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Why Won't God Let Us Know How A Choice Will Turn Out? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Why Won't God Let Us Know How A Choice Will Turn Out? Aaron Scott
Notice something: Even if you make the best choice you know how to make...there is no guarantee that it will turn out well. These choices can run the gamut from what college to attend, what job to accept, what person to marry, whether to have children (or how many to have), what pastorate to accept, what vacation to take, on and on and on....

Don't you find that odd? I mean, think how wonderful our lives could be if we had any more than a vague inkling of just how a choice would turn out. Yet all that God allows us to do, it seems, is find out we made a mistake...and (it is hoped) learn from it.

If I had the power to give my son insight into just which choices would turn out and which ones wouldn't, why wouldn't I do that?

Think of the drug addict or alcoholic who, having not really grasped just how bad it would all turn out, is now in the grip of bondage.

Think of the unhappy married couple. They thought that getting married was a good idea. In fact, they even married Christians! But they are miserable.

Why do we only have hindsight when we could make much better decisions by having foresight or foreknowledge?

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and warn yourself of some things? Or perhaps warn someone else?

Consider that God would likely have a whole lot more people get saved if they could truly KNOW (like we know the past) that this or that decision will send them to hell or make their life a misery or deeply hurt someone, on and on.

Is it because God is unable to give us such insight? What do you think might be the reason why such a gift would not be given to us?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
9/12/17 5:03 pm

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Post Cojak
I want to tell you my brother, that is too much thinking. But since I ain't never made the wrong decision, it is hard to wrap my mind around this.
Well maybe that one when I thought I was a preacher. I did waste my time and that of some wonderful folk who put up with me. But that was the only one. Well maybe......

I do get what you are saying, and I have prayed and prayed over a decision and I have NEVER felt like God said, this is the right one. So to change that I would have to be on an audible basis with the Lord.

Okay it was the wrong decision to try to comment here,"cause there ain't no answer, is there?"
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
9/12/17 9:11 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
We must walk by faith, not by sight. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
9/13/17 11:43 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Aaron, no decision is foolproof, so to speak, because other people's free will is involved, and there are circumstances in this fallen world that are beyond our control, but for a person who is willing to embrace wisdom, sound decisions can be made. If you read the first chapter of Proverbs, you see that Wisdom is calling out to those who will listen to her. Those who heed her counsel will be satisfied with their decisions. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/14/17 7:38 am

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Post Re: Why Won't God Let Us Know How A Choice Will Turn Out? Nature Boy Florida
Aaron Scott wrote:
Notice something: Even if you make the best choice you know how to make...there is no guarantee that it will turn out well.

Don't you find that odd?

Why is it odd?

Are you guaranteed an easy, mistake free life if you are a Christian?

In project management, we often say, we did everything right and on schedule, but didn't get the right result...because there were events we couldn't control. We controlled the ones that we knew about, and that could be controlled. But everything doesn't fall into that category.

Could you control Adam and Eve sinning?

That drunk driver plowing through a red light...did you have control over him?

Are you immune or have enough faith to keep all problems from occurring?

Even if you have "great faith" does it guarantee an easy, mistake free life?

Does the Holy Spirit sometimes pray for our faith and strength instead of our deliverance? Did the Holy Spirit show Paul bound - and then send him directly into the place where he would be bound? Would you grieve the Holy Spirit and tell him that will never happen to you?

Would Jesus have to say, get thee behind me Satan?

Are you living in heaven yet?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/14/17 10:25 am

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Post Re: Why Won't God Let Us Know How A Choice Will Turn Out? Old Time Country Preacher
Aaron Scott wrote:
Notice something: Even if you make the best choice you know how to make...there is no guarantee that it will turn out well.


If the power of life and death is in the tongue..............

An ifn ya can git 2 or 3 to agree with ya on a thing......

An ifn ya just don't accept it ifn it ain't what ya want.............

An ifn he gives a feller the desires a ya heart..........

An ifn ya speak to the mtn an command it to go............

Hey, it will turn out exactly as ya desire 100% a the time.

Ummmm, that is, ifn woffie theology really does work.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/14/17 11:17 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Well I declare! [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
9/14/17 11:24 am

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