the frustration, confusion and agitation levels to go down, the sinus issues to clear up and for his balance to return quickly. After what I have seen God do, I know that he will come through again. Thank you and have a great day watching SEC football (sorry if you are from one of the other conferences but I am kind of bias). Be blessed Church.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/13/15 12:08 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Atlanta times 2

By Mark McGuire — 1 hour ago

Tanner had a good day today he has remained off of the vent for almost 24 hours and they are calling him weened. He has managed to keep his O2 stat above 92 all day. When they checked him they needed him to blow 1 liter of air and he blew right around 2. He is really making strides and God is definitely in control. We are hoping that on Monday they will release him from the ICU and put him in a regular room. This is where I think Tanner will thrive especially when he can see something other than 4 walls. That will drive anyone stir crazy. If we can get him moved from the ICU to a regular room we can take him to different parts of the hospital, go to the cafeteria, go to the hidden gardens, get some air from some where other than inside. I think this would do the boy some good and I am not sure but we may be able to bring him over to the apartment and he can see where we are staying. Trust me he is ready, the boy is sitting on go with the engine running. I am amazed that only a week and a half ago this boy was trying to figure out what time zone he was in. Today I showed Tanner pictures of the first day when he was brought into Erlanger. He was totally amazed, I even showed him the day to day pictures that I had taken along this journey. I explained to him that he needed to Praise God and honor God because it was God who brought him through. I told Tanner to praise the Lord and he raised his hand. For the past 3 days the only thing outside of being bored, that is bothering Tanner is his stomach. He has complained that his stomach is burning and is sore to touch. He has also wanted chocolate milk but we are having to thicken everything and he does not like the thickener. I explained to Tanner that on Monday he will probably be removed from the restriction of his diet. As I have said the only thing that seems to be bothering Tanner is his stomach. As you read this please pray that God will touch his stomach and give him some relief. Tomorrow they will probably have a GI doctor look at him and check and see what is going on. I pray that we can avoid this for his sake.

As for Patti and I we are adjusting to the new environment and when you walk through a place like this you realize how lucky and blessed you really are. I promise as you walk down the halls you will shed a tear and offer thanksgiving to the Lord above. We are looking forward to attending church tomorrow via live stream at our church SCCOG. This will be the first time Tanner has been at the point he could watch and understand what was going on. I have always looked forward to sitting with my children in church and tomorrow due to technology I will be able to be with Tanner. I will miss being with Jocelyn and Cole but when this part of the journey is over I will make it up to them for sure.

Finally please pray for Tanners stomach that the pain will disperse and his white blood count will continue to go down. Church this boy is getting closer and closer to getting back on his feet. He has been fitted for his wheelchair that will be his legs until he can become weight bearing on his right leg again. Thank you Lord for how you have helped my family through this journey, keeping each of us safe and making Tanner whole. People God is amazing and I have seen his miracle first hand. Again thank you and may God keep you in the palm of His hand.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/13/15 12:11 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Not just another day

By Mark McGuire — 7 hours ago

What a day we have had. After reading the different stages of brain injuries Tanner is definitely in stage 5-6. Today was a day of laughs, praises and sorry dad. Today Tanner was skyped into our church, South Cleveland Church of God. At first I was concerned how Tanner would do but this is Tanner we are talking about. When Lee first contacted me for the technical part I was wanting Tanner to go first because you never know how things will go. After the staff here at Shepherds kept stalling for the room change I had ran out of time. Then I thought about what was going on. Tanner has been in an ICU for the past 40 days. Sound familiar? 40 days and 40 nights wandering in the wilderness! Then when I realized that we could be in a room that is not in ICU would be better than great. Oh Yea we moved to room 240 and its not just another room. I will get to that in a minute. But we got the computer set up, connections made and it worked out perfect. Tanner was put on the screen at church and while everyone was looking at the screen we were looking at the audience. Church you really lifted Tanners spirits. Tanner gave praise to God, clapped his hands, waved and even though he did not have the correct valve in, he pushed hard and said hello. You are not suppose to be able to push that much air through the filter so your vocal chords move, but Tanner did. It was great to be able to see our church stand to their feet and praise the Lord for what God has done. After we ended the connection and Tanner and I talked he said it is sad that Pastor is leaving and I wish I could be there. I looked at Tanner and explained how many days and even nights that Pastor Moody and Pastor Josh along with our complete pastoral staff has been there and with him just giving a wave was probably the best gift he could give him. Ok the room. Everyone has told us that we have the corner suite and it is the premium room on the floor, God thing. The way the buildings are positioned you can see Tanners room from ours, though there is a distance between the two you can see the two windows. As the day progressed we ate lunch in an actual lunch room and with all that had transpired, Tanner became tired and took a nap for about 2 hours. Each step forward is a success in this journey. What may seem small to you is a giant leap for a patient with a brain injury. It was great having Tanner in a different position other than on his back, staring at the ceiling and trying to move his eyes to see things. Now he can sit up, hold his head up by himself for awhile, muscles still getting stronger, and was scooting himself around in the bed. He has also been weened from the vent. Tanner has been off the vent now for over 24 hours. Wow we just got here on Thursday evening. I think a lot of his progress is due to God but also the work that the RT did with him at Erlanger.

Later on during the day Tanner began to loose track of time. What he does is takes a nap and thinks it is another day. For instance, tomorrow is Monday but to Tanner he is already on Wednesday. Then there were the laughs. Some of the stuff that Tanner is coming up with is absolutely hilarious. Laughter has been good for the three of us and we had a great time. This was a blessing in its own self and like I said we really enjoyed our time with Tanner. Tanner also asked why he was in the hospital and I started showing him the photos I have take from day one. It hit hard but as I went through everything he began to realize what had happened and how serious his condition was. This was a painful process but Tanner wanted to know and I made sure it was ok with the medical staff before proceeding. He wanted to know if the person who did this had called to check up on him and I replied with the truth, no. He looked at me with a sad look and then I showed him all of the pictures of all the friends that have been there since day one. I started showing him the post on this site and all of the guest book cards, then I started showing him all of the cards and prayer cloths that people have sent. Tanner looked at me and said I am loved and with a tear in my eyes I said you sure are son, you sure are.

Last night I had asked you to help me pray for Tanner's stomach due to the pain he was having. Today he did not mention his stomach other than asking for his binder to be taken off. Praise the Lord for helping his stomach and helping him progress this far. Tomorrow starts the PT and I am sure that it will be fun and he will get tired easy. They have a pretty regimented schedule and visiting hours through the week day are 4pm - 9pm and on the weekends 9am-9pm. Please be aware that if you are coming down to visit please give us a heads up because we are still limiting the amount of visitors Tanner can see at least for the next week for sure. When Tanner gets tired he becomes irritable. There has also been several people asking if they could skype or facetime Tanner please understand that he is not 100% yet and he is still gaining his strength. In time we will address all of these request but right now please understand why we are being like this.

Last but not least. I have been made aware of more miracles and changes made in people that have either followed this story from the beginning or you were referred to Tanners journey. I have heard how people have rededicated their lives to God, people saying miracles don't happen and read this journey and have to admit they still happen. And one of the most touching ones are the stories I hear of how children are praying for Tanner. How touching can it get and I thank you for all of the prayers. Praises are due to an Almighty God who has given Patrice and I comfort, wisdom and peach in dealing with this, but most of all making a miracle happen to our oldest, Tanner. To God be the Glory. I hope that you will pray with your children because as I have said before, you never know what the next 15 seconds has in store for you.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/14/15 6:53 am

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Post Cojak
SWEET. Thanks for keeping the updates coming Carolyn Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/14/15 8:36 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
(Today's post included a couple of pictures. Sorry, I don't have time to try to figure out how to post them here. If anyone else does and can, please do!)

A picture is worth a thousand words!

By Mark McGuire — 25 minutes ago

Well here you go folks Day one in Rehab. Wow what a ways we have come. I really don't have a lot of words tonight, Other than thinking about the song, My God can do anything, anything, yes anything, my God can do anything, He made this earth with all its fullness and all that time shall bring my God can do anything.

As each of the doctors and staff has come by, Tanner has continued to amaze the staff here. He does not have his full appetite back but he is getting there. We have another surgery tomorrow where they will put tubes in his ears. His white blood count has been up and down. In Erlanger he had the pneumonia and we finally beat that but the white blood count has continued to go up and down. Finally when we got to Shepherds they began to look a little closer and after a CT they are to the point of elimination. The only thing they can find that could possibly cause this is in his inner ear canal. What must have happened is when the accident occured, he undoubtedly had fractures in the bone above his ear canal. With the pressers used to force blood through his cranium, remember weeks 2 & 3, this would have caused blood to escape into the ear canal. Well now behind the dried blood is, well for the sake of the stomach it is like an ear infection. What the tubes will do is allow the fluid to drain and allow the bacteria to escape. They are also going to check and make sure his sinuses are clear also. Please pray for Tanner tomorrow as he goes for yet another surgery.

With that said I think the pictures say all that needs to be said. What a God we serve. To God Be All The Glory. He still does not like the helmet and what you don't see is on the back side of the helmet is the Lee Flames LOGO. I will follow up with you tomorrow after the surgery but just say a prayer for Tanner that God will make this a success and this will solve the problem of the sinus infections and the white blood count will go down and his appetite will return. To finish this off let me give you a another reason to praise the Lord. They are looking to, after the surgery and if all goes well, remove his trach. Thank you again for all of your prayers.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/15/15 5:58 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
One day at a time

By Mark McGuire — 7 hours ago

One day at a time or better yet one inch at a time. As I have said it still takes twelve inches to make a foot or one hundred pennies to make a dollar. Well today is one of those days. This morning when we started off we knew that Tanner would need to go to surgery to fix the ears. Tanners white blood count has gone up and down and he has been on several rounds of antibiotics. When we arrived at Shepherds they have been watching his White blood count and have followed it religiously. After they gave him a CT they finally narrowed it down to having an ENT to get involved in the case. They completed the surgery, number 5, and as Dad, Patti and I sat in the waiting room we were all just sitting there. Dad had started a revival in the Dalton area and Patti and I are watching a miracle that has been unfolding now since August 4th. I began to just think back through everything that has happened on this journey. The more I thought about everything in my mind you can only come up short when adding it all up if you leave out God. Ok let me prove it! Here we are on day 42 and Tanner has already been on his feet and that happened on day 41. This is a person who had been given up on, by some in the medical profession. This is the one that the entire medical staff at Erlanger has talked about how they applied the most aggressive treatment they have given to someone in Tanners condition and him to survive or much less leave the ICU aware of what was going on. Then the miraculous steps did not stop when we left the TICU in Chattanooga it continued on. We arrived here in Atlanta on September 10 in the evening. On that Thursday they came in and looked Tanner over and began to put a plan of action together. On Friday the PT guys came in and sat Tanner up in the bed and were working on him balancing his head. His head wobbled like a baby would. His head would fall forward or left or right and you could see him wobbling trying to keep his balance. Then on Sunday Tanner was almost holding his head up almost perfect but while he was on skype with the church I wanted to just keep my hands close by just in case his head would fall to one side or the other. He did great just holding his head up and when he bowed to pray I just about lost it. Well let's just keep moving on to Monday. When the staff came back around to continue the evaluations on Tanner and perform some PT, well the pictures I posted yesterday says it all. Now we are currently on Tuesday and this morning the therapist came around and asked Tanner what they had done yesterday. He explained it perfectly to her what they had done. Then they performed a cognitive level test to just see where Tanner was. They asked him questions like repeat these numbers, words with opposite meanings like light equals dark and so forth. Well Tanner only missed two questions and I actually missed 3. He did great and you can see that God has intervened in this situation. Tanner had a lobectomy on his right front lobe of the brain and this is your short term memory and you personality. He was suppose to be a little salty as the doctor put it or as another person put it he will not have a filter. When Tanner is asked a closed ended question he responds with yes mam or yes sir, he is always willing to say I am sorry. He still has not lost that polite mindset he always had. What is really uplifting is when the medical staff comes by, as well my dad and tells us how amazed they are with his progress. To God Be the Glory.

Finally as I was talking to a long time friend tonight he was telling me that he had just heard about Tanner. I began to explain to my old friend from Virginia what God had done in Tanners life. As I began to explain the story and I listened to myself I could hear in my own voice the excitement of explaining how God has been the major part of this journey. I have also read different post that have been attached to this site, or sent to me through messenger or just text to me, it is still amazing of what God has done. You can try to explain it but there comes a point in your explaining you just have to stop and say, "It was just God". I know that I have said this many times and I am aware that people may always be skeptical but I tell you, He was the reason. I read Athena's post on FB and as I read her post I had to cry because this was someone other than Patti and I that has sat back and seen what God has done. Athena is one of those solid people that you look to as a person who is on the level and someone you can trust. Athena you blessed me by your honesty and what you said. Though it was simple and concise I read between the lines and I believe that when your faith and your belief in God is really put to the test you too would arise to the challenge. That goes for everyone reading this, our faith is put to the test everyday and it is up to us to believe. When trusting in God and believing His word is all you have you will be amazed at innerself and how faitful you are. I have seen a change in all of my family, from my immediate family to my extended family. We have all been touched and our lives will never be the same again. Now as I am getting ready to lay down and go to sleep I have to end with the changes today. After surgery on Tanners ears he came through great. Before he went into surgery he had asked for Gatorade and Gatorade protein chocolate shakes. I said I will have them ready when you get out. When Tanner was taken back to Shepherds from Piedmont, I had the orange Gatorade and the protein shakes and took them to his room. His appetite has not been good and understandable but concerning. After he drank the first protein shake then turned around and over the next couple of hours, finished off a full bottle of Gatorade was amazing. Folks I have come to the point that when I leave to go to Tanners side I find myself going to see not what we might have but from curiosity of what God is going to do and what new miracle He is going to perform. Maybe that is how we should approach everything in our lives, after all He does own the cattle of a thousand hills. We love you guys and continue to pray and believe with us as we continue through this journey. Again just so there is no question, God gets all of the Glory and Honor for this journey.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/16/15 6:30 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
No update last night.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/17/15 7:01 am

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Post Cojak
PRAISE GOD! What a MIRACLE!!! Thanks so muuuuuuuuuuch for these wonderful updates. I don't know Tanner or even his Dad but I do remember Bro. McGuire when he was State Overseer of NC and also General Overseer - A Wonderful man of God. God is faithful.

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Same here TLOG
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/17/15 2:26 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Journal for 9/16/2015

By Mark McGuire — 14 hours ago

Sorry for not putting this up last night. When Patti and I returned from Tanners room last night I sat down on the couch hoping to catch the replays of the debate last night and Patti went straight to the bed. Next thing I remember is 0630 and feeling stiff, I guess we were just exhausted. So sorry for missing last night I will try not to do it again.

Ok where do I start. Yesterday 9/16 Tanner was recovering from his surgery and the therapy team started coming in. They worked with Tanner on his speech and then they said lets cap the trach, they did. What does that actually mean, it is another step toward recovery. They ended up putting the cap on the trach and Tanner tolerated it very well. So now they are working on getting Tanner over having a trach. Well then comes PT, they worked on getting Tanner to transition from the bed to a chair. After working on transitioning they wanted to get Tanner more comfortable with using a walker. So they started working with standing and transitioning out of bed with a walker. They finally gave Tan Man a little break and then the ST came in the room. Tanner was sitting up in his chair and the therapist asked if he knew how to play skipbo. Tanner explained to the lady yes he did and the amazing part was when she asked him the instructions. Tanner gave the instructions on how to play and all of the rules too. Wow talking about amazed. Well the day continued on and there were other first that we had along the way. People this is not suppose to happen this fast and that is not coming from me saying that. God continues to amaze people around Tanner. Then to top it off, when we were released to go back to room 240 I walk into a pastor friend and we talked for probably an hour, thanks for stopping by. After I talked with my old friend the next thing I hear is the nurse saying I got some COG people here. Well of course that got our attention and wouldn't you know it, she was related to a friend of both my father in law and my dad. You never know who or what God will put in your path to help and comfort you through your journey.

Finally as the day wore down Tanner has started doing a few more little things. He can put his sock on, put on his shoe and tie it. I know that these are small things but if you are related to someone with a ABI or TBI you are aware that these small things take on a whole new meaning. God has been good to my family and has pulled Tanner through a hard time. It was just wonderful to hear you talk all day Tanner, even though you had some crazy things to say it was great just hearing your voice, seeing you smile, hear you say what 1000 times, watching you stand up, brush your teeth and put your sock and shoe on. You have come a long way son but the most amazing thing I saw you do each day that has ultimately impressed me the most is when you sit down to eat, you always bow your head and say grace over your meal. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy that you have showed and given to me. Thank you for the favor that you have placed upon my family. I would also like to say thank you Father for choosing and using my family to be used in such a way as this. Lord I would also like to thank you for giving Patrice, Jocelyn, Coleman and myself the wisdom and stamina to continue to be the support structure for Tanner. I look forward to what you will continue to do. We love you Lord with all we have. We love you Lord just because We Lover You. Amen.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/17/15 9:31 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Thanksgiving in September

By Mark McGuire — 45 minutes ago

Today has been another day in the right direction. Tanner is now able to brush his teeth without help. He puts his shoe and sock on and even ties it. He can transition from his bed onto his chair. The list goes on and on. Today with the help of PT he walked the entire length of the walk way which is about 15 feet long using his arms and his left leg. His appetite is slowly coming back and the doctors did not tell Tanner because they did not want him to get excited but they are looking to remove his feeding tube tomorrow. They are also looking to next week to remove his trach. This has been a surreal journey each step of the way, from the beginning till today. Each step has been hard earned by Tanner but given by God. As I talk about the progress that Tanner is making please do not misunderstand and think for one minute that I am not fully aware that God is the reason. As I watched Tanner today working on the bars and learning how to walk, I am reminded of good God has been to me. As I titled this journal today as Thanksgiving in September, I am reminded of a story that Bishop Propes told me a long time ago. Bishop Propes today I saw what you saw that day behind the bus. As I walked the halls here at Shepherd's Center I heard myself verbally saying Thank You Lord for your grace. Thank you Lord for your Favor, Thank you Lord for you Miracle working power. You see this place is truly a ministry in its own right. Does it have a steeple on top? No! But I can tell you that everyone here is involved in some form of ministry. When I was walking back to Tanners room I realized how blessed I truly am. Yes he has to wear a helmet due to the flaps being removed, ride in a chair, has a trach and his leg is broke and these are the bigger things. As I look around me I see precious people that will never have the trach removed, be weened from the vent, never be able to use their legs again. Some will just stair at the wall, has to have someone feed them and so forth. I promise you, if you are having a day when you feel sorry for yourself please come to a facility like this and I promise you your perspectives will change.

As you remember on Tuesday Tanner had a surgery to put tubes in his ears and they took a sample of the mucus in his sinus cavity. The came back and they know how to treat the infection. Tanner will be on a round of antibiotics for the next 7-10 days. I tell you this has been an unreal miracle and it is one that if I could totally explain in words each step you would have no doubt that this is truly a miracle. As he sits in the chair and plays skipbo with the therapist and then explained the rules to her was amazing. Tanner you always seem to find a way to continue to amaze me everyday. Each day Tanner has made improvement since we have been here and the inches are starting to turn into 2 inches. Until you are put into this type of situation you can't realize what we take for granted every day. Simple things that you don't think about like putting your sock on or brushing your teeth or simply being able to put a straw in a cup. I promise it has changed me in many ways. Each time I walk through the halls here I catch myself crying and then I want to offer help to some of the people here and then they look at you funny. Instead of wanting your pitty they want to show you what they can do. It is both amazing and heart wrenching when you walk through here.

Finally I would like to say Thank You to the Crestline Elementary School in Alabama for sending Tanner your card. Thank you for your kind words and the card is posted in his room. Also to Sue the socks were a hit and he has worn two sets already and Tanner said one good thing about having one foot in a cast is 3 pair of socks last a week. He still has his sense of humor. In closing there is something that I have though about doing and I have several of his friends at Lee that are going to help me with this. We have picked up a world map and if you have prayed for Tanner or posted on here or even if this journey has touched you we would like to know what part of the world you are from. You can simply message me on FB or if you would like you can post on the thread here and when we get to the end of this journey we would like to post the picture to show how many places this miracle has been told. Thank you for your help and prayers as always. Let's pray the antibiotics continue to work, his leg heals properly and Tanner continues make progress. I believe I just Do. It has been our prayers and faith that has brought us this far and I look forward to where it will take us. I really can't wait till Tanner can explain this first hand to people all around the world. We love you guys and we appreciate you. To God be all of the Glory.

If you'd like to be included on where you have been praying from, I can put them all on one post on the Caring Bridge site. You can post here where you are praying from.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/17/15 10:12 pm

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