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Benny Hinn Said What? (L)
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Post Benny Hinn Said What? (L) Carolyn Smith
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
2/23/18 12:15 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
While it would be very encouraging to see Benny Hinn repent from his long career of teaching for shameful gain the things that he ought not, there doesn't seem to be a lot of truth or repentance in this article.

There seems to be a lot of denial about the actual lavishness of his lifestyle. Benny Hinn's own nephew, Costi, who grew up in the family business but left it when God saved him, has been open and transparent about the lifestyle he lived as a Hinn. He talks about flights on private Gulfstreams and hotels that were $25,000 per night. In his new book, he mentions how he would shop in the finest stores every single time he was in Los Angeles. It was a life of abject luxury, and according to Costi, it was built by "taking advantage of [people], exploiting the poor, using our greed, squeezing every last dollar out of people so we could live the way they could never [live]." But here Hinn downplays all that, as he always does, and says, yes, I may have gone a bit too far with the prosperity teaching, but I don't live as lavishly as people say.

To see what true repentance from the prosperity gospel looks like, I would recommend an article on the same website about Costi Hinn:

I hope that Benny is one day able to experience true repentance from his teachings, because he is right about one thing: his day of judgment is coming, as it is for all of us. May God grant all of us grace to believe the true gospel and receive everlasting life in Him.
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2/23/18 6:44 am

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Post bradfreeman
It sounds like he has changed his views and dialed back his lifestyle. Good for him!
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2/23/18 9:56 am

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Post UncleJD
bradfreeman wrote:
It sounds like he has changed his views and dialed back his lifestyle. Good for him!

I hope so. Jim Baker did, he is 180 degrees from the prosperity doctrine.
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2/23/18 10:06 am

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Post Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
bradfreeman wrote:
It sounds like he has changed his views and dialed back his lifestyle. Good for him!

I hope so. Jim Baker did, he is 180 degrees from the prosperity doctrine.

Agreed, Repentance starts somewhere! Thumb Up

I have been a critic of Hinn, I do like it when someone sees the light. Mama said the proof is in the pudding! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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2/23/18 11:59 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
He really doesn’t denounce the prosperity message in the quoted portion. He only admitted to taking it a bit too far. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
2/23/18 1:26 pm

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Post bradfreeman
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
He really doesn’t denounce the prosperity message in the quoted portion. He only admitted to taking it a bit too far.

He was very specific in saying his view is that God doesn't want us to lack.
Sounds like a pretty solid take on Phil 4:19 to me.
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2/23/18 4:51 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
He really doesn’t denounce the prosperity message in the quoted portion. He only admitted to taking it a bit too far.

No he doesn't denounce or reject it. He could legitimately still believe 98% of it, an honestly say he took it a bit too far with the 2%.

Its honestly difficult to believe that so many COG folk is so GULLIBLE to believe, an keep on believin in this kinda stuff, even after failure ad nauseam .
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
2/23/18 7:53 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I'm not sure why it seems plausible that the nephew has changed his mind and repented, but Benny couldn't possibly do that.

That Benny Hinn would even hint he could have been wrong about what he taught is quite a statement, IMHO. And it sounds to me as though he & Jim Bakker were caught in the same trap that lead them where they were. Jim Bakker says in his book, "I Was Wrong" that he was so busy, he didn't have time to spend with God or really studying, and a lot of his messages were simply leftovers from other preachers. But...he had a lot of time in prison to read the words of Jesus, and he discovered that Jesus didn't have much good to say about riches or rich people. He wrote down every word of Jesus by hand while he was in prison. Prison was actually a gift to Jim, though, because it caused him to realize he was wrong about a lot of things.

I'm not gullible or stupid. I used to follow Benny Hinn's ministry many years ago, and I went to couple of his meetings with my sister-in-law, who was saved and filled with the Spirit through his ministry. Perhaps he hasn't really repented...but do you see any other televangelists making this statement?

One of my pastors used to say, "Eat the meat and spit the bones." Glean what is good and reject the rest. If you have a firm foundation in the Word, I believe you can do that.

I am a "mercy" person. I believe in grace, and I believe His grace is abundant. I would rather forgive you than hold your feet to the fire for wrong-doing. But that's just me. I am just glad I don't have to get that grace from y'all.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
2/24/18 9:43 am

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Post Cojak
You must agree with Carolyn here. I do not watch TV, but this is a first report of ANY of the prosperity gospel enthusiast I have read even hint they were wrong.

I was a strong supporter of PTL and the basic idea. It was a great place for Christian families to go and relax with like minded people. I was very disappointed in Jim, because he was the glue that held the IDEA together. If you lived and worked around Charlotte you would have been blind not to know that the paper, "The Charlotte Observer" made it a mission to GET JIM! They and Satan did just that.

I read Jim's book. It was well written and I felt he had a HUGE change of heart. With Benny, I hope this is an HONEST heart felt change. I do give him credit for stating he went too far whether 1% or 90%. THERE WAS MOVEMENT in the right direction, in my opinion.

I thank GOD for that. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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2/24/18 10:44 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Just going by what Benny is quoted as saying in the article, no, he quite clearly has not repented/changed his mind about the prosperity gospel. He’s just saying he took it too far. I simply refer to what he said as quoted in the article. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
2/24/18 11:30 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Carolyn Smith wrote:
I'm not sure why it seems plausible that the nephew has changed his mind and repented, but Benny couldn't possibly do that.

Of course Benny could repent. Why couldn't he?

The point is that it doesn't appear that he has. Compare what he said to what Costi said. Costi demosntrates true repentance and remorse for ever having been a part of it -- he has renounced all of the teaching he participated in as false, abusive, and destructive and has embraced the true gospel of Jesus Christ. He didn't just say, yeah, maybe I took it a little far.

It's encouraging that he seems to be rethinking it. I very much hope he continues along this line and is able to embrace true repentance from this teaching.
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2/24/18 12:15 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Cojak wrote:
You must agree with Carolyn here. I do not watch TV, but this is a first report of ANY of the prosperity gospel enthusiast I have read even hint they were wrong.

In his book The Midas Touch, K Hagin argued for balance and sound teaching regarding money and wealth. In the same book, he said that Jesus was not poor, because he walked in prosperity according to the Abrahamic covenant.
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2/24/18 2:36 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Question: has Bro. Hinn taught a false gospel contradicting the Christian beliefs?
I know that many of you have a tough time with faith preachers but has Hinn done something or taught something that is anti-salvation?
Several of you have said he needs to repent.
Do you have facts (other than the story of his nephew) of sin that he needs to repent from?

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/24/18 2:44 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Do you have facts (other than the story of his nephew) of sin that he needs to repent from?

Well, he could start by repentin for usin a degree mill docterate--A PhD in theology. Son, ya can't help but horse laugh when ya see this kinda stuff, an some COG folk will continue to defend the person.
Acts-pert Poster
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2/24/18 2:50 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Do you have facts (other than the story of his nephew) of sin that he needs to repent from?

Is there a particular reason you're throwing out Costi's testimony?

Aside from that, the man's teaching speaks for itself. Do some reading. Listen to some sermons.
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2/24/18 3:11 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Do you have facts (other than the story of his nephew) of sin that he needs to repent from?

Is there a particular reason you're throwing out Costi's testimony?

Aside from that, the man's teaching speaks for itself. Do some reading. Listen to some sermons.

You didn't answer my questions.
Yes I do have a particular reason & I won't go in to too much detail.
I've met Bro. Hinn & I've spent a little time with some of his ministry team & his security detail. Thats another story to itself.
If you spent some time with some of my nephews/nieces you might get a biased/slanted view of how things are run here at FCC (other family members would tell you different) but that doesn't mean it's the whole truth, unless you're looking for something to be wrong or you question the validity of our ministry. When we see something wrong we try to correct it asap, in fact we recently had the AB come in & handle a situation that needed state office discipline.
I'm not trying to defend Hinn but I am asking for evidence to substantiate the notion that he needs to repent or maybe for some people to offer proof to support these claims.

When we met them it wasn't a controlled environment & they were in their own element but I spoke with & witnessed a B. Hinn who was passionate about his calling & ministry other words there were no cameras & he carried himself with dignity.
No I do not agree with all of his teachings & some of it seems to be kind of silly but I have spent time with them & I didn't come away feeling as though he didn't belong to our evangelical circle.
He operates on a diff level & I for one would not want to be in his shoes, but I have seen a private side of him that was as genuine as it gets.

Maybe somebody has some good evidence other than here-say or a suggestion to do a Google search.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/24/18 3:40 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Yes I do have a particular reason & I won't go in to too much detail.

Okay. Well, absent that detail, I'm going to go with the witness of the guy who proclaims the simple, straightforward, orthodox gospel of Christ and Him crucified over the guy who has spent his career preaching health and wealth heterodoxy and worse.
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2/24/18 3:59 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Not to mention Benny Hinn went through a very public divorce and has since remarried his wife. It would have been a lot easier to start over with someone else. I think this signifies there is some redemption at work in the man.

If you also recall, he submitted himself to Jack Hayford and others when he was under a lot of criticism 20 years or so ago. They gave him suggestions of things he could do to improve the way he conducted his ministry, like not throwing his coat at people. And he listened...and took their suggestions to heart. This sounds to me like a man who is honestly searching for the best way to serve the Lord.

We want it all to be black and white, but the truth is God uses imperfect people. He used William Branham and AA Allen and Thea Jones and AJ Tomlinson. Imperfect people that God shone through for a season...even people like us.

The BH services I attended taught me one thing. Sure there were people there who were caught up with the celebrity and the drama. But the thing that drew my attention was how the service was conducted. There were several segments to the service, just like in our churches - music, testimonies, offering, preaching...but the one thing that was constant was that in between each segment, there was worship. A testimony about healing was followed by a chorus or hymn that everyone knew, not the more modern songs, but songs like "Amazing Grace" and "Reach out & touch the Lord." Every single time a segment ended, the people were immediately directed back into worship. And it is in the atmosphere of worship that our God shows up and shows out. "He inhabits the praise of His people."

Maybe it didn't have anything to do with BH. Maybe it had to do with the fact that people came believing in faith that God would touch them, and as they worshiped...they were healed.

I've also always remembered a line from the TV movie made about Jim Bakker. "Some follow the messenger and endure the message. Some follow the message and endure the messenger."
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/24/18 5:14 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I'm going to go with the witness of the guy who proclaims the simple, straightforward, orthodox gospel of Christ and Him crucified over the guy who has spent his career preaching health and wealth heterodoxy and worse.

Any day a the week, me too Dave.
Acts-pert Poster
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2/24/18 8:23 pm

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