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I thought I had entered a bar/strip club...
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Post I thought I had entered a bar/strip club... COGLayman
I entered the building. The lights were dimmed. The stage was black with spotlights focused on a line of performers (singers). They were moving all around and jumping up and down. No piano or organ here. Didn't look like anyone was dressed for church. I didn't recognize the music but it sounded like something on that contemporary rock station I recently heard. Only young folks on the stage performing although lots of older folks in the audience. The older folks looks like that didn't know what do to do. Then someone asked every to bring a $5, $10, or even $20 and drop it in front of the stage.

There didn't appear to be any alcohol, maybe it wasn't a bar after all. Then someone said welcome to "Camp Meeting". WOW!
Friendly Face
Posts: 256
7/24/19 9:57 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
At a strip club - some performers are naked. How many were naked? If none, perhaps your characterization should be restated.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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7/25/19 6:55 am

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I think I would have left as quickly as I could for fear of offending the Holy Ghost in me. My my my!!! Friendly Face
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7/25/19 8:30 am

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Post Brandon Bowers

Jesus only works within 1950-1970's southern United States Pentecostal Church culture.

Everything else is bad.

No one else is doing it right.

No one else made it to Heaven.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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7/25/19 10:43 am

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Post Cojak
Brandon Bowers wrote:

Jesus only works within 1950-1970's southern United States Pentecostal Church culture.

Everything else is bad.

No one else is doing it right.

No one else made it to Heaven.

Seems only FAIR! Shocked Shocked Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/25/19 10:54 am

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Post UncleJD
Not judging their hearts. But I don't care too much for it either. One place we visited, I walked in and started bumping into chairs and furniture because I couldn't see. I was walking down the isle like a blind man with my hands stuck out in front of me feeling for things. I just don't get it. But whatever. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/25/19 11:11 am

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Post Strip club? roughridercog
Wouldn't know.
Never been in one.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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7/25/19 11:57 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
UncleJD wrote:
Not judging their hearts. But I don't care too much for it either. One place we visited, I walked in and started bumping into chairs and furniture because I couldn't see. I was walking down the isle like a blind man with my hands stuck out in front of me feeling for things. I just don't get it. But whatever.

Agree on this.

I have bumped and fell twice in church.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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7/25/19 12:05 pm

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Post MrSippi
I thought I walked into a funeral home the other day. There was an organ and a piano. The lights were on bright and lots of flowers on the stage. The music was soft and they sang old hymns. It was mostly older people, with a few younger ones scattered throughout too. They talked a lot about the good old days. Imagine my surprise when someone took the microphone and said, welcome to church this morning. Friendly Face
Posts: 156
7/25/19 12:27 pm

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Post UncleJD
MrSippi wrote:
I thought I walked into a funeral home the other day. There was an organ and a piano. The lights were on bright and lots of flowers on the stage. The music was soft and they sang old hymns. It was mostly older people, with a few younger ones scattered throughout too. They talked a lot about the good old days. Imagine my surprise when someone took the microphone and said, welcome to church this morning.

They said the word "church"? I'm shocked! The modern term is "fellowship", or "experience", or something more seeker-friendly right?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/25/19 12:44 pm

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Post Re: I thought I had entered a bar/strip club... Link
COGLayman wrote:
I entered the building. The lights were dimmed. The stage was black with spotlights focused on a line of performers (singers). They were moving all around and jumping up and down. No piano or organ here. Didn't look like anyone was dressed for church. I didn't recognize the music but it sounded like something on that contemporary rock station I recently heard. Only young folks on the stage performing although lots of older folks in the audience. The older folks looks like that didn't know what do to do. Then someone asked every to bring a $5, $10, or even $20 and drop it in front of the stage.

There didn't appear to be any alcohol, maybe it wasn't a bar after all. Then someone said welcome to "Camp Meeting". WOW!

What does a strip club look like inside?
Acts-perienced Poster
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7/25/19 1:24 pm

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Post MrSippi... COGLayman
That was a good response. I've been to some churches like that also.

Link - I haven't been to a strip club but I've seen what they supposedly look like on TV.

I understand things change. We don't have to sing all 100 year old songs, but should our services sound just like the local hard rock station? with just a few different words? Should the church look like a bar or strip club?

One thing I think should be the same now as it was years ago is participation in the singing by those there. Now days it seems like a performance. Singers may be very talented but should it be a show? Or is the purpose for us all to worship to Lord together?

I understand we want to reach certain audiences and we can tweak things a little to reach them. But should we change 100%? Especially when this cause so many of our older folks to leave?
Friendly Face
Posts: 256
7/25/19 4:36 pm

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Post Re: I thought I had entered a bar/strip club... Tom Sterbens
COGLayman wrote:

There didn't appear to be any alcohol, maybe it wasn't a bar after all. Then someone said welcome to "Camp Meeting". WOW!

What camp meeting was it...where?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
7/25/19 8:22 pm

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Post Re: MrSippi... revuriah
COGLayman wrote:
That was a good response. I've been to some churches like that also.

Link - I haven't been to a strip club but I've seen what they supposedly look like on TV.

I understand things change. We don't have to sing all 100 year old songs, but should our services sound just like the local hard rock station? with just a few different words? Should the church look like a bar or strip club?

One thing I think should be the same now as it was years ago is participation in the singing by those there. Now days it seems like a performance. Singers may be very talented but should it be a show? Or is the purpose for us all to worship to Lord together?

I understand we want to reach certain audiences and we can tweak things a little to reach them. But should we change 100%? Especially when this cause so many of our older folks to leave?

I have a different take. What if the older people (and I’m steadily coming into that) are supposed to have a kingdom mindset that thinks of the current harvest with greater passion than the way we like to have church? What if we stopped mischaracterizing Gospel-driven people and their churches as worldly, rock concert, strip clubs and saw the passion to reach the lost in ways they can connect with? Let’s get them where they’ll hear the Gospel, repent of their sin, and be made new in Christ. It will require sacrificing some comforts. But I doubt we’ll be singing the Redback in glory, no more than we’ll be singing Hillsong.

Just my thoughts as a middle age preacher with teenage kids and an almost young adult daughter.
The World As I See It

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7/25/19 8:35 pm

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Post Cojak
If we are to survive, I mean as a Christian Tribe. Serving the Lord and spreading the Word, you first must GET THEM IN. Some may go over board. I'm old and freely admit I do not like smoke machines, dark lights Black ceilings, etc. BUT as long as it 'ain't' a sin, get them in.

I wrote awhile back we attended a Rock Church. I saw teenagers, young folk and some old folk moving in unison on a stage as they sang to the Lord. If my grand children or sons (45 yrs ago) had been on that stage on Sunday morning I would have been shouting. Those kids weren't in the gutter, or home nursing a headache or waking up with someone they did not know. They weren't out doing drugs.

After my boys left home they got into drugs, I am ashamed to admit I have had to get both of them out of jail. You bet I would have shouted had they been jumping on a stage in church. They are both doing well now, I hope you kids/ grands never end up on drugs and in jail, son that is an eye opener.

I have no idea the best roads to travel to get them in, but we MUST get them in! Many churches are not doing a great job of doing that at present. My prayer is God help us all to know what is needed to turn the youth around. Embarassed

I am not throwing stones, I can appreciate both Mrsippi, and COGLAYman's take. Been both places, I'm just saying we have got to make something work... Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/25/19 9:34 pm

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Post revuriah
Cojak wrote:
If we are to survive, I mean as a Christian Tribe. Serving the Lord and spreading the Word, you first must GET THEM IN. Some may go over board. I'm old and freely admit I do not like smoke machines, dark lights Black ceilings, etc. BUT as long as it 'ain't' a sin, get them in.

I wrote awhile back we attended a Rock Church. I saw teenagers, young folk and some old folk moving in unison on a stage as they sang to the Lord. If my grand children or sons (45 yrs ago) had been on that stage on Sunday morning I would have been shouting. Those kids weren't in the gutter, or home nursing a headache or waking up with someone they did not know. They weren't out doing drugs.

After my boys left home they got into drugs, I am ashamed to admit I have had to get both of them out of jail. You bet I would have shouted had they been jumping on a stage in church. They are both doing well now, I hope you kids/ grands never end up on drugs and in jail, son that is an eye opener.

I have no idea the best roads to travel to get them in, but we MUST get them in! Many churches are not doing a great job of doing that at present. My prayer is God help us all to know what is needed to turn the youth around. Embarassed

I am not throwing stones, I can appreciate both Mrsippi, and COGLAYman's take. Been both places, I'm just saying we have got to make something work... Crying or Very sad

Great post, Cojak!
The World As I See It

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7/26/19 6:04 am

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Post sheepdogandy
What about the Holy Ghost?

The one necessity that has been left out of this conversation.

You can invent new strategies and create appealing environments.

You can appreciate talent and technology.

Without the Holy Ghost.

You are just blowing air.

He draws.

He convicts.

He brings every type of person to Jesus.

He teaches.

He comforts.

Little wonder, Jesus said "wait".
Charles A. Hutchins
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7/27/19 4:03 pm

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sheepdogandy wrote:
What about the Holy Ghost?

The one necessity that has been left out of this conversation.

You can invent new strategies and create appealing environments.

You can appreciate talent and technology.

Without the Holy Ghost.

You are just blowing air.

He draws.

He convicts.

He brings every type of person to Jesus.

He teaches.

He comforts.

Little wonder, Jesus said "wait".

So VERY true.
Friendly Face
Posts: 387
7/27/19 8:27 pm

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Post Re: I thought I had entered a bar/strip club... Cojak
Tom Sterbens wrote:
COGLayman wrote:

There didn't appear to be any alcohol, maybe it wasn't a bar after all. Then someone said welcome to "Camp Meeting". WOW!

What camp meeting was it...where?

It could be hypothetical, couldn't it?...... maybe? ...... I hope!!!! Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/27/19 9:22 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
This AM.

One sister baptized in the Holy Ghost while she sang in the choir.

One brother healed of an eye injury.

Folks blessed from one end of the altar to the other.

Assistant Choir Director flies off the platform in a wide open run.

Choir Director follows him.

Etc, etc, etc.......

Pentecost beloved, I'll take it anytime!
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
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7/28/19 4:28 pm

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