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Changes you full expect to see in the COG in the next 20 years Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Changes you full expect to see in the COG in the next 20 years roughridercog
As my generation retires, dies off, and passes from the scene.

What do you in reality expect to change?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
2/10/19 10:34 am

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Post Re: Changes you full expect to see in the COG in the next 20 years skinnybishop
roughridercog wrote:
As my generation retires, dies off, and passes from the scene.

What do you in reality expect to change?

Great question.

Removing all restrictions on female ministers is a given, and I expect this to be passed by 2022, at the latest. My question is, what will be the next cause, after this milestone is reached?

I think we will see more restrictions/quotas on the Council of 18.
At least 2 women, 2 young people, 1 person from every continent, 2 left handed people, etc.
Eddie Wiggins
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2/10/19 10:44 am

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Post Re: Changes you full expect to see in the COG in the next 20 years Dean Steenburgh
skinnybishop wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
As my generation retires, dies off, and passes from the scene.

What do you in reality expect to change?

Great question.

Removing all restrictions on female ministers is a given, and I expect this to be passed by 2022, at the latest. My question is, what will be the next cause, after this milestone is reached?

I think we will see more restrictions/quotas on the Council of 18.
At least 2 women, 2 young people, 1 person from every continent, 2 left handed people, etc.

If the cause to allow women to become Ordained Bishops in the CoG is seen as a negative cause then I guess our Big Sister (A/G's) has had it wrong for nearly 100 years. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Outside of a couple of changes regarding roles of men & women in ministry I look for the majority of changes to accommodate technology.
I don't have any fears of uprising social changes that will invade like a virus.
God allowed the CoG to arise "Like A Mighty Army" & I'm sure He'll keep us safe from the pressure to succumb to this anxiety prone society.
As my dad said a few days before he passed on 11/9/2018 "God's got this!"

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

Email me at:

Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/10/19 4:27 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Interesting question and the way l look at it is what has happened in the last 20 years? Not that much. I expect it not to change a whole lot. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
2/10/19 4:32 pm

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Post Some thoughts.... Aaron Scott
I expect women to be permitted into the General Council no later than 2024. This may not be due to being granted bishop status, but rather granted access if they are Ordained.

I expect it to take some getting used to. Men and women don't always speak the same language. If a woman says something sharp to a man--one that would sting if from another male--I think that in some cases a man will stand down (not a good thing) out of respect...and in some cases, will hit back hard (still not a good thing), which can make for extreme discomfort.

Within 20 years, assuming the Lord tarries and there is even a Church of God, I think we will see the following:

A merger or proto-merger with our sister organization, the Church of God of Prophecy. (By the way, the Assemblies of God is our big sister only in the sense of size, not age.)

An expanding of the General Assembly to either meet in other countries every so often, to permit some form of internet access/voting (so pretty much everyone can be included), to allow other countries/regions to host their own "General Assembly" with a degree of autonomy (e.g., so long as there is no break in doctrine), or may move to a representative Assembly, with, say, 10 ministers from each country/region who will debate and discuss any changes.

I also expect this to be problematic (I suppose any change is). As long as there is an strong element from the southeast, I imagine that there will arise issues of not wanting to fund things that they believe are contrary to the way the Churches of God want to do things. I don't know the numbers, but I wouldn't doubt that the southeast raises more tithe money than most Church of God countries--certainly enough to make waves.

Within 20 years, there will almost certainly be an effort (I don't know if it will make the agenda or not, but I wouldn't be surprised) to soften our stance on homosexuality. I don't think this will be anything like ordaining homosexuals, but it may call for a "more compassionate response" (which, in itself, is a good thing), but will eventually lead to greater questioning. It will almost certainly be argued that the whole Biblical thing was cultural expression due to the times. But that today, with our enlightened understanding of matters, we should consider some changes. This may arise in conjunction with some sort of genetic "proof" that it is congenital.

The General Overseer and the Assistants will be meted out based on region. And as we move to allowing internet voting, etc., the General Overseership, unless it is required by the Minutes (e.g., that someone from a different region must be selected after each GO's term ends), will move, probably forever, from being in the hands of Americans. The countries with larger Church of God populations will be ascendant. This is not in itself a bad thing, but it may lead to a break off, if the whole regional autonomy thing doesn't work out.

The MIP program will be revamped to specifically address issues that pastors face, as well as key skills they must have.

There will an attempt to require that each minister have a college education. This will lead to further weakening of the Pentecostal fervor of our denomination. NOT because Education is in itself bad, but because some of our professors are, to a significant degree, liberal. Further, being exposed to all sorts of criticism about the Bible and Pentecost in the course of their education, there will be a weakening of the belief in our exceptionalism and the seeming clear statements of scripture. (There is nothing wrong with criticism of these things, so long as there is an appropriate response to it in the teaching also.)


There will be a "revolt" against upper education, due to the perceived liberalism, political and religious, of some of the teaching and/or professors. Note: this will be the "perceived" view, not necessarily the correct one. All it takes is a handful of such professors to cause the whole to be tainted.

There are already two Churches of God in the U.S.--the very conservative churches...and pretty much everyone else. The uber-conservatives already go to separate Youth Camps and, often, Camp Meetings. (I cannot blame them about the Youth Camps--who wants to send their youth to camps where the girls can wear ffairly short shorts, while your girls have been taught that that is immodest? And who wants their boys in such an environment?) This may lead to a more official split, but since it is already such a small segment of the Church of God (hard to believe that almost every Church of God used to be this way), it will not make much of a difference, I don't think. What may cause trouble is if these church properties are not relinquished to them. If it were me, I would file suite based on the fact that I signed up under a certain understanding of the Bible/Minutes, and that I did not leave the Church of God, but they left me. Of course, if a local church remained with the Church of God for years after such changes, it might make it harder to make the case.

With the exception of a few 40-ish men and women, the passing of the Old Guard will be our last link to what I call the "classic Church of God." The one that had Ray H. Hughes, T.L. Lowery, Carl Richardson, Paul Henson, Paul L. Walker, Lamar Vest, etc. as key players.

When that link is gone, the mooring we had to certain understandings and views will be largely gone. For instance, there was a time when young ministers in the Church of God wanted to preach like a Hughes, Lowery, Richardson, Henson, etc. Today's generation--some never having heard even a TAPE of these giants--seem to aspire more to an Andy Stanley approach. Nothing wrong with that, but while it may draw more people, I cannot imagine it impacting people like our preacher heroes once did.

I'm sorry to be somewhat pessimistic. I love the Church of God. I truly love and respect our leaders (even if I disagree with them about the whole women in leadership thing--but which I will not oppose). Perhaps I am looking through eyes of doubt rather than faith. But I do think I am trying to look through eyes of realism. In any case, what I HOPE happens is that the Lord returns in 30 minutes (I need to finish this snack).
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/11/19 10:42 am

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Post sheepdogandy
"There are already two Churches of God in the U.S.--the very conservative churches...and pretty much everyone else. The uber-conservatives already go to separate Youth Camps and, often, Camp Meetings. (I cannot blame them about the Youth Camps--who wants to send their youth to camps where the girls can wear fairly short shorts, while your girls have been taught that that is immodest? And who wants their boys in such an environment?) This may lead to a more official split, but since it is already such a small segment of the Church of God (hard to believe that almost every Church of God used to be this way), it will not make much of a difference, I don't think. What may cause trouble is if these church properties are not relinquished to them. If it were me, I would file suite based on the fact that I signed up under a certain understanding of the Bible/Minutes, and that I did not leave the Church of God, but they left me. Of course, if a local church remained with the Church of God for years after such changes, it might make it harder to make the case."

The "holiness" congregations now represent a small minority in the Church of God based on my experience.

Many have already severed ties with Cleveland and have established Congregations independent of the C/G General Assembly. As is the case in the Assemblies of God as well.

Those who seek to retain their Church of God property will have a "Joe Chambers" experience. His argument was "They left me, I didn't leave what I joined". He lost in court.
If Joe had a multi-million dollar debt, I wonder if the state office would have worked out a deal?

Anyhow, after years of listening to Church of God ministers tell me "If they ever compromise on homosexuals, I'm gone". I doubt those with substantial salary and benefits would leave on any account.

I do not expect a major split that would effect Cleveland.
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
2/11/19 11:35 am

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Post Sheepdogandy... Aaron Scott
sheepdogandy wrote:
"There are already two Churches of God in the U.S.--the very conservative churches...and pretty much everyone else. The uber-conservatives already go to separate Youth Camps and, often, Camp Meetings. (I cannot blame them about the Youth Camps--who wants to send their youth to camps where the girls can wear fairly short shorts, while your girls have been taught that that is immodest? And who wants their boys in such an environment?) This may lead to a more official split, but since it is already such a small segment of the Church of God (hard to believe that almost every Church of God used to be this way), it will not make much of a difference, I don't think. What may cause trouble is if these church properties are not relinquished to them. If it were me, I would file suite based on the fact that I signed up under a certain understanding of the Bible/Minutes, and that I did not leave the Church of God, but they left me. Of course, if a local church remained with the Church of God for years after such changes, it might make it harder to make the case."

The "holiness" congregations now represent a small minority in the Church of God based on my experience.

Many have already severed ties with Cleveland and have established Congregations independent of the C/G General Assembly. As is the case in the Assemblies of God as well.

Those who seek to retain their Church of God property will have a "Joe Chambers" experience. His argument was "They left me, I didn't leave what I joined". He lost in court.
If Joe had a multi-million dollar debt, I wonder if the state office would have worked out a deal?

Anyhow, after years of listening to Church of God ministers tell me "If they ever compromise on homosexuals, I'm gone". I doubt those with substantial salary and benefits would leave on any account.

I do not expect a major split that would effect Cleveland.

It might be that the way to deal with this issue is for those "holiness" churches to take out large debt on their property in advance...and let the Church of God have it all if they take their property.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/11/19 12:14 pm

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Post Re: Sheepdogandy... Nature Boy Florida
Aaron Scott wrote:

It might be that the way to deal with this issue is for those "holiness" churches to take out large debt on their property in advance...and let the Church of God have it all if they take their property.

Right on Aaron.

This is sad - but it is exactly how it works.

And it teaches preachers not to be frugal and pay off their churches - but continually run a large debt. If you pay it off - then you have no leverage if you have a disagreement with the denomination - and will probably be "Kevin Wallaced" when you leave the denomination.

If Kevin had simply owed 5 - 10 million on his property - he could have had both campuses still.

One other option - they could see if the deed on their property was recorded properly with the state they are in.

If not - your local congregation may be the title holders to the deed - not the denomination. I don't believe every overseer and state worker has been as diligent as they should have been regarding this. Do you?

If they weren't - HQ gets nothing.
Twisted Evil
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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2/11/19 12:42 pm

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Post State Overseers Clint Wills
I think/hope that in the next 20 years we will be electing state overseers and that term-limits will AT LEAST be amended and at best be removed. Allow a state overseer to see things through or be voted out. But either way, hopefully we'd get people that are committed to their state, and desire to lead the pastors of their state more effectively. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5161
2/11/19 3:11 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
sheepdogandy wrote:
"There are already two Churches of God in the U.S.--the very conservative churches...and pretty much everyone else. The uber-conservatives already go to separate Youth Camps and, often, Camp Meetings. (I cannot blame them about the Youth Camps--who wants to send their youth to camps where the girls can wear fairly short shorts, while your girls have been taught that that is immodest? And who wants their boys in such an environment?) This may lead to a more official split, but since it is already such a small segment of the Church of God (hard to believe that almost every Church of God used to be this way), it will not make much of a difference, I don't think. What may cause trouble is if these church properties are not relinquished to them. If it were me, I would file suite based on the fact that I signed up under a certain understanding of the Bible/Minutes, and that I did not leave the Church of God, but they left me. Of course, if a local church remained with the Church of God for years after such changes, it might make it harder to make the case."

The "holiness" congregations now represent a small minority in the Church of God based on my experience.

Many have already severed ties with Cleveland and have established Congregations independent of the C/G General Assembly. As is the case in the Assemblies of God as well.

Those who seek to retain their Church of God property will have a "Joe Chambers" experience. His argument was "They left me, I didn't leave what I joined". He lost in court.
If Joe had a multi-million dollar debt, I wonder if the state office would have worked out a deal?

Anyhow, after years of listening to Church of God ministers tell me "If they ever compromise on homosexuals, I'm gone". I doubt those with substantial salary and benefits would leave on any account.

I do not expect a major split that would effect Cleveland.

And, when you speak of “holiness,” a lot of those congregations do not live a true holiness life when it comes to taking care of their temple. They don’t give 2 flips about living a healthy lifestyle as to honor God with treating the temple He has loaned them for a season. It’s mostly a works based religion. If we can only “live right” we can go to Heaven. Good luck with that because if you treat your bodies like a trash bump, you aren’t “living right.” So, I would never preach to those who do not judge others for their “sins,” but I do call out those who are very hypocritical in their lifestyle and judge others’ sins.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
2/11/19 3:23 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
Matthew 15:1 Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying,
2 "Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread."
3 He answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?
4 "For God commanded, saying, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.'
5 "But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God" --
6 'then he need not honor his father or mother.' Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition.
7 "Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:
8 'These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.
9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
10 When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, "Hear and understand:
11 "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."

Kind of covers it all, doesn't it? Shocked
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
2/12/19 12:20 pm

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Post Pointed to above ... Mat
Pointed out above in Aaron Scott's post was the thought that COG and COGOP might "form" some type of merger relationship. While I have expressed my thinking this would be a great witness, and commented on how this could come to past, here's an important step in my opinion.

In 2023, the 100th year anniversary of the 1923 split will be reached. I would like to see a united effort by both denominations, and perhaps those who are no longer in either both have personal history in both, plus educational standing (Dr. Harold Hunter and Dr. Billy Wilson come to mind), to study and review every piece of historic documents. I would hope, perhaps even prophesy, that an honest and brotherly study would be healing, bring both sides to a point of forgiveness and repentance.

This effort, with a goal of Christian unity, would bless all involved and strengthen the COG Movement's witness in the Kingdom of God and to the world at large. Yes, for some it would be a "hard pill" to sallow, and if would call for unlearning and changing many opinions held in both organizations. In consultation with many in the COGOP, and members of the Tomlinson family, and many in COG, I believe there is an openness.

If it leads to a reconciliation of denominations, I would be the first to say, it would not be an equal experience for the smaller COGOP. However, think of the Spiritual benefits for all involved. We often talk about moving in the prophetic, what is God saying to you, not your opinion, you're tradition, or your history, but what is the Spirit saying to the Church?


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2/12/19 12:47 pm

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Post UncleJD
I think the continued movement toward copy-cat catholicism will reach a point where they'll have arch-bishops, cardinals, and a pope. I'm not sure if a nunnery will be established in the next 20 years or if that will wait another 20. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
2/12/19 12:56 pm

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Post They do call Cleveland ... Mat
UncleJD wrote:
I think the continued movement toward copy-cat catholicism will reach a point where they'll have arch-bishops, cardinals, and a pope. I'm not sure if a nunnery will be established in the next 20 years or if that will wait another 20.

They do call Cleveland the Vatican of Pentecost. However, judging by the "Bishop, no Bishop" issue, there could be a return to the "low" church roots of the movement. It could happen brother!

Acts Enthusiast
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2/12/19 2:35 pm

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Post Expect to see it close cogcia
If other states are like ours I expect it to be closed down. Sad to be apart of a dying organization. It has felt like no one from Cleveland is listening. Friendly Face
Posts: 122
2/12/19 6:13 pm

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Post Do you expect an accredited earned degree roughridercog
To be a requirement for ordination?

Will this create an "educated elite?"
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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2/12/19 7:47 pm

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