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Shane Vaughn...he's back
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Post Shane Vaughn...he's back Tom Sterbens
I had a close friend send me this who fo course had never heard of our "BlessedInMississippi" friend. LOL (I think that was his screen name...)
Dear Lort...

The only thing worse is if "Yo Dude" shows up again!

Last edited by Tom Sterbens on 11/12/20 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
11/12/20 11:14 am

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Post He actually has it largely right... Aaron Scott
In a contingency election, each state represented in the House of Representatives gets ONE VOTE.

However, I don't think there's a chance it's going to the HoR.

in 1800, Jefferson and Burr were tied (the one who received the most electoral votes became president; second place was vice-president). They were deadlocked, I think, 35 times...then someone abstained or whatever and Jefferson won (you might recall that Burr killed Hamilton in a duel--what you might not know is that Burr was later tried for, I think, treason, due to the claim he was going to try to take land from Mexico and start another country--he was not convicted, but he was largely ruined).

In 1824, Henry Clay got the HoR to go with John Quincy Adam rather than Andrew Jackson. When Adams took office, he appointed Henry Clay as Secretary of State. Jackson supporters called this the "corrupt bargain," and it was used to sweep Jackson into office at the next election.

In my mind, and from reading "American Lion" (about Andrew Jackson), Trump's adminstration greatly mirrors Jackson's. It was about the "common folks" gaining more power. The elite looked down on Jackson and his supporters with disgust, and Jackson was more than happy to eviscerate them all (and he did so, with two terms, and his VP, Martin van Buren, following).

Not a fan of Vaughn's theology, but his political commentary is pretty good.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/12/20 11:57 am

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Post UncleJD
I'm a big fan of his theology. I don't believe any of it, but it is entertaining. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/12/20 12:07 pm

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Post Re: He actually has it largely right... Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
In a contingency election, each state represented in the House of Representatives gets ONE VOTE.

However, I don't think there's a chance it's going to the HoR.

in 1800, Jefferson and Burr were tied (the one who received the most electoral votes became president; second place was vice-president). They were deadlocked, I think, 35 times...then someone abstained or whatever and Jefferson won (you might recall that Burr killed Hamilton in a duel--what you might not know is that Burr was later tried for, I think, treason, due to the claim he was going to try to take land from Mexico and start another country--he was not convicted, but he was largely ruined).

I thought it was a rather large tract of land considered Florida at this time, under Spain at that time.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/12/20 3:40 pm

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Post Re: He actually has it largely right... Link
Aaron Scott wrote:

In my mind, and from reading "American Lion" (about Andrew Jackson), Trump's adminstration greatly mirrors Jackson's. It was about the "common folks" gaining more power. The elite looked down on Jackson and his supporters with disgust, and Jackson was more than happy to eviscerate them all (and he did so, with two terms, and his VP, Martin van Buren, following).

Trump is probably more like Jackson than Lincoln in some ways. Both were/are rough-around-the-edges guys that a lot of people thought were not the right kind of man to be president. Jackson had been in duels. Trump insults people.

Henry Clay, my distant cousin, upset Jackson so much that one of his regrets was not having killed Henry Clay. One of the issues that came up in the election was that Jackson's wife had been married before and allegedly divorced her husband to marry Jackson. That was back when a large segment of the population still had marital morals and that was a big deal. She became a religious woman as she got older.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/12/20 3:45 pm

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Post Link
If Republican secretaries of state refuse to certify the election, can they force it into the house? Is that legal? If they do it anyway, they could face political and legal repercussions, and there could be some pretty bad protests on the streets. Doing such things could invite retaliation from Democrats in the future, but as long as Republicans hold a majority of states in presidental elections, that might not work. We could also see quite a backlash from the public if this happened. Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/12/20 3:47 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I was shocked when a local friend sent me the video of Shane. Shocked Shocked I just haven't taken the time to post it. He must be getting a lot of airplay.

If what he says actually happens, it is going to cause major problems in the US. God's people really need to be in prayer.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
11/12/20 7:43 pm

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Post a half million views.... 1/10 of a cent for each view.... caseyleejones
$500 so far in a few days. Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
11/12/20 9:06 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Shane is resilient. How many iterations has he had ? Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
11/12/20 10:57 pm

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Post UncleJD
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/13/20 9:13 am

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Post Link... Aaron Scott
Link wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:
In a contingency election, each state represented in the House of Representatives gets ONE VOTE.

However, I don't think there's a chance it's going to the HoR.

in 1800, Jefferson and Burr were tied (the one who received the most electoral votes became president; second place was vice-president). They were deadlocked, I think, 35 times...then someone abstained or whatever and Jefferson won (you might recall that Burr killed Hamilton in a duel--what you might not know is that Burr was later tried for, I think, treason, due to the claim he was going to try to take land from Mexico and start another country--he was not convicted, but he was largely ruined).

I thought it was a rather large tract of land considered Florida at this time, under Spain at that time.

There are varying accounts. Some indicate that it was land within the Louisiana Purchase (very new)...or that it was to become the emperor of Mexico (by taking it from Spain), which would than have included much of the American West and Southwest, and some evidence (after he left for Europe) indicates that it was Florida and/or the Caribbean the he was aiming for.

Nothing solid--at all--has been found. It seems that at least part of the matter was politically driven.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/13/20 12:47 pm

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Post Link... Aaron Scott
Link wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:

In my mind, and from reading "American Lion" (about Andrew Jackson), Trump's adminstration greatly mirrors Jackson's. It was about the "common folks" gaining more power. The elite looked down on Jackson and his supporters with disgust, and Jackson was more than happy to eviscerate them all (and he did so, with two terms, and his VP, Martin van Buren, following).

Trump is probably more like Jackson than Lincoln in some ways. Both were/are rough-around-the-edges guys that a lot of people thought were not the right kind of man to be president. Jackson had been in duels. Trump insults people.

Henry Clay, my distant cousin, upset Jackson so much that one of his regrets was not having killed Henry Clay. One of the issues that came up in the election was that Jackson's wife had been married before and allegedly divorced her husband to marry Jackson. That was back when a large segment of the population still had marital morals and that was a big deal. She became a religious woman as she got older.

Jackson's wife died shortly before he took office. He always blamed it on the fact that her morality had been questioned. Depending on who you read, they either thought the divorce was final before marrying (but were wrong) or they married anyway. Either way, Jackson never forgave his political enemies for her death, blaming them for it regardless.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/13/20 12:50 pm

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Post Well golly.....friend of mine sent me the same video.... caseyleejones
.......I too didn't want to list my involvement with this..... Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
11/13/20 7:09 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
One thing you have to say about Shane is he’s got an enormous amount of self confidence. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/13/20 10:17 pm

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Post Re: Shane Vaughn...he's back georgiapath
[quote="Tom Sterbens"]SMH...
I had a close friend send me this who fo course had never heard of our "BlessedInMississippi" friend. LOL (I think that was his screen name...)
Dear Lort...

The only thing worse is if "Yo Dude" shows up again!

It's 2020, anything can happen. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Posts: 7604
11/14/20 8:32 am

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Post he's back BishopsWife
yes, he's back with a new wife. He's promoting his video big time. His previous wife, Michelle has been married 3 times since, had a child outside of marriage .. and in "ministry" again as well; maybe a new season like Paula W?? Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1814
11/18/20 3:59 pm

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Post Re: he's back UncleJD
BishopsWife wrote:
yes, he's back with a new wife. He's promoting his video big time. His previous wife, Michelle has been married 3 times since, had a child outside of marriage .. and in "ministry" again as well; maybe a new season like Paula W??

His wife posted the saddest thing I've ever read a wife write about a husband outside of physical abuse. It was during his "men are far superior to women" tirade. I've felt very sorry for her ever since.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/18/20 5:08 pm

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Post Re: he's back Carolyn Smith
UncleJD wrote:
BishopsWife wrote:
yes, he's back with a new wife. He's promoting his video big time. His previous wife, Michelle has been married 3 times since, had a child outside of marriage .. and in "ministry" again as well; maybe a new season like Paula W??

His wife posted the saddest thing I've ever read a wife write about a husband outside of physical abuse. It was during his "men are far superior to women" tirade. I've felt very sorry for her ever since.

Yes, I remember that night. Very sad.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
11/19/20 1:18 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
11/19/20 1:20 am

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Post Carolyn Aaron Scott
Carolyn Smith wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
BishopsWife wrote:
yes, he's back with a new wife. He's promoting his video big time. His previous wife, Michelle has been married 3 times since, had a child outside of marriage .. and in "ministry" again as well; maybe a new season like Paula W??

His wife posted the saddest thing I've ever read a wife write about a husband outside of physical abuse. It was during his "men are far superior to women" tirade. I've felt very sorry for her ever since.

Yes, I remember that night. Very sad.

I don't recall this part. What exactly was written/said?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/19/20 2:11 pm

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