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Electric fence at the southern border Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Electric fence at the southern border roughridercog
What would you say if the proposal was put forth to do a two layer electric fence at our southern border. Or at least one layer followed by the steel wall.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/10/19 1:20 pm

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border Resident Skeptic
roughridercog wrote:
What would you say if the proposal was put forth to do a two layer electric fence at our southern border. Or at least one layer followed by the steel wall.

Whatever works
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/10/19 1:24 pm

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border roughridercog
Resident Skeptic wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
What would you say if the proposal was put forth to do a two layer electric fence at our southern border. Or at least one layer followed by the steel wall.

Whatever works

How about a bounty? (Joking)
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/10/19 1:26 pm

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border UncleJD
roughridercog wrote:
What would you say if the proposal was put forth to do a two layer electric fence at our southern border. Or at least one layer followed by the steel wall.

There has to be some newer tech that could be implemented without much more cost.

I think they should put circuitry in that would emit unbearable/harmful sound if disrupted. I wouldn't even mind automatic weapon fire if disrupted. This isn't a game.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/10/19 1:45 pm

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Post Why not electrify the steel wall? Aaron Scott
Or doesn't steel conduct electricity anymore? Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/10/19 2:24 pm

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Post You know why NOT to electrify the steel wall? Aaron Scott
Because some Democrat or wannabe Democrat will push a child into it so that they can claim that the wall killed their child. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/10/19 2:25 pm

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border diakoneo
roughridercog wrote:
What would you say if the proposal was put forth to do a two layer electric fence at our southern border. Or at least one layer followed by the steel wall.

Yeah, maybe like the fence on Jurassic Park... Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
1/11/19 9:09 am

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border Dave Dorsey
diakoneo wrote:
Yeah, maybe like the fence on Jurassic Park... Laughing

Maybe so, according to some of the threads here and what I hear from the Trump administration, illegal immigrants are about as dangerous as velociraptors and T-Rex dinosaurs. Laughing Laughing
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1/11/19 9:23 am

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
diakoneo wrote:
Yeah, maybe like the fence on Jurassic Park... Laughing

Maybe so, according to some of the threads here and what I hear from the Trump administration, illegal immigrants are about as dangerous as velociraptors and T-Rex dinosaurs. Laughing Laughing

Of course your comment here is a straw man argument. But why don't you explain to us how the dangers of illegal immigration are being exaggerated by those who advocate tough methods to enforce our immigration laws?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/11/19 9:58 am

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Post Re: Electric fence at the southern border Mat
Dave Dorsey wrote:
diakoneo wrote:
Yeah, maybe like the fence on Jurassic Park... Laughing

Maybe so, according to some of the threads here and what I hear from the Trump administration, illegal immigrants are about as dangerous as velociraptors and T-Rex dinosaurs. Laughing Laughing


I have know some wonderful people, even Christians, who are here in this country illegally. I have lived and ministered in both CA and AZ, still having family in CA (my sister who has lived in Southern CA for 45 years) and friends in both states.

The issues of crime, both reported and not reported, is a problem. To me the bigger issue is the real cost - including the healthcare impact from un-vaccinated populations who suffer from many diseases, such as TB, which go an addressed in their home country. Now if the children of illegals would be placed solely in the schools where the children of parents who support open borders attend, I would support that.

The fact is that it is costly to the taxpayer to bring these kids up to standards. It its also time consuming, with many of these children being enrolled in the most at risk schools instead of the schools with the most resources.

For illegals, the ER is their doctor and the law says everybody must be treated, but with no way to track illegals, who pays the bill. If you could go to the ER for treatment (and be admitted to the hospital for procedures) without cost, would you want to be tracked so you pay the bills? No only does the taxpayer pay the school bill, but he pays the hospital bill as well in the way of higher taxes and higher insurance premiums, co-pays and deductibles. This long with straining the resources of our healthcare system.

With modern travel, open borders mean more than the poor folks from Mexico and Central America coming our way, Asia and Africa, are within easy reach. Are we really ready for the health impact of millions of un-screened immigrants? Just look at the health issues from Haiti.

When I was teenager my family immigrated to Canada. We had go through a process, including health screens, before we could immigrate. Many point to the great immigration to this country that came through Ellis Island as a model of open borders. However, Ellis Island was carried out health screening and many immigrants were sent back to their home country. Those who were granted residents in the US were not guaranteed healthcare, schooling or a social support net.

If illegal immigration is unchecked, we are going to see poorer Americans with less and less healthcare options. Next time we go to the hospital, we need to tell them our name is Jose and we got no Social Security card.


PS Don't get me started on driving without a license, insurance or even proper registration, or running back over the border when you have a bad car accident, not to mention how the insured driver is left with the bill even if he did not cause the accident.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
1/11/19 10:03 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Mat, I mostly agree with you. The president has been focused on statistics about violent crime which sound impressive but really aren't upon closer investigation, since that makes a good emotional appeal to get people worked up about there being a "national emergency". But you're right that the real cost of illegal immigration is economic.

That said, you seem to be suggesting that I am in favor of open borders, or that people who oppose the president's vision are in favor of open borders. I am sure there are some Democrats who are in favor of completely open borders, but for the most part, that is a straw man.

Personally, I am not only opposed to open borders, but I support the construction of a wall. I also support enhancing E-Verify and other common sense measures that will help the US reduce illegal immigration. I also support making it much easier to become a legal immigrant.
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1/11/19 10:11 am

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Post UncleJD
Its funny how all the feel-good, every country is just as good or better than America, folks never look at the damage done to those countries when their best an brightest leave it. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/11/19 10:15 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
Its funny how all the feel-good, every country is just as good or better than America, folks never look at the damage done to those countries when their best an brightest leave it.

There's also the fact that many millennials have families but can't afford to move out of their parents' house because of underemployment, high college debt, and the other extreme economic challenges facing young adults today. Many of these same folks are eager to see border restrictions relaxed.

I am sure their empathy for the plight of people in underdeveloped countries is genuine and sincere. I know that mine is. But money doesn't grow on trees, the US isn't God, and we can't make life better for everyone. That sucks, frankly. I wish we could. But it's reality nonetheless.
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1/11/19 10:20 am

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Post Mat
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Mat, I mostly agree with you. The president has been focused on statistics about violent crime which sound impressive but really aren't upon closer investigation, since that makes a good emotional appeal to get people worked up about there being a "national emergency". But you're right that the real cost of illegal immigration is economic.

That said, you seem to be suggesting that I am in favor of open borders, or that people who oppose the president's vision are in favor of open borders. I am sure there are some Democrats who are in favor of completely open borders, but for the most part, that is a straw man.

Personally, I am not only opposed to open borders, but I support the construction of a wall. I also support enhancing E-Verify and other common sense measures that will help the US reduce illegal immigration. I also support making it much easier to become a legal immigrant.

Yes, stronger E-Varify, heavy fines for employers who sub-contract to undocumented workers, restrictions on school admittance and a host of other measures would help. The problem is that once the immigrant comes into this country illegally, there is an under-the-table-economy they can earn income in, while taking advantage of taxpayer supported benefits like road, schools, hospitals, and in some states food stamps and housing. This, while the taxpaying citizen is seeing his healthcare options disappearing and his tax bill rising.

Acts Enthusiast
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1/11/19 12:04 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
One important thing to note is that E-Verify is currently completely offline because of the shutdown. It is IMO one of the most effective enforcement measures against illegal immigration, and right now it's dead in the water. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/11/19 12:14 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
One important thing to note is that E-Verify is currently completely offline because of the shutdown. It is IMO one of the most effective enforcement measures against illegal immigration, and right now it's dead in the water.

Agricultural interests in northwerst Volusia County, Florida laugh at everify. They simply pay under the table, asking no questions.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/11/19 12:34 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Agricultural interests in northwerst Volusia County, Florida laugh at everify. They simply pay under the table, asking no questions.

And illegal immigrants just tunnel under walls and cut holes in fences. Does that mean we shouldn't have walls and fences, or that they aren't effective at deterring illegal immigration?
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Posts: 13654
1/11/19 12:35 pm

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