John Starns, the gospel singer, was selling real estate in Tennessee the last I checked.
I think I started a thread a few years back on careers that would be good for bi-vocational preachers. Training seems a good match, public speaking skills for example, but it could be hard to start a company that just does soft skills, at least in rural areas and small towns. John Maxwell offers training, and it's not cheap if you go the business route. He's a top leadership consultant, and it is possible to get the training and use his brand to offer leadership training. He talks about his pastoral ministry some in his training.
Selling funeral plots might actually align with ministry opportunities, too, especially for those who are good at dealing with grieving relatives. You can talk to people about how they are going to die. It might be good for personal evangelism, too. _________________ Link |
Acts-perienced Poster Posts: 11849 1/12/18 3:40 am