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The teaching ministry...
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Post The teaching ministry... Cojak
I know there is Southern Gospel. I also know there is Southern Gospel preaching. It is hard for me (especially after losing my hearing) to understand our 'penchant' for 'southern preaching'.
I know people who have left a local church and have told me, "The pastor is a good teacher, but he cannot preach!"
The hurts, because I know exactly what they are saying.

I posted here how our pastor has started teaching on Wed and Sun nights. I have had several folks in conversations say how much they have learned thru the pastors teachings. I agree with them 100%.

Before I lost my hearing and could watch a preacher on TV my favorite was Bro Hayford, in a teaching atmosphere.

Of course Southern gospel preaching is okay for a deaf person on TV due to the professional sound crew and closed caption. OR a small church. LOL

In my opinion most of our Lord's Sermons, were in the vernacular of today, TEACHING!

I have visited several churches of commenters here on Acts, the services I attended I considered teaching vs preaching, and was blessed.

At my home church in NC, I have finally adjusted my hearing devices that I can understand our pastor, even when he preaches. Of course I did mess with his mind without knowing. When I adjust my devices a red light blinks above my ears for some reason and it is easily seen from 100 ft. He told me it did give him cause to wonder when he noticed it in the congregation.

Side note: We have enjoyed attending pretty regularly this year, but the wanderlust is raising it's head. We will start to travel soon.
BUT we do need more teaching nowadays.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/24/19 10:21 pm

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Post Re: The teaching ministry... Da Sheik
Cojak wrote:
I know people who have left a local church and have told me, "The pastor is a good teacher, but he cannot preach!"

I've heard this said all of my life of various pastors. They said this of my predecessor as well. It's a shame too because he is a very sharp individual and in my estimation a great communicator. But because he didn't scream, shout, and "hack" he made for a lousy "preacher".

I think it would be fascinating to travel back in time and see what the primitive worship services were like in the early church. It would probably be culture shock for most of us.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/25/19 11:30 am

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Post Re: The teaching ministry... Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:

I think it would be fascinating to travel back in time and see what the primitive worship services were like in the early church. It would probably be culture shock for most of us.
I think you are right on this. But I do not see any way of knowing. But I sure wish I could KNOW! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/25/19 8:28 pm

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Post FLRon
I know of a couple that wrote a letter to their pastor explaining why they were leaving the church to attend a different one across town. Their reason was their current church wasn't spiritual enough for them.

Translation: their pastor was a solid Bible teacher, but not a preacher in the classic Pentecostal sense of the word. I happened to read this letter as well as the pastor's written response to them. The pastor was stunned that they did not consider the teaching of God's word to be spiritual enough for them.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
10/1/19 7:17 am

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Post sheepdogandy
We need both.

Solid sound doctrine and fervent Spirit anointed exhortation.

I began a chronological study of the Bible on Wed nights a few years ago.

We have made it to the 19th chapter of Judges.

I will probably not live long enough to finish.

Contrast that to the Classical Pentecostal preaching we heard during our recent Youth Conference.


Learned that from Dr Daniel Black's Sunday School Literature many years ago.
Charles A. Hutchins
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Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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10/1/19 11:03 am

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Post Cojak
I wanted to bring this back. Our pastor changed our Sunday nite service to a Sunday afternoon service 4PM for his teaching.
Not long ago our services on Sun nite were 10-20 scattered over a large auditorium. COG folk have THEIR seats and ain't gonna move to a small gourp. LOL

I wanted to say here that Last Sunday night we had over 50 in attendance and it all worked well. Our pastor, Danny Peterson, is doing a fantastic job teaching.

We definitely need preaching, but preaching that can be understood by everyone. By understood, I mean the words of the WORD should be understood not just a running together of sentences that cannot be mentally interpreted as the train flies by. Embarassed Shocked Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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11/20/19 10:04 am

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Post Da Sheik
If you've got 50 coming out on a Sunday afternoon to hear biblical teaching, you've got a good thing going. Kudos to your pastor! Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
11/20/19 11:23 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Da Sheik wrote:
If you've got 50 coming out on a Sunday afternoon to hear biblical teaching, you've got a good thing going. Kudos to your pastor!

[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
11/20/19 7:35 pm

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
If you've got 50 coming out on a Sunday afternoon to hear biblical teaching, you've got a good thing going. Kudos to your pastor!

I'm smiling, we have the cutest little girl, about 12 years old. She takes notes like an adult, and after class she is always up to the pastor for one question. She is amazing.

And yes, it is an amazing group average probably about 38 which isn't bad.

We head south as snow birds now, and will miss our church. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/20/19 10:04 pm

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Post Link
I read a post somewhere, maybe here, the old Actcelerate or the CPI forum. IT was about a preacher who went out into the woods to practice preaching, who accidentally left his notes. Someone found his notes and at one point in the sermon it said, "Weak point. Slap pulpit and kick leg."

I don't mind Southern preaching if the preacher is saying something good and edifying and the method helps deliver the message well. I do not think it is good to equate emotion with anointing.

Often, 'preach' is used of words used in contexts where one is proclaiming the Gospel to those who have not believed it yet-- evangelizing. In fact, one of the words, or several of the words, translated 'preach.' is related etymologically to 'evangelize.' Occasionally, the KJV translates a word for 'teach' or 'discourse' as preach.

In the Bible, I see teaching believers and proclaiming the Gospel to unbelievers. I don't see where 'preach' means 'talk loud with a lot of hype and excitement." Again, I haven't got a problem with it if it is good for communicating.

Style and anointing aren't the same thing. When I went to one church when I was really small, it seemed like all the prophesying was done really loud and exuberantly. That probably had more to do with the ones prophesying than anything else. Later, I went to another church and heard reasonably loud prophesying addressed the the congregation. Later, I heard really 'read your mail' type prophesying in a very conversational tone of voice, not Southern Pentecostal at all.

Words spoken very calmly can be anointed, even prophetic. I do not believe style has all that much to do with it. Peter and John were bold after having been with Jesus and having been filled with the Holy Ghost. So there may be something to be said for boldness. But boldness and a loud style aren't the same thing either.

IMO, some Southern Pentecostals could benefit from some direct teaching on this subject, that loud doesn't equal anointed.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/24/19 10:50 pm

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Post Good teaching is interactive roughridercog
Not just opening up the tops of their heads and pouring facts inside. Preaching is usually not so (amens don't count).

Okay, let me take a deep breath.

Preaching is the big show, the pizzaz, the flash, the explosion. That's why for years all "good preaching" tended to sound alike. Be honest. Our idea of good preaching was often an imitation of style rather than content. One guys slaps someone on the head, and soon everyone is doing it. One guy snots and snorts and waves his coat around, and soon we are surrounded by a plethora of imitations.
Teaching style is harder to pin down. Every one of us can think of tons of preachers with their antics down through the years. But the guys we regard as great teachers of the Word are harder to account.
Why? They are often fewer in number.
We even have courses on how to,preach, but not how to teach.

Okay....I need a cup of coffee.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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11/25/19 8:01 am

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Post Re: Good teaching is interactive Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
Not just opening up the tops of their heads and pouring facts inside. Preaching is usually not so (amens don't count).

Okay, let me take a deep breath......
Okay....I need a cup of coffee.

I must comment here. On one of our 5 or 6 trips around and across country we stopped at RR's church one Sunday morning. We still remember fondly the round table teaching/discussion on that day. It was such a breath of fresh air.

Here we are talking about teaching, we will never forget the attentive listening group, it was one of those 'don't stop.' times.
Thanks for that time my brother! Razz
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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11/25/19 11:24 pm

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Post Preacher777
You nailed it Cojak. When people are so excited talking about an anointed service with everybody shouting, jumping, dancing and doing whatever but cannot remember what is preached it is often the result of people who are great at crowd psychology. Friendly Face
Posts: 434
11/26/19 7:11 am

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Post Link
Preacher777 wrote:
You nailed it Cojak. When people are so excited talking about an anointed service with everybody shouting, jumping, dancing and doing whatever but cannot remember what is preached it is often the result of people who are great at crowd psychology.

Or the people have bad memories.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/29/19 12:01 am

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Post Re: Good teaching is interactive Cojak
roughridercog wrote:

Preaching is the big show, the pizzaz, the flash, the explosion. That's why for years all "good preaching" tended to sound alike. Be honest. Our idea of good preaching was often an imitation of style rather than content. One guys slaps someone on the head, and soon everyone is doing it. One guy snots and snorts and waves his coat around, and soon we are surrounded by a plethora of imitations....
We even have courses on how to,preach, but not how to teach.

Okay....I need a cup of coffee.

Most of us who have been round many years have witnessed these 'techniques' (for lack of a better word) like teen-age fads where the teen says they are expressing themselves by doing 'exactly' what the other teens are doing.

I remember the 'sign of the cross' on the forehead in olive oil and also instead of the laying on of hands, the laying on of the Bible or Word. I see nothing wrong with the two statements or acts. It is the idea of some young ministers thinking that was the reason for the success in someone's ministry.

I remember successful revivals vividly as a preacher's kid. I remember many evangelists who prayed most of the day in their room or over at the church. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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11/29/19 11:02 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
I enjoy both styles, teaching and preaching. Depends on the preacher as to which is better.

I love to hear Perry Stone preach, but I have a hard time paying attention to his teaching.

The main person I'm listening to right now is Kevin Wallace. I enjoy his preaching style, which is the Southern gospel type, but there is a lot of substance in what he is saying. I have learned a lot from him in the last several months. So it CAN be both. Don't dismiss Southern gospel style preaching out of hand.

I know there is a call on my life, and I intend to follow the Lord's leading on this, but I really consider myself more of a teacher than a preacher. I've been teaching for over 20 years, and I'm really comfortable with that. I doubt I will ever preach in the Southern gospel style...and if I do, it will certainly be the Lord, not me.

Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. There are good things to be obtained from both.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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11/29/19 11:33 am

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Post A question for Cojak and others Preacher777

I remember successful revivals vividly as a preacher's kid. I remember many evangelists who prayed most of the day in their room or over at the church. Cool[/quote]

Cojak, thanks for the encouragement to keep a prayer focus. I didn't commit my life to Christ until 1983 and wasn't raised around any Pentecostals so I love the history lessons from people like you. I hear about the 1 and 2 week revivals and times of prayer at the altar. Did did the pastors and evangelists stress the importance of prayer and lead by example with prayer meetings much more back then than what we see today?
Friendly Face
Posts: 434
11/30/19 5:35 am

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Post Re: A question for Cojak and others Cojak
Preacher777 wrote:
Cojak wrote:

I remember successful revivals vividly as a preacher's kid. I remember many evangelists who prayed most of the day in their room or over at the church. Cool

Cojak, thanks for the encouragement to keep a prayer focus. I didn't commit my life to Christ until 1983 and wasn't raised around any Pentecostals so I love the history lessons from people like you. I hear about the 1 and 2 week revivals and times of prayer at the altar. Did did the pastors and evangelists stress the importance of prayer and lead by example with prayer meetings much more back then than what we see today?

The early evangelists stressed fasting and prayer. Many pastors stressed both especially before Revival time. I remember very well my dad missing meals before and many during the revivals. God is good!

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/30/19 10:30 am

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Post Bro Bob
We call it "The Sermon on the mount".

Matthew 5 verse 2 says plainly, "And he opened his mouth and taught them..."

Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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11/30/19 6:50 pm

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Post Cojak
Bro Bob wrote:
We call it "The Sermon on the mount".

Matthew 5 verse 2 says plainly, "And he opened his mouth and taught them..."


WOW, Point taken. Love it Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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11/30/19 6:59 pm

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